
Topic: Claymore's Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v15.0 (Windows/Linux) - page 315. (Read 6590757 times)

Activity: 154
Merit: 28
Can I set the epools.txt (dpools.txt) files as an option in command line or in config.txt file? Because switching to another coin I need different alternative pools.

You can do it in bat file like I do it.
I have the following file structure for Claymore:
Of course something should be changed and you do not need something, but it can help you how it can be done.
Thanks. The code is good. Allthough it does not solve my problem as-is (alternative pools in epools.txt differ for ethermine and nanopool, following your example), but it can be modifyed. After Claymore's next update there will be an embedded option for setting alternative pools. Nevertheless you showed me a good way for futher automatisation.
Activity: 247
Merit: 59
Just updating my results of using 11.5 with the -oldkernels flag...

I have a couple rigs that it still doesn't help on that I've had to roll back to 11.2.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
Can I set the epools.txt (dpools.txt) files as an option in command line or in config.txt file? Because switching to another coin I need different alternative pools.

You can do it in bat file like I do it.

I have the following file structure for Claymore:

[Claymore 10.6]
[Claymore 11.5]

[Claymore 10.6] and [Claymore 11.5] are folders where corresponded versions of Claymore are placed.

POOL:, WALLET: /rig1/[email protected], PSW: x, WORKER: , ESM: 0, ALLPOOLS: 0
POOL:, WALLET: /rig1/[email protected], PSW: x, WORKER: , ESM: 0, ALLPOOLS: 0
POOL:, WALLET: /rig1/[email protected], PSW: x, WORKER: , ESM: 0, ALLPOOLS: 0
POOL:, WALLET: /rig1/[email protected], PSW: x, WORKER: , ESM: 0, ALLPOOLS: 0
POOL:, WALLET: /rig1/[email protected], PSW: x, WORKER: , ESM: 0, ALLPOOLS: 0

shutdown /r /t 5 /f

@echo off

rem ********************************
rem *  wallet:                     *
rem *    private                   *
rem *    btc-trade                 *
rem *  pool:                       *
rem *    ethermine                 *
rem *    nanopool                  *
rem ********************************

rem ---------- SETUP DATA ----------

set claymore_path=Claymore 10.6
set claymore_params=-mport -3333 -minspeed 187 -r 1 -tt 30 -ttli 63 -tstop 65 -tstart 40
set wallet=private
set pool=nanopool

rem --------------------------------

setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 > nul
setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 > nul
setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 > nul

timeout /t 15


if "%wallet%" == "btc-trade" set wallet_address=0x00000dec3e7a3743b14651d8e49a4564ee200000
if "%wallet%" == "private"   set wallet_address=0x000007517a8eFD4104Ba3c482F0B89692dA00000

powershell -command "(gc epools.txt) -replace '', '%wallet_address%' | Out-File -Encoding ascii '%claymore_path%\epools.txt'"

copy /Y reboot.bat "%claymore_path%\reboot.bat" > nul

cd %claymore_path%

@echo on

@if "%pool%" == "ethermine" goto :ETHERMINE


EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal %wallet_address%/JAMES-MINER/[email protected] -epsw x %claymore_params%

@goto :END


@rem EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal %wallet_address%/JAMES-MINER -epsw x %claymore_params%
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool ssl:// -ewal %wallet_address%/JAMES-MINER -epsw x %claymore_params%



Of course something should be changed and you do not need something, but it can help you how it can be done.

Nice Job!

I made something similar (but not so sophisticated) at Linux.




USR_ETH="walletaddress.Worker/[email protected]"

USR_DUAL="wallet.address.WorkerPASC/[email protected]"

#JAXX Wallet
$MINER_HOME/ethdcrminer64 -epool $SERV_ETH:$PORT_ETH -ewal $USR_ETH -mode 1 -ftime 10 -mport -8080

#JAXX (ETH) Wallet + PASCAL Wallet
#$MINER_HOME/ethdcrminer64 -epool $SERV_ETH:$PORT_ETH -ewal $USR_ETH -dcoin pasc -dpool $SERV_DUAL:$PORT_DUAL -dwal $USR_DUAL -ftime 10 -mport -8080

So... If I want to change to dual mining, I just comment out the Single mining line (adding #) and uncomment the dual mining line (removing #).
Activity: 143
Merit: 0
Im getting problem: ethdcrminer64 has stopped working
And other miner also, only when adding 6 cards with latest Ati 18.3.2 drivers.
Is this driver issue and not compatible, strange 5 cards seem to work.
Pleas3e check it?
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
Hello guys,
I am a noob miner since 2 months. From 10.6 to 11.4, i have got a same problem.

I have 6 RX588 rig, 30M hashrate for each card.

Sometimes after restarting the Claymore, or after reboot the machine and then start the Claymore, the Hashrate will down to 26 or 27, it may be return to 30 by itself after one or two hour, maybe not.

If i disable the GPU by clicking the number for 5 sec, and then enable it, the hashrate will be return to 30.

Does anyone has the same problem or the solution?

Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~

Nobody else has the same problem?
I always had and still have this issue. Not a big issue since disabling and enabling get the hashrate back to expected.

I don't know why this happens but @zibastian explanation makes sense.

This is an issue with the driver, preventing the correct voltage to be applied after a GPU crash. You can also just restart the miner and you should get your hashrate back. This is not linked to Claymore, you should have the same behaviour with any miner
Activity: 80
Merit: 0
Can I set the epools.txt (dpools.txt) files as an option in command line or in config.txt file? Because switching to another coin I need different alternative pools.

You can do it in bat file like I do it.

I have the following file structure for Claymore:

[Claymore 10.6]
[Claymore 11.5]

[Claymore 10.6] and [Claymore 11.5] are folders where corresponded versions of Claymore are placed.

POOL:, WALLET: /rig1/[email protected], PSW: x, WORKER: , ESM: 0, ALLPOOLS: 0
POOL:, WALLET: /rig1/[email protected], PSW: x, WORKER: , ESM: 0, ALLPOOLS: 0
POOL:, WALLET: /rig1/[email protected], PSW: x, WORKER: , ESM: 0, ALLPOOLS: 0
POOL:, WALLET: /rig1/[email protected], PSW: x, WORKER: , ESM: 0, ALLPOOLS: 0
POOL:, WALLET: /rig1/[email protected], PSW: x, WORKER: , ESM: 0, ALLPOOLS: 0

shutdown /r /t 5 /f

@echo off

rem ********************************
rem *  wallet:                     *
rem *    private                   *
rem *    btc-trade                 *
rem *  pool:                       *
rem *    ethermine                 *
rem *    nanopool                  *
rem ********************************

rem ---------- SETUP DATA ----------

set claymore_path=Claymore 10.6
set claymore_params=-mport -3333 -minspeed 187 -r 1 -tt 30 -ttli 63 -tstop 65 -tstart 40
set wallet=private
set pool=nanopool

rem --------------------------------

setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 > nul
setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 > nul
setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 > nul

timeout /t 15


if "%wallet%" == "btc-trade" set wallet_address=0x00000dec3e7a3743b14651d8e49a4564ee200000
if "%wallet%" == "private"   set wallet_address=0x000007517a8eFD4104Ba3c482F0B89692dA00000

powershell -command "(gc epools.txt) -replace '', '%wallet_address%' | Out-File -Encoding ascii '%claymore_path%\epools.txt'"

copy /Y reboot.bat "%claymore_path%\reboot.bat" > nul

cd %claymore_path%

@echo on

@if "%pool%" == "ethermine" goto :ETHERMINE


EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal %wallet_address%/rig1/[email protected] -epsw x %claymore_params%

@goto :END


@rem EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal %wallet_address%/rig1 -epsw x %claymore_params%
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool ssl:// -ewal %wallet_address%/rig1 -epsw x %claymore_params%



Of course something should be changed and you do not need something, but it can help you how it can be done.
Activity: 277
Merit: 23
As I understand a stale share is a share which was sent to the pool by another miner before yours sent it. So your miner sent a share which already was accepted by the pool. When you know this you understand why only the pool knows which share is stale is and which isn't.

When two miners send same share it's called a duplicate share.
Stale share is a share that is sent too late, when pool is already working on new block.

Don't you want to add a new option into your miner: to set epools.txt (dpools.txt) files as options in command line or in config.txt file. That will let user to launch just different bat-files when switching to another coin without making each time changes in epools(dpools)-files for new alternative pools.

Ok, I will add it in next update.

Or a simple command inside the miner (for example pressing C could cycle trough predefined pools) but i guess that could produce instability   
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
I tried to reinstall geforce drivers but still no result. When i open this miner it only show this "The code execution can not proceed because OpenCL.dll was not found". How to fix this error?
copper member
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
Yep.. indeed version 11.5 seems to be a step forward.
Shares are found on a more regular basis, staleshares down to 0-2%.

Thumbs up.
Activity: 154
Merit: 28
But i do not understand what is that:
 -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal -dpsw x

It looks like some one else pool and name?
SHould i replace those?
Is that mining to some one else?

It's for dual mining - second coin options example. Delete it, if don't need, or set your own. Just read "Readme.txt" in miner folder!

Don't you want to add a new option into your miner: to set epools.txt (dpools.txt) files as options in command line or in config.txt file. That will let user to launch just different bat-files when switching to another coin without making each time changes in epools(dpools)-files for new alternative pools.
Ok, I will add it in next update.
Great! Thanks once more.
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
As I understand a stale share is a share which was sent to the pool by another miner before yours sent it. So your miner sent a share which already was accepted by the pool. When you know this you understand why only the pool knows which share is stale is and which isn't.

When two miners send same share it's called a duplicate share.
Stale share is a share that is sent too late, when pool is already working on new block.

Don't you want to add a new option into your miner: to set epools.txt (dpools.txt) files as options in command line or in config.txt file. That will let user to launch just different bat-files when switching to another coin without making each time changes in epools(dpools)-files for new alternative pools.

Ok, I will add it in next update.

I love learning every day, thanks for clarification!
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1325
Miners developer
As I understand a stale share is a share which was sent to the pool by another miner before yours sent it. So your miner sent a share which already was accepted by the pool. When you know this you understand why only the pool knows which share is stale is and which isn't.

When two miners send same share it's called a duplicate share.
Stale share is a share that is sent too late, when pool is already working on new block.

Don't you want to add a new option into your miner: to set epools.txt (dpools.txt) files as options in command line or in config.txt file. That will let user to launch just different bat-files when switching to another coin without making each time changes in epools(dpools)-files for new alternative pools.

Ok, I will add it in next update.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
I just downloaded
Claymore Dual Ethereum++Decred Siacoin miner from:!O4YA2JgD!n2b4iSHQDruEsYUvTQP5_w

If i open file named as "start" with note pad i have line like this over there:
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0xD69af2A796A737A103F12d2f0BCC563a13900E6F -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal -dpsw x

I do understand that i can replace with my pool address and dot rig name and e-mail.
like i had in older version:
Here is what i had in older version:
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0x43Ae5c0c80938a6596C29B4B7Bd699547791909F.Tannkaevab2/[email protected] -epsw x -mode 1 -ftime 10

But i do not understand what is that:
 -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal -dpsw x

It looks like some one else pool and name?
SHould i replace those?
Is that mining to some one else?
Activity: 154
Merit: 28
Hey guys,

I still have a number of stale shares on whilst using v11.5. To give you an idea, I regularly get over 10% stale shares. I mine with 2 x GTX 1050ti, 1 x rx470 and 1 x rx480.

So onto the question, Claymore, is it possible to log what gpu is submitting the stale share?

No, because pool doesn't notify miner that the share is stale, you can only see it on pool dashboard

Really?! So how does this option works, if miner does not know about stale shares:

-estale   send Ethereum stale shares to pool, it can increase effective hashrate a bit. Default value is "1", set "-estale 0" if you don't want to send stale shares.

Pool sees different rate of stale shares than miner, it's always higher, so I don't see any reason to show stale shares rate of the miner, it's quite low. However, due to some delays on pool and also network delays, pool always will get more stale shares than miner knows.
The only way to get the pool stale shares rate is to get appropriate response from pool, but pool does not notify miner that the share is stale. To understand it deeply you should learn how pool mining works in details.
Ok, thank you for explain.
Don't you want to add a new option into your miner: to set epools.txt (dpools.txt) files as options in command line or in config.txt file. That will let user to launch just different bat-files when switching to another coin without making each time changes in epools(dpools)-files for new alternative pools.
copper member
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Hello guys,
I am a noob miner since 2 months. From 10.6 to 11.4, i have got a same problem.

I have 6 RX588 rig, 30M hashrate for each card.

Sometimes after restarting the Claymore, or after reboot the machine and then start the Claymore, the Hashrate will down to 26 or 27, it may be return to 30 by itself after one or two hour, maybe not.

If i disable the GPU by clicking the number for 5 sec, and then enable it, the hashrate will be return to 30.

Does anyone has the same problem or the solution?

Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~

Nobody else has the same problem?

This is an issue with the driver, preventing the correct voltage to be applied after a GPU crash. You can also just restart the miner and you should get your hashrate back. This is not linked to Claymore, you should have the same behaviour with any miner

Activity: 413
Merit: 17
Hello guys,
I am a noob miner since 2 months. From 10.6 to 11.4, i have got a same problem.

I have 6 RX588 rig, 30M hashrate for each card.

Sometimes after restarting the Claymore, or after reboot the machine and then start the Claymore, the Hashrate will down to 26 or 27, it may be return to 30 by itself after one or two hour, maybe not.

If i disable the GPU by clicking the number for 5 sec, and then enable it, the hashrate will be return to 30.

Does anyone has the same problem or the solution?

Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~

Nobody else has the same problem?


Your cards might be throttling. Check GPU-Z and see if the core clock drops down than the one you've set. If they do - lower the voltage, preferably below 900, and try again. If they still throttle - increase the power limit by a notch.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
I have 4 rigs that have MSI RX 570 Armor cards and 4 with other brand cards, when i upgrade claymore to 11.4 from 11 at least 3 of the cards on each of the MSI card rigs fail.

1 x MSI rig is using 6 x RX570 4GB = Cards stop mining 11.4 on linux, 1500 straps bios
3 x MSI rigs are 18 x RX570 8GB = Cards stop mining with 11.4 on linux, standard bios

4 x Rigs with mix of RX570 Nitro+, Gigabyte RX570, RX570 Pulse on 11.4 on linux = mining fine with not a single card stopping.

Very odd that its just the MSI Armor cards, only one else seeing this?

Is everyone getting the same hashrate increase with 11.5 using the oldkernals?

Activity: 23
Merit: 0
Hello guys,
I am a noob miner since 2 months. From 10.6 to 11.4, i have got a same problem.

I have 6 RX588 rig, 30M hashrate for each card.

Sometimes after restarting the Claymore, or after reboot the machine and then start the Claymore, the Hashrate will down to 26 or 27, it may be return to 30 by itself after one or two hour, maybe not.

If i disable the GPU by clicking the number for 5 sec, and then enable it, the hashrate will be return to 30.

Does anyone has the same problem or the solution?

Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~

Nobody else has the same problem?

Activity: 27
Merit: 0
Hey guys,

I still have a number of stale shares on whilst using v11.5. To give you an idea, I regularly get over 10% stale shares. I mine with 2 x GTX 1050ti, 1 x rx470 and 1 x rx480.

So onto the question, Claymore, is it possible to log what gpu is submitting the stale share?

No, because pool doesn't notify miner that the share is stale, you can only see it on pool dashboard

Really?! So how does this option works, if miner does not know about stale shares:

-estale   send Ethereum stale shares to pool, it can increase effective hashrate a bit. Default value is "1", set "-estale 0" if you don't want to send stale shares.

As I understand a stale share is a share which was sent to the pool by another miner before yours sent it. So your miner sent a share which already was accepted by the pool. When you know this you understand why only the pool knows which share is stale is and which isn't.
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1325
Miners developer
Hey guys,

I still have a number of stale shares on whilst using v11.5. To give you an idea, I regularly get over 10% stale shares. I mine with 2 x GTX 1050ti, 1 x rx470 and 1 x rx480.

So onto the question, Claymore, is it possible to log what gpu is submitting the stale share?

No, because pool doesn't notify miner that the share is stale, you can only see it on pool dashboard

Really?! So how does this option works, if miner does not know about stale shares:

-estale   send Ethereum stale shares to pool, it can increase effective hashrate a bit. Default value is "1", set "-estale 0" if you don't want to send stale shares.

Pool sees different rate of stale shares than miner, it's always higher, so I don't see any reason to show stale shares rate of the miner, it's quite low. However, due to some delays on pool and also network delays, pool always will get more stale shares than miner knows.
The only way to get the pool stale shares rate is to get appropriate response from pool, but pool does not notify miner that the share is stale. To understand it deeply you should learn how pool mining works in details.
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