I've had the Claymore miner running in Windows 7 for a month, on 2 GPU's. Quite happy.
Now I want to expand my little mining operation and add some Linux/Ubuntu machines.
I've had a terrible time getting the AMD drivers to work in Ubuntu 14.04. Ubuntu 16.04 does not support Crimson 15.12 and never will, according to what I've read.
- Are there plans to support the new AMDGPU drivers that are supported in 16.04 Ubuntu?
If anyone has a good set of instructions for bringing up a Linux machine to run Mining, I'd love to hear it. I'd even donate.
I've got $1K+ of hardware sitting idle because of this, and I'd prefer not to give Mr. Gates money for every machine I build.
I'm definitely not an expert, but I got it running by:
1.Loading 14.04
2.After loading going to "Software Updater" and installing all updates.
3.After updates are installed, go to "Software Center" and search for "AMD". Select and install fglrx-amdccle.
There were probably some reboots in there, but I had tried so many times before that I am not sure.
Here is my Linux start.bash .
export GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR=0
export GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE=100
'/home/miningrig/Downloads/Claymore'\''s Dual Ethereum+Decred_Siacoin AMD GPU Miner v5.3 Beta - LINUX/ethdcrminer64'
and config.txt
-epool us1.ethpool.org:3333
-ewal 0x7035134d51A949a4dD99FA4DA9b00F8A9F6fa1dA.rig1
-epsw x
-dpool stratum+tcp://stratum.decredpool.org:3333
-dwal manlabor.GPURig1
-dpsw xxxxx
-esm 1
-mode 0
-tt 80,80,80
I also just got it working using Linux mint 17.03 with a similar procedure. Linux mint is better looking than 14.04.
Now, I just need to figure out how to get more than 3 cards going on a motherboard and how to set these up 'headless'