I do need a help. I'm running few rigs under ethOS on RX480 8GB. So my issue is, that on every rig in diffrent time I got problem "WATCHDOG: GPU 0 hangs in OpenCL call, exit" (different cards on different rigs and getting this error in different time in different rigs - from 60 minuts after start till few hours/days). So the problem is, that after getting message "Restarting OK, exit..." theoretically Claymore should restart, but I'm just getting "ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss" message all the time, while rig is on.
Does anybody know what issue it could be? For sure the matter of this message is raiser and overlocking (in some cases I'm gettin this problem with not overlocked cards)
When I do putting some commands to reboot.bash, it doesn't work at all :/ What could be an issue?
My config file is :
-mode 0 -colors 1 -di 012345 -dbg 1 -wd 1 -r 1 -epool eth-eu.dwarfpool.com:8008 -ewal ***/*** -epsw x -dcoin dcr -dcri 17,17,17,17,17,17 -dpool dcr.coinmine.pl:2222 -dwal **.** -dpsw **ccgmining
Thanks in advance
вaм лyчшe вce пpoпиcaть в "start.bat" , в peжимe "dual" вpяд ли бyдeт paбoтaть c "config",
"-mode 0" и "-dcoin dcr" нe нyжны, oни тaкиe пo yмoлчaнию, "-di 012345" тoжe нe oбязaтeльнo:
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool eth-eu.dwarfpool.com:8008 -ewal ***/*** -epsw x -dpool dcr.coinmine.pl:2222 -dwal **.** -dpsw ** -dcri 17
ocтaльнoe - в "config"