Got incorrect temperature 511, ignore
18:33:56:034 1504 Got incorrect temperature 511, ignore
18:33:59:425 1504 Got incorrect temperature 511, ignore
18:34:00:065 1ac0 ETH: checking pool connection...
18:34:00:065 1ac0 send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
18:34:00:159 1ac0 got 243 bytes
18:34:00:159 1ac0 buf: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"result":["0x2ac4c09721561e2cacd89f8992fd69d20be99744b9a1342b93ab4319e93987ba","0x3bdc9df6827f9db2a52b71fe21b847066a233755fd6b15bdb62a9c5e0aeb1d14","0x00000000dbe6fecebdedd5beb573440e5a884d1b2fbf06fcce912adcb8d8422e"]}
18:34:00:175 1ac0 parse packet: 242
18:34:00:190 1ac0 ETH: job is the same
18:34:00:190 1ac0 new buf size: 0
18:34:02:815 1504 Got incorrect temperature 511, ignore
18:34:06:190 1504 Got incorrect temperature 511, ignore
18:34:07:816 1ac0 got 243 bytes
18:34:07:816 1ac0 buf: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"result":["0xbf702a346332ae819a51c82c837a8fd43bb02e35ce878bd15e6663d7a6e0bd9f","0x3bdc9df6827f9db2a52b71fe21b847066a233755fd6b15bdb62a9c5e0aeb1d14","0x00000000dbe6fecebdedd5beb573440e5a884d1b2fbf06fcce912adcb8d8422e"]}
18:34:07:831 1ac0 parse packet: 242
18:34:07:847 1ac0 ETH: job changed
18:34:07:847 1ac0 new buf size: 0
18:34:07:862 1ac0 ETH: 04/19/17-18:34:07 - New job from
18:34:07:862 1ac0 target: 0x00000000dbe6fece (diff: 5000MH), epoch #119
18:34:07:862 1ac0 ETH - Total Speed: 141.234 Mh/s, Total Shares: 6, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:03
18:34:07:878 1ac0 ETH: GPU0 28.225 Mh/s, GPU1 28.263 Mh/s, GPU2 28.251 Mh/s, GPU3 28.244 Mh/s, GPU4 28.251 Mh/s, GPU5 0.000 Mh/s
18:34:09:581 1504 Got incorrect temperature 511, ignore
18:34:09:675 1ac0 send: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_submitHashrate","params":["0x86d30d0", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001e42ded"]}
18:34:10:097 1ac0 ETH: checking pool connection...
18:34:10:097 1ac0 send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
18:34:10:191 1ac0 got 243 bytes
18:34:10:191 1ac0 buf: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"result":["0xbf702a346332ae819a51c82c837a8fd43bb02e35ce878bd15e6663d7a6e0bd9f","0x3bdc9df6827f9db2a52b71fe21b847066a233755fd6b15bdb62a9c5e0aeb1d14","0x00000000dbe6fecebdedd5beb573440e5a884d1b2fbf06fcce912adcb8d8422e"]}
18:34:10:206 1ac0 parse packet: 242
18:34:10:222 1ac0 ETH: job is the same
18:34:10:222 1ac0 new buf size: 0
18:34:12:956 1504 Got incorrect temperature 511, ignore
18:34:13:034 1504 Got incorrect temperature 511, ignore
18:34:13:066 1504 GPU0 t=48C fan=82%, GPU1 t=0C fan=0%, GPU2 t=45C fan=81%, GPU3 t=50C fan=81%, GPU4 t=52C fan=81%, GPU5 t=52C fan=84%
18:34:13:066 1504 em hbt: 0, fm hbt: 0,
18:34:13:066 1504 watchdog - thread 0, hb time 78
18:34:13:066 1504 watchdog - thread 1, hb time 219
18:34:13:066 1504 watchdog - thread 2, hb time 234
18:34:13:081 1504 watchdog - thread 3, hb time 78
18:34:13:081 1504 watchdog - thread 4, hb time 47
18:34:13:081 1504 watchdog - thread 5, hb time 188
18:34:13:081 1504 watchdog - thread 6, hb time 156
18:34:13:081 1504 watchdog - thread 7, hb time 16
18:34:13:097 1504 watchdog - thread 8, hb time 16
18:34:13:097 1504 watchdog - thread 9, hb time 156
18:34:13:097 1504 watchdog - thread 10, hb time 74578
18:34:13:097 1504 WATCHDOG: GPU 5 hangs in OpenCL call, exit
18:34:13:097 1504 watchdog - thread 11, hb time 74422
18:34:13:113 1504 WATCHDOG: GPU 5 hangs in OpenCL call, exit
18:34:13:159 1504 Got incorrect temperature 511, ignore
18:34:14:314 1504 Restarting OK, exit...