I have 6PCS Sapphire nitro+ rx580 4GB samsung Chipset, fresh installed Windows 10 x64 on mobo Biostar TB250-BTC. 5 GPUS running at 17.xx mhs and only 1 GPU running at 25.xx mhs. How to fix this issue in order to get all GPUS runnig at 25.xx mhs?
you should try the appropriate mining special designed AMD drivers, the ones from Aug 23 are a good ones. also BiosMod each card with Atiflash, lot of tutorials out there, look out the BurierOne tutorial on youtube.
Hello torrespr77,
Special designed AMD driver? Do you mean blockchain driver? https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Radeon-Software-Crimson-ReLive-Edition-Beta-for-Blockchain-Compute-Release-Notes.aspx Mod mobo bios or each GPU? Because I have no idea what is the issue for this one. I dont found any tutorial by BurierOne.
What driver are you using if there are the new ones have you got all GPU in compute mode
If you want to learn how to mod just Google and you will find a lot of tutorials