Just wanted to say that I found this by accident and it's one of the most useful things I've ever used since I started mining. The Telegram bot is extremely useful, getting stats and notifications, switching, restarting. Excellent work. I signed up for the premium features and I 100% recommend this to anyone.
Great job!
EDIT: Sent you a Merit point!
Thank you very much for your support! It is important for me!
After how many attemps to restore connection is the script supposed to restart the pc? Because today before i noticed the connectivity problems it did about 16 attempts and didn't restart at all.
Hello! Scripts logic when connection lost is:
5 attempts - restart computer, then after restart if connection not restored - every 60 attempts restart computer (1 attempt = 1 minute). Each minute checking google.com by ping.exe. You can change inside autorun.bat option with ping server to another if you have difficulties to connect google.com.
Can this be set to use multiple OC applications such as ASUS & EVGA? TIA
It can use only 1 from list with 6 OC Apps.
1 - true XTREMEGE, 2 - true AFTERBURNER, 3 - true GPUTWEAK, 4 - true PRECISION, 5 - true AORUSGE, 6 - true THUNDERMASTER
It is impossible to use two different OC Apps at the same time because you can overclock your GPUs with only one (last). I recommend you to use MSI Afterburner.
Wonderful script, thank you very much, I love it. I recommended it to all of my mining friends!
Since you already found an efficient solution for extracting the data from the log file in real time, why not place it on a graph to make the data much more user friendly?
Such will make the overclocking process much easier.
For example by using this -
http://www.gnuplot.info/ I would love that.
I also would have done it myself however with the learning curve will take too long
there are things on you script that I don't get, for example I don't get how this extract the speed and temp
FOR /F "tokens=4,6 delims=AMGPUC上午下午>#| " %%a IN ('findstr.exe /R /C:".*GPU%%A .*C.*Sol/s:.*" %log%') DO (
IF "%%a" NEQ "" IF %%a GEQ 0 IF %%a LSS 70 SET tempdata=%%a
IF "%%a" NEQ "" IF %%a GEQ 70 SET tempdata=*%%a*
IF "%%b" NEQ "" IF %%b GEQ 0 SET speeddata=%%b
My dream UI would be ONE graph per GPU showing a 2D plot with blue line for the current speed, black line for the average speed, green line for the efficiency (sol/w), red line for the current temp (ALL on the same graph, obviously with different scales).
Hello! Thank you for reply!
I'm using only basic Windows features, it is simple and working on all computers as well. Using additional programs can be problematic for other users. But honestly I like your idea!
This part of code just reading log file lines with *GPU* and *Sol/s* words, then cut out less (delims). Simple. Parsing.