Problem is because epool.txt doesn't recognise this and there is no logfile and no mining limit and other things.
TTLI: 88, TSOP: 92, TSTART: 50, ETHI: 1, LI: 15, MODE: 1, LOGFILE: logfile.txt
Makes sense cause all of this stuff should be defined globally at startup.
It will still use those values even if switching to pool from epools
So all that should be in bat file
EthDcrMiner64.exe -ttli 88 -tstop 92 -tstart 50 -ethi 1 -li 15 -mport 0 -mode 1 -logfile logfile.txt
and this should be in epools.txt
POOL:, WALLET: 0x360d6f9efea21c82d341504366fd1c2eeea8fa9d, WORKER: workername, PSW: x, ESM: 2, ALLPOOLS: 1
this is not good, all should be in one file.