@acrefawn Hi Acrefawn I have an issue with the startup sequencing of the FarmWatchBot. I need to start up the miner software a given amount of time prior to it applying an Afterburner profile selection
The default sequence is to start the OC software with or without an OC profile selection, then start the miner software. I need to do just the opposite.
#1 start miner software then #2 start an AB profile about 30 sec later
If I understand your question, and you want AB to start about 30 sec After the miner launches, go to your .config file, see the part where it says:
# Autorun and check to see if already running of GPU Overclock program. [0 - false, 1 - true XTREMEGE, 2 - true AFTERBURNER, 3 - true GPUTWEAK, 4 - true PRECISION, 5 - true AORUSGE, 6 - true THUNDERMASTER]
# Additional option to auto-enable Overclock Profile for MSI Afterburner. Please, do not use this option if it is not needed. [0 - false, 1 - Profile 1, 2 - Profile 2, 3 - Profile 3, 4 - Profile 4, 5 - Profile 5]
# Set MSI Afterburner wait timer after start. Important on weak processors. [default - 120 sec, min value - 1 sec]
# Allow Overclock programs to be restarted when miner is restarted. Please, do not use this option if it is not needed. [0 - false, 1 - true]
...the 3rd # down, where I have a 1, you need to put 30 or even 40.
That should delay AB to wait 30 - 40 sec to run before it launches the miner (upon restart).
Yeah, no this is just to delay launching AB a given number of seconds "before" launching the mining software (which is not what I was asking for. I need the opposite). I need to launch the mining software before launching the AB profile. I don't really care if it launches AB itself before launching the mining software, just not initiate the AB OC profile until a few seconds after it launches the mining software. As you are probably aware the WatchBot(by default) launches the OC software before it launches the mining software, this is true whether or not you set a delay of the OC software or whether or not you set an OC profile in said OC software. It always launches it first.
Thanks for the reply though.