Seeing that this problem is not specific to me, I will post quotes from various users with same problems so @Claymore can identify that indeed a problem exists.
So I have been using the latest Claymore version since it came out.
My rig:
ASUZ Prime Z270-P
8x RX 580 8GB Nitro+ (Hynix)
Windows 10
Blockchain Beta Official Drivers
Claymore Dual Miner v.10.0
Modded BIOS, OC through Claymore @162w from the wall per card
Dual mining ETH (233 Mh/s) +DCR (7000 Mh/s)
I am overall happy with the new update, but I have had some issues:
- Sometimes miner can't reach maximum speed. I open the miner, clocks and voltages are being set properly but hashrate lies in the 225mh/s area. A simple miner restart resolves the issue
- Computer freezes. This has happened 2 times in my rig and 1 time in my PC (same setup with 1 gpu only) in the last 2 days. Here is the last part of the log @Claymore in case you find something interesting here
Yes, it's working. But freezes happens. Not so stable, even if mem errors in HWInfo are zeroes.
Hi guys,
Sorry if this ends up a totally noob question, but I just can grasp what's going on.
I started using Claymore's miner 10.0, mining only ethereum on
The machine has 3x rx570 4gb and 1x rx470 4gb.
Everything was going fine, and it actually increased my average hashrate from 67Mh to 78Mh (reported around 83)
But then, all of a sudden, after 3 or 4 days of great use, the thing started lagging substantially. To the point of dropping connection and verry chopy hashrate chart in ethermine. A few times, I even had to hard reset the rig, because I couldn't access it via teamviewer. I tried mining with -ethi 4, and it kind of works, but hashrate is shit, and it still isn't no where near as stable as before on standard ethi setting.
What can I do to get my hashrates back?
please claymore make a fix!!! with beta driver amd every reboot i have speed different sometimes 29 mh sometimes 24 sometimes 19.. please fix this problem
That is exactly what I am seeing with my GTX 1070. It bounces around continuously.
@Claymore, thank you for your last response:
Try to set original ROM, remove overclock and see if it helps, this way you can check that the reason is in your settings.
If your rig freezes, it must be something related to overclock, like wrong voltage for some power states, or something similar. It is not miner issue.
My answer to that was:
I didn't get the chance to set original ROM but I did remove overclock. Not only it didn't help but it got worse! In fact, while I was trying different OC settings I noticed that the lower I was setting my clocks, the more unstable my rig became.
My rig usually freezes after a GPU hangs or after a share gets rejected. The clocks I am using and the ROM I am using have been stable for months now with previous drivers and miner version
One more thing I have noticed is that after a rig restart (following a freeze) the miner starts, the clocks and voltages are being set normally but I get~ 3.5% less performance than usual. Once I restart the miner it gets back at 100%. Does anyone else have the same issue?
What I believe all of us with the same problem would love to hear from you is that you are aware of the problem and checking it out. Don't let us abandon hope!
I am at the point of 5+ miner restarts per day...
Edit:More quotes from people with similar problems
hereEdit 2:More quotes from people with similar problems and more data on the freeze scenario
hereEdit 3:More quotes from people with similar problems and possible solution
hereEdit 4:Hopefully my last post on that issue, with my conclusion and proposed solution,