Hello people,
these days my VEGA 64 started to throw out this error. And it won't work. I tried the driver update, I re-uploaded the latest version of Claymore but still the same is happening please for your advice, what else can I try?
07:10:09:578 1fa4 ETH: Received error: {"id":14,"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":27,"message":"Illegalparams"}}
07:10:09:579 1fa4 remove first packet 263
07:10:10:062 1d58 checked ETH share on CPU, spent 7ms
07:10:10:063 1d58 sent: {"id":12,"method":"eth_submitWork","params":["0xb3561970064e9ad2","0x9043f87206023cc5989efe906150b10a05ce8b9f5c9443c191e5b82f14cb7f66","0xde0271328c912b7a73e77c063326038a61530e19b89d3ac289f97b426fbecd62"]}
07:10:10:063 1d58 ETH: put share nonce b3561970064e9ad2
07:10:10:065 1fa4 ETH: 01/21/20-07:10:10 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 2)
07:10:10:597 1fa4 buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0xdb4c79897e9704404baa1d0ff4e4c024bbc3642b9c4d2cc19b44b6972e9b0c6e","0xde5831c2adcc2b6dd5c3622861d60016c532fa27f0b01d9d54724ca0ce7b83ed","0x01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff","018e3a"],"height":9325571}
07:10:10:599 1fa4 ETH: 01/21/20-07:10:10 - New job from eu1.ethermine.org:14444
07:10:10:601 1fa4 target: 0x00000001ffffffff (diff: 2147MH), epoch 310(3.42GB)
07:10:10:604 1fa4 ETH - Total Speed: 247.361 Mh/s, Total Shares: 66, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:03
07:10:10:625 1fa4 ETH: GPU0 43.881 Mh/s, GPU1 35.881 Mh/s, GPU2 45.979 Mh/s, GPU3 40.389 Mh/s, GPU4 40.818 Mh/s, GPU5 40.415 Mh/s
07:10:11:719 1fa4 buf: {"id":12,"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":27,"message":"Illegal params"}}
07:10:11:724 1fa4 ETH: Received error: {"id":12,"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":27,"message":"Illegalparams"}}
07:10:14:007 10e8 Quit, please wait...