
Topic: closed - page 8. (Read 126771 times)

full member
Activity: 161
Merit: 100
August 19, 2014, 03:40:48 PM

I have been thinking features for GROUPcoin..
I think something like 4chan type of forum integrated in the wallet would be awesome! People could get together with people who have same intrest and share thoughts, pictures etc.

I also think that anonymity should be included too, just for an option (NinjagrouP or something). Anonymity in transfers and option for anonymity in the 4chan type forum, or then just make separate "NinjagrouP" forum or something like that.

Food for thought!

full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
August 19, 2014, 01:58:24 PM
I opened a spanish and and french thread for the contest. If any other language is your mother tongue, feel free to do the same. Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 331
Merit: 252
August 19, 2014, 10:15:25 AM
Once this contest is over, we will have a twitter background contest.

And then focus on developement.  Grin

Excellent idea I have a 10000 coin donation that could be some incentive. 
Activity: 71
Merit: 10
August 19, 2014, 10:02:18 AM
only need relaunch with diferent name  and without avoid miner ans with more 2 milion coins Cheesy
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
August 19, 2014, 06:05:42 AM
Once this contest is over, we will have a twitter background contest.

And then focus on developement.  Grin
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
August 19, 2014, 05:59:40 AM
The LOGO contest is now officially launched !

You can find the thread here :

Designers, please don't forget to upload your already designed logos here to get voted.

Community, please don't forget to vote for your favourite logo !  Cool
full member
Activity: 191
Merit: 100
Let's have fun!
August 19, 2014, 05:36:04 AM

Looks great!

It should be one of the best altcoin logos I have ever seen  Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 385
Merit: 250
August 19, 2014, 05:14:00 AM
But I do not know how to upload to the forum Undecided

use a service like  Wink

LOL, good Grin
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
August 19, 2014, 04:53:41 AM
But I do not know how to upload to the forum Undecided

use a service like  Wink
sr. member
Activity: 385
Merit: 250
August 19, 2014, 04:42:04 AM
But I do not know how to upload to the forum Undecided
sr. member
Activity: 385
Merit: 250
August 19, 2014, 04:39:54 AM

we can't see it in forum with the link you provided i upload it on imgur  Grin

Nice! We need a transparent background though, but great!

transparent bg:

Does it scale well?

a transparent background??512X512?
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1002
August 19, 2014, 02:56:03 AM
Hey, what do you guys think about this for a new logo?

Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
August 19, 2014, 02:26:35 AM
sr. member
Activity: 331
Merit: 252
August 19, 2014, 01:41:23 AM
Went basic for now and did change the people image.  Didn't feel the spaceman image nor understand it.  Thanks for the feedback. 
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1002
August 19, 2014, 01:24:16 AM
More to 800 sat believe me, i'm going to work hard for it to succeed, and you should do the same, or leave.

I have sent you the twitter login details,

I am looking for a few more ambassadors for twitter, please PM me

Great, i will soon create the thread for the logo contest and advertise on the official twitter of groupcoin. I see there is already one that has been done, and it's looking nice. But i'd like to see more choice and the community to vote for their favourite one. 10K GPC will be given to the winner.

I linked this thread for now if you don't mind as I was eager to start.  I have sent out a few tweets tonight and gave away some coins!  Hope everyone is RT'ing.    Would like to add the website link to the Twitter feed if someone can post it.  

Hey man thanks for the effort, I have retweeted. I think that Background pic for the Twitter profile is a bit cheesy though  Undecided try something more captivating.
sr. member
Activity: 331
Merit: 252
August 18, 2014, 09:48:42 PM
More to 800 sat believe me, i'm going to work hard for it to succeed, and you should do the same, or leave.

I have sent you the twitter login details,

I am looking for a few more ambassadors for twitter, please PM me

Great, i will soon create the thread for the logo contest and advertise on the official twitter of groupcoin. I see there is already one that has been done, and it's looking nice. But i'd like to see more choice and the community to vote for their favourite one. 10K GPC will be given to the winner.

I linked this thread for now if you don't mind as I was eager to start.  I have sent out a few tweets tonight and gave away some coins!  Hope everyone is RT'ing.    Would like to add the website link to the Twitter feed if someone can post it.  
sr. member
Activity: 331
Merit: 252
August 18, 2014, 06:56:58 PM
Hey gang I have decided to step up and help operate the twitter machine.  I have set up an address for donations for give-aways and any advertising we may want to consider.


I have around 43000 coins and have recently been giving them away to raise the twitter awareness.  I will start off with a 3000 coin donation and try to get some twitter volume through creative ways.  I will try to do daily updates with price and volume on Trex and respond to all your tweets.  My first thoughts are to promote the logo contest.  I got a kick out of Bosman posting his pic and I think we have something there...

There are some faucet sites out there that have space to advertise which might be helpful, will have to look into the price and traffic volume.  All ideas accepted!

Who am I, well I am from Vancouver my real name is Aaron and my twitter handle is as per my forum handle.  I  have been in crypto for a month but observing for over a year and consider myself a small fish having only invested 60 Fiat dollars and have turned that into .5 BTC.  I plan to be trading multiple bitcoin by the end of the year and my wife will only let me invest another 40!  Kidding aside I am simply a noob and did not want to cause my family hardship with my new hobby.  During the day I deliver mail, have a wife and two awesome kids and a very hectic life.  I do however want to add value to what I think could be a solid digital currency. I will try to tweet through out the evening as I check the markets and simply be a dad.  

Features are awesome, I however, think all we need is demand.  Features do this but for how long?  What are we going to attach this coin to in the real world?  What will our segment of the digital currency world be?  Maybe we can combine our purchasing power to bulk purchase things at reduced rates?  I think this is a very interesting idea!  Gambling or something to do with team sports on the amateur level?

Anyway I have dinner to get ready and will tweet soon...   Oh and have no plans to steal any funds donated as karma is a bitch.

Thanks for reading.

Activity: 91
Merit: 10
August 18, 2014, 04:55:39 PM
time to take a break  Wink
sr. member
Activity: 1221
Merit: 250
August 18, 2014, 02:03:56 PM
 Undecided Bitcoin's price is going down. I don't know what to mine now
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 520
August 18, 2014, 09:25:54 AM
wew nice logo...
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