I am using this code atm - ethdcrminer64.exe -epool coinotron.com:3344 -ewal X -esm 2 -epsw X -etha 0 -ethi 20 -estale 0 -allpools 1
My GPU load is 99-100%, MCU load - 90-93%
Is there a way to do it on the fly? Or do I have to ctrl+C the claymore miner all the time I want to run a change in command line code?
P.S. I am running gtx 970 in P0 mode at ~3900MHz memory clock with ~19MH/s
Default ethi is 8, lower is less load, you have it higher.... You can't change ethi or li on the fly (you can change dcri on the fly though...), but you could make 2 bat files... I mine on 470s, I can run them full out dual mining, and not even notice while working, watching movies etc. When had a 970 as display card though, it would lag the desktop while mining, not sure why the amd cards I have used don't lag. I can even (accidentally) mine on my cheap dual core APU without lag. If you have an APU, or Intel CPU with graphics, plug into that....
I use the old 7970 to mine Ethereum with the Claymore miners. It has quite big lag when it is used as the main display.
I do not know why.