
Topic: Claymore's ZCash/BTG AMD GPU Miner v12.6 (Windows/Linux) - page 158. (Read 3839201 times)

Activity: 35
Merit: 0
^You aren't only one with Tonga.

It's true that this chip is inferior than Tahiti's, but man 160 hash/s is pretty low. Make it at least 220-230 h/s.

It looks like there's at least 4 of us with Tonga chipsets who have replied to this thread. Claymore can you please see about making some improvements for this chipset? Sending a little love towards the "budget" miners using Tonga cards would be much appreciated. These cards really are capable of a lot more speed. Thanks again for all the hard work you do for the community!

 I wish folks would talk about card models, not chipset names - some of us do NOT have the HUGE number of chipset names memorised.

Its not very difficult to google "AMD Tonga" or "AMD Tahiti". I'll even do the research for you.
full member
Activity: 220
Merit: 100
Tahitis = 7950/70 + R9 280(X)
Tongas = R9 380(X)
Polaris = RX470 & RX480

Well it's easier to talk with code names, but someone preffer numbers, someone letters. Smiley
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1030
Are you guys finding that different makes/speed of ram make any difference to mining rigs ?

 Not that much on ZEC, which seems to be more compute-bound than memory bound.

 It DID make a big difference on Ethereum, which is pretty heavily memory-limited on most cards.
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1030
^You aren't only one with Tonga.

It's true that this chip is inferior than Tahiti's, but man 160 hash/s is pretty low. Make it at least 220-230 h/s.

It looks like there's at least 4 of us with Tonga chipsets who have replied to this thread. Claymore can you please see about making some improvements for this chipset? Sending a little love towards the "budget" miners using Tonga cards would be much appreciated. These cards really are capable of a lot more speed. Thanks again for all the hard work you do for the community!

 I wish folks would talk about card models, not chipset names - some of us do NOT have the HUGE number of chipset names memorised.

full member
Activity: 148
Merit: 102
Thank you claymore. I am getting about 550-560 H/s average on 2 unmodded RX 480's.
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500

You should make the -li 1 default. It does have a major impact on temperature and I guess power usage with no meaningful decrease on hashrate. In fact Tahiti and Hawaii have no hashrate decrease at all. Ellesmere shows a decrease of 4 or 5 hashes.

I have been experimenting with all the -i switches to lower down intensity/heat without too much impact on hash, and I got the same results like the above.

-li 1 gives me more less same hash but temps are down (not great as great as XMR mining, but good enough temps reduction).

My Nanos and 390s are doing very well with v12 on Linux.

I left the RX480 mining on ETH to compensate the drop in ZEC profitability.

It will be great if we can have an update on your XMR / Cryptonight miner.

XMR profitability is better than ZEC, and slightly lower than ETH.

Afternote: the hash does gets lower over time -- so -li will impact hash as per expected.

I left it running today with -li 1 while at work and almost made the trip back to remove it. The reported hashes are the same but the pool suprnova reports a drop of 20%...... As I posted before it makes me wonder how the hashes are calculated...... Has claymore joined the dark side?
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500

You should make the -li 1 default. It does have a major impact on temperature and I guess power usage with no meaningful decrease on hashrate. In fact Tahiti and Hawaii have no hashrate decrease at all. Ellesmere shows a decrease of 4 or 5 hashes.

Did you experience significantly lower temperature and/or lower power consumption? I never used low intensity mode and can't test my rigs now with "-li 1" parameter.

Well well well Mr claymore hash rate calculations. The pool reports a drop of 20% while the miner reports the same hash rate. It makes me wonder....... How can that be possible claymore? The hash rate the miner shows is made up?
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
I have a rig with powsercolor 5xR9 280x, win 10, radeon 15.12, 16g memory , 120g ssd driver. When trying to run cm 12.0 at -i 6 I get the following
              GPU #2 is going to use too high intensity (6), not enough memory, intensity value reduced (5)
              GPU #2 algorithm 1, intensity 5

I had 24g of vitual memory allocated and tried the in increments 0f 4g up to 56g and determined there may be some issue.  This last try was with one card at -i 6
gave the above results.  Anyone else have similar problem
Activity: 1537
Merit: 1005
Im getting 325 -328 h/s rinning v12 with RX480 (Bios Mod)

What Bios rom? What driver?

Modified bios with Pascal Bios Editor, set the gpu to 1330, 1700 timing, then set mem to 2225 and used 16.12.2 driver as recomended by claymore. Just haf to do the bypass so you can use latest drivers. Its a very good result but im still getting more bang for buck doing eth+dcr

What are you getting on dual mining?

Is it posssible to get 28MH/s + 400Mh/s for Decred?

It belongs more in eth miner thread, but I am currently going with 29.8Mh/s + 595 Mh/s.
Just forced dcri to 40.
full member
Activity: 220
Merit: 100
Im getting 325 -328 h/s rinning v12 with RX480 (Bios Mod)

What Bios rom? What driver?

Modified bios with Pascal Bios Editor, set the gpu to 1330, 1700 timing, then set mem to 2225 and used 16.12.2 driver as recomended by claymore. Just haf to do the bypass so you can use latest drivers. Its a very good result but im still getting more bang for buck doing eth+dcr

What are you getting on dual mining?

Is it posssible to get 28MH/s + 400Mh/s for Decred?
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
I can confirm bug with wrong hashrate if you use "-li" or "-ttli" options. These options add delays after every GPU round, so GPU is free for some time and therefore it becomes cool. But v12 measures GPU round time not including these delays so you see same hashrate. I will fix it in next update. This bug was added during porting miner to Linux, I don't remember exact version number.

Another bug is - broken -di command on (mixed?) system with 3 x RX-470 + 2 x R9-280X

ie: if i put -di 2,3 it starts 3 cards instead of 2 ...
everything workis fine, if i put -di 0,1,2,3 etc.

**** EDIT:

All works fine if i put -di 234 ...

Didnt pay attention, since i just copy/pasted bat from older version,
and it worked on previous version(s) ... strange

so, is it bug or not ... now i'm not even sure Cheesy

Activity: 83
Merit: 10
2100 sol/s
5x nanos underclocked and undervolted
900w @ wall
@Claymore you rock my world  Grin
Activity: 1537
Merit: 1005
Does anyone have a rock solid Eco Bios for Rx 480 that works on reference cards with 4 or 8GB? Looking to safely and lazily flash bios on a bunch of different rx 480 cards and don't want to mess with optimizing the crap out of it, just lower power consumption at stock mem/core.

Check boysies low-power bios from
sr. member
Activity: 504
Merit: 250
Does anyone have a rock solid Eco Bios for Rx 480 that works on reference cards with 4 or 8GB? Looking to safely and lazily flash bios on a bunch of different rx 480 cards and don't want to mess with optimizing the crap out of it, just lower power consumption at stock mem/core.
sr. member
Activity: 504
Merit: 250
i have a rig with 3 rx470 and 1 280x that works with 11.1 but with v12 one cards always stays at 0.0sols. Anyone have a similar problem?
using 16.12.2

try setting virtual memory to at least 16gb or lowering intensity (-i)

I would go 24GB virtual drive with v. 12 but otherwise yes.
Activity: 53
Merit: 0
i have a rig with 3 rx470 and 1 280x that works with 11.1 but with v12 one cards always stays at 0.0sols. Anyone have a similar problem?
using 16.12.2

try setting virtual memory to at least 16gb or lowering intensity (-i)
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
i have a rig with 3 rx470 and 1 280x that works with 11.1 but with v12 one cards always stays at 0.0sols. Anyone have a similar problem?
using 16.12.2
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
Im getting 325 -328 h/s rinning v12 with RX480 (Bios Mod)

What Bios rom? What driver?

Modified bios with Pascal Bios Editor, set the gpu to 1330, 1700 timing, then set mem to 2225 and used 16.12.2 driver as recomended by claymore. Just haf to do the bypass so you can use latest drivers. Its a very good result but im still getting more bang for buck doing eth+dcr
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1520
Nice work with the new version!

Getting 900 hashrate with my each 3 RX 480 8 GB rig... Grin
sr. member
Activity: 504
Merit: 250
Im getting 325 -328 h/s rinning v12 with RX480 (Bios Mod)

What Bios rom? What driver?
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