Almost all the long existing and the newbie of the forum knew Nitro and I believed to posted this message because of the accusation made by the user game protect which have been false and baseless accusation about gambling site for years now.
What accusatios against what casinos are false and baseless?
You can tell me because the answer to your is all written on the red trust giving to you by people like
Suchmoon etc.
Wait a second!
You claim that I made false accusations against casinos, but
you are not able to deliver proof of
your claim?
Instead of delivering proof of
your claim, you demand from me to deliver proof of something I never did?
Are you mentally ill?
No, I am perfectly fine and I dont think own me any proof concern what I said because you dont speak to me maturely. However, your trust issue said it all if not you wont have get another saying you have get another red trust from DT member a couple of days back(2019-02-05).
Is this red trust? "This user is not Trustworthy" 2019-02-05 owlcatz
Because a tarnished "trusted member"
believes I am not trustworthy, I am not trustworthy???
So if I believe that you killed 3 people, you have to be sentenced lifetime? No wait, if a tarnished "trusted member" believes that you killed 3 people, you have to be sentenced lifetime!
The trust of who did I breach and how?
[] Negative - You were scammed or you strongly believe that this person is a scammer
What have beliefs to do with trust?
Bitcointalk has thousands of users who do not believe that I am untrustworthy and now you cry if 4 or 5 tarnished "trusted members"
believe I am?
The mental illness of some people is surely limitless!
I thought bitcointalk is related to Bitcoin and now it turns out it is also a church or what?
If someone has a belief, I highly recommed to go to a church or rename the forum to churchtalk!