I've paid 154 BTC for selling a total of 189.3 BTC worth of physical coins. That is 81.5% of the debt has been repaid and I am consistently repaying the debt here. I am not debating the validity of the debt.
As promised I will keep sending coins as I sell physicals until this debt has been repaid.
You guys can keep posting here every day, claiming I am a scammer, while in the background I will keep sending Bracek coins to repay the debt. I have never scammed anyone before, nor do I plan on doing so.
Will post again when more coins are sent.
I think the confusing thing is whether you have paid 100% of the proceeds you have actually received from selling Bracek's coins (leaving aside any compensation you were getting for arranging the sale).
If you haven't, then that seems to be different from the agreed transaction (essentially sell Casascius coins on consignment), and also seems to imply that you do not have the funds to pay Bracek.
If you don't have the funds because you haven't sold the coins, or are awaiting payment, then its a different story.
If not, if I was Bracek, I would be concerned both that you changed the term of the deal, and also that I have no visibility into how you plan to obtain funds to pay me... Especially given that my counterparty is awaiting sentencing that include forfeiture, penalties and possibly jail time.
That makes sense, and concerning as well.
If you scroll to earlier posts, I addressed this. Originally the deal was for me to pay Bracek when I sell the coins. I got a little cocky early on and would pay him immediately upon receiving the physicals knowing I would be able to sell the coins. At this point, I still have some physicals coins that I already paid him for many weeks ago.
Unfortunately, our deal was not properly laid out. It did not go beyond "Pay me when you sell the coins". There was no contingency in place. I set a precedent by prematurely sending coins before I sold them. You can say that I effectively changed the deal to Braceks benefit by paying him earlier.
I do have enough physical coins to pay the rest of the debt. I mentioned earlier, I have sent over a dozen physical coins to be graded as well as privately selling coins on the forums. Every few days when I make a sale, I have been sending him the BTC, including this morning I sent another 2.
Personally I think you should go the extra mile in your repayment and make it worth bracek's time waiting. Otherwise you just got an interest free loan.
This thread is motivation for you to make things right with bracek and your debt. Only since this thread started did you really start to be responsive obviously to protect your image naturally. Remember this debt has been in the making since August. 3 months ago.
I've been paying back Bracek before this thread even started, and continued. In fact, most of the coins were sent to him before this thread was started.
You are more than welcome to call a spade a spade, call me a scammer, do whatever you want. I have never scammed anyone, always paid back debts and I dont plan on stopping now. The fact that I paid back over 80% can attest to that.
As for the delay, I am happy to pay the standard interest rate of prime + 1% in interest for the rest of the funds.
Currently, 35.3 BTC is left to be paid (out of 189.3)
4.25% (Prime 3.25% + 1%) = 1.5 BTC annually or effectively 0.03 weekly with compounding interest.
This is for the first 4 weeks:
Year Week Starting Value Multiplier Interest Earned End Value
0 1 35.30 0.0815113156885 % 0.03 35.33
0 2 35.33 0.0815113156885 % 0.03 35.36
0 3 35.36 0.0815113156885 % 0.03 35.39
0 4 35.39 0.0815113156885 % 0.03 35.42
After every payment, we will recalculate the interest.