There hasn't been enough incentive to do it. If someone offered a large enough payment, I could write a Linux ZEC miner that is at least 10% faster than Claymore 9.2, and probably have it finished in under 30 days.
OK, how much for a 10% faster miner?
10BTC would be enough.
High performance code is often not started in ASM, as writing OpenCL or C code is often close enough or same speed as what you could get with ASM, and often gets you useful information for the best way to do things, before spending lots of time writing, and iterating over ASM implementations. Also ASM optimizations are often custom to each card, which increases time. So while you were all theory from day one (which is fine if you don't plan writing a miner, or just for fun). So CM profit, now you spend time trying to get others to copy CM code, which is obviously quite good, or you wouldn't suggest it, because you know you missed the profit window. It's silly to mine ZEC with AMD now on many cards, better to Eth or Monero, so good luck selling a miner 3 months late.