
Topic: [CMD] FarmWatchBot Ewbf, Claymore, Bminer, Dstm, CC, Eth, CastXMR, Phoenix - page 4. (Read 37034 times)

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
@acrefawn     Hi Acrefawn I have an issue with the startup sequencing of the FarmWatchBot. I need to start up the miner software a given amount of time prior to it applying an Afterburner profile selection
The default sequence is to start the OC software with or without an OC profile selection, then start the miner software. I need to do just the opposite.
#1 start miner software then #2 start an AB profile about 30 sec later

If I understand your question, and you want AB to start about 30 sec After the miner launches, go to your .config file, see the part where it says:

# Autorun and check to see if already running of GPU Overclock program. [0 - false, 1 - true XTREMEGE, 2 - true AFTERBURNER, 3 - true GPUTWEAK, 4 - true PRECISION, 5 - true AORUSGE, 6 - true THUNDERMASTER]
# Additional option to auto-enable Overclock Profile for MSI Afterburner. Please, do not use this option if it is not needed. [0 - false, 1 - Profile 1, 2 - Profile 2, 3 - Profile 3, 4 - Profile 4, 5 - Profile 5]
# Set MSI Afterburner wait timer after start. Important on weak processors. [default - 120 sec, min value - 1 sec]
# Allow Overclock programs to be restarted when miner is restarted. Please, do not use this option if it is not needed. [0 - false, 1 - true]

...the 3rd # down, where I have a 1, you need to put 30 or even 40. 

That should delay AB to wait 30 - 40 sec to run before it launches the miner (upon restart).
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
@acrefawn     Hi Acrefawn I have an issue with the startup sequencing of the FarmWatchBot. I need to start up the miner software a given amount of time prior to it applying an Afterburner profile selection
The default sequence is to start the OC software with or without an OC profile selection, then start the miner software. I need to do just the opposite.
#1 start miner software then #2 start an AB profile about 30 sec later
Activity: 161
Merit: 10
Please add support for SRBMiner Cryptonight miner too!
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Hello Acrefawn.

Awesome script!  Thanks so much.

I've used it with EWBF and it worked perfectly.  When I try to use it with ccminer, (Suprminer) it seems to lose Alexis78's RVN optimization.  The script changes the .exe file name from 'ccminer' to 'ccminer-x64'.  Does it do anything else that might cause me to Alexis78/OCminer's optimization? 
Activity: 118
Merit: 13
FarmWatchBot script Developer
Today version 1.9.8 released!

1.9.8 - Cпиcoк измeнeний
- Дoбaвлeнa кoммaндa /config, c ee пoмoщью вы мoжeтe измeнять пapaмeтpы кoнфигypaции вaшeгo pигa иcпoльзyя Teлeгpaм бoт.
- Дoбaвлeнa вoзмoжнocть oбьeдинять pиги в гpyппы и иcпoльзoвaть мapкep гpyппы для oтпpaвки oбщeй кoммaнды им.
- Измeнeн cинтaкcиc кoмaнд, тeпepь имeнa pигoв (или гpyппoвыe мapкepы) идyт пocлe пapaмeтpa, a нe пepeд ним. Haпpимep: /server 1 rig1 rig2 rig5 (paньшe былo /server rig1 rig2 rig5 1).
- Дoбaвлeнa вoзмoжнocть зaдaть тaймep paбoты кoмaнды /server, пocлe иcтeчeния вpeмeни cepвep бyдeт пepeключeн нa cтaндapтный.
- Иcпpaвлeнa кoммaндa /teamviewer. Teпepь oнa пoлнocтью yбивaeт пpoцecc.
- Иcпpaвлeнo oтoбpaжeниe cepвepoв в нaзвaнии кoтopыx ecть cлoвo “stratum”.
- Иcпpaвлeнa кoммaндa /miner, a кoнкpeтнo caмo пepeключeниe нa /miner 10.
- Дoбaвлeны eщe 3 дoпoлнитeльныe бoтa. Пepвыe 5 бoтoв пepeдeлaны. Пoлнocтью oтключeнa пoддepжкa вepcий нижe 1.9.3.
- Дoбaвлeны oпoвeщeния пpo вpeмя paбoты cкpиптa пpи oшибкax в Teлeгpaм бoт.
- Кocмeтичecкиe измeнeния внeшнeгo видa cкpиптa, дoбaвлeны нeкoтopыe oбьяcнeния, чтoбы yпpocтить paбoтy c интepфeйcoм.
- Фикc для Eth miner cкpиптa. Teпepь oн нe дoлжeн вылeтaть. A тaкжe иcпpaвлeнa индикaция пpoпaжи интepнeтa.
- Oптимизaция кoдa и cпиcкa oшибoк.

1.9.8 - Changelog
- Added the command /config, with its help you can change the configuration parameters of your rig using Telegram bot.
- Added the ability to unify the rigs in groups and use the group token to send a common command to them.
- Changed the syntax of commands, now the names of rigs (or group markers) go after the parameter, and not before it. For example: /server 1 rig1 rig2 rig5 (was /server rig1 rig2 rig5 1).
- Added the ability to set the timer for the command /server, after expire of this timeout the server will be switched to standard.
- Fixed command /teamviewer. Now it completely kills the process.
- Fixed displaying servers in the name of which is the word “stratum”.
- Fixed command /miner. Specifically /miner 10.
- Added 3 additional bots. The first 5 bots are revoked. Version below 1.9.3 is completely disabled.
- Added runtime notifications in errors messages in the Telegram bot.
- Cosmetic changes to the appearance of the script, added some explanations to simplify the work with the interface.
- Fix for Eth miner script. Now it should not crash. And also the indication of the loss of the Internet is fixed.
- Optimization of the code and error list.

Ewbf [Equihash] - Ewbfautorun.bat
Dstm [Equihash] - Dstmautorun.bat
Claymore [Equihash] - ClayZECautorun.bat
Claymore [CryptoNote] - ClayXMRautorun.bat
Claymore [NeoScrypt] - ClayNSautorun.bat
Claymore [Ethash] - ClayETHautorun.bat
Ethminer [Ethash] - Ethrautorun.bat
Ccminer [Multialgo] - CCautorun.bat
Cast-XMR [CryptoNote] - Castautorun.bat
Phoenix [Ethash] - Phnxautorun.bat

Premium price is 20$ eq in any cryptocurrency from donations list.
Activity: 118
Merit: 13
FarmWatchBot script Developer
Thank u for adding phoenixminer  Wink

But 1 problem , it don't load the configfile.
I already delete some command lines in the commandserver1 but still won't load the config.txt

Thank u

Hello. Hope you fixed your issue. If not - ask me in Telegram

Just wanted to chime in and let everyone know how awesome this script is. I've been creeping on the forum for a while and decided this would be my first contribution here. Thanks @Acrefawn this script. It has saved me a lot of time between my my rigs. The premium version is so worth it. Just Being able to change pools, or miners on the fly from my cell phone for all the rigs has saved us so much time.. 

Thank you very much!

Implementation request for ethminer-script:

with the small program wtee it is possible to route the result to a logfile and keep the display:
Simple instruction:

Thanks for the good work!

Hello. The main idea of this product is do not use additional software, only 1 file with all standard features. I'm on the way to resolve this issue:

could do make the scrypt for xmrig amd and nvidia?

many thanks Wink

Please give me a link to this miners and i will think about it. Thx!
Activity: 176
Merit: 10
could do make the scrypt for xmrig amd and nvidia?

many thanks Wink
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Implementation request for ethminer-script:

with the small program wtee it is possible to route the result to a logfile and keep the display:
Simple instruction:

Thanks for the good work!
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Just wanted to chime in and let everyone know how awesome this script is. I've been creeping on the forum for a while and decided this would be my first contribution here. Thanks @Acrefawn this script. It has saved me a lot of time between my my rigs. The premium version is so worth it. Just Being able to change pools, or miners on the fly from my cell phone for all the rigs has saved us so much time.. 
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Thank u for adding phoenixminer  Wink

But 1 problem , it don't load the configfile.
I already delete some command lines in the commandserver1 but still won't load the config.txt

Thank u
Activity: 118
Merit: 13
FarmWatchBot script Developer
Today version 1.9.7 released!

☄️ 1.9.7 - Cпиcoк измeнeний.
- Кocмeтичecкиe измeнeния пo интepфeйcy.
- Увeличeнo peкoмeндyeмoe вpeмя pecтapтa c 48 чacoв дo 72.
- Дoпoлнeны oбpaбoтчики oшибoк. Claymore, Ethminer.
- Дoбaвлeнo пoдpoбнoe oбьяcнeниe для CC и Eth мaйнepoв.
- Улyчшeнo oпpeдeлeниe тeкyщeгo cepвepa.
- Cкpипт для Eth мaйнepa гoтoв к пoддepжкe 0.14.rc0 вepcии и вышe.
- Увeличeн пopoг paзмepa фaйлa лoгoв.
- Иcпpaвлeнa кoмaндa /update.
- Oптимизaция Teлeгpaм кoмaнд.
- Дpyгиe мeлкиe измeнeния.
- Дoбaвлeнa пoддepжкa мaйнepoв: Cast-xmr, Phoenix.

☄️ 1.9.7 - Changelog
- Cosmetic changes on the interface.
- The recommended restart time is increased from 48 hours to 72 hours.
- The error handlers are added. Claymore, Ethminer.
- Added detailed explanation for CC and Eth miners.
- Improved the definition of the current server.
- The script for Eth Miner is ready to support 0.14.rc0 version and higher.
- The threshold for the size of the log file has been increased.
- The /update command has been fixed.
- Optimization of Telegram commands.
- Other minor changes.
- Added support for miners: Cast-xmr, Phoenix.

Ewbf [Equihash] - Ewbfautorun.bat
Dstm [Equihash] - Dstmautorun.bat
Claymore [Equihash] - ClayZECautorun.bat
Claymore [CryptoNote] - ClayXMRautorun.bat
Claymore [NeoScrypt] - ClayNSautorun.bat
Claymore [Ethash] - ClayETHautorun.bat
Ethminer [Ethash] - Ethrautorun.bat
Ccminer [Multialgo] - CCautorun.bat
Cast-XMR [CryptoNote] - Castautorun.bat
Phoenix [Ethash] - Phnxautorun.bat

Premium price is 20$ eq in any cryptocurrency from donations list.
Activity: 118
Merit: 13
FarmWatchBot script Developer
Here is the link to the Claymore CPU CN miner.

Would really appreciate it if you can get this able to work.

Hello. I downloaded and tested this miner. I dont think that it is needed to add script for it. For me it is working stable.

can you make script for sgminer ? many thanks

Hello. Please give me a link to it.

Can u add phoenixminer?


Is there a option to add the stats for dual mining in telegram?

Hello. Phoenix done. About dual mining need to think... Honestly i dont want to add this, in generally script ignore dual coin. Smiley

Great job, Acrefawn!

However I'm having problems using the script with MiningRigRentals: when my rig is rented, MRR interrupts stratum connection and your script detects it and restars ccminer (switches servers):

[17.03.2018][20:49:29] [2018-03-17 20:47:15] Stratum connection interrupted
[17.03.2018][20:49:44] Pool server was switched to 0. Please check your Config_Cmnr.ini file carefully for spelling errors or incorrect parameters. Otherwise check if the pool you are connecting to is online.

However miner was already working again and there was no need to restart it:

[2018-03-17 20:47:13] [S/A/T]: 5/5430/5430, diff: 0.065, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:47:15] Stratum connection interrupted  <-- my rig was rented by someone
[2018-03-17 20:47:30] [S/A/T]: 5/5431/5431, diff: 0.107, 44.20MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:47:35] [S/A/T]: 5/5432/5432, diff: 0.067, 44.20MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:47:39] xevan block 46796, diff 65.174
[2018-03-17 20:47:43] [S/A/T]: 5/5433/5433, diff: 0.067, 44.20MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:47:50] [S/A/T]: 5/5434/5434, diff: 0.200, 44.20MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:47:56] GPU#0:Found 2nd nonce: 05921de7
[2018-03-17 20:47:56] [S/A/T]: 5/5435/5435, diff: 0.423, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:47:56] [S/A/T]: 5/5436/5436, diff: 0.423, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:48:00] [S/A/T]: 5/5437/5437, diff: 0.168, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:48:01] [S/A/T]: 5/5438/5438, diff: 0.514, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:48:11] [S/A/T]: 5/5439/5439, diff: 0.095, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:48:17] [S/A/T]: 5/5440/5440, diff: 0.096, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:48:23] [S/A/T]: 5/5441/5441, diff: 0.207, 44.20MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:48:55] xevan block 46797, diff 70.295
[2018-03-17 20:49:00] [S/A/T]: 5/5442/5442, diff: 0.074, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:06] [S/A/T]: 5/5443/5443, diff: 0.639, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:09] [S/A/T]: 5/5444/5444, diff: 0.092, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:09] [S/A/T]: 5/5445/5445, diff: 0.195, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:12] [S/A/T]: 5/5446/5446, diff: 0.085, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:12] [S/A/T]: 5/5447/5447, diff: 0.108, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:14] [S/A/T]: 5/5448/5448, diff: 0.155, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:22] [S/A/T]: 5/5449/5449, diff: 0.175, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:31] [S/A/T]: 5/5450/5450, diff: 0.068, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:34] Stratum difficulty set to 32 (0.12500)
[2018-03-17 20:49:34] xevan block 46798, diff 72.021
here log file interrupts because miner was restarted.

Please suggest what should I replace in the .bat file to avoid this in the future.

Thanks very much.

PS: donated sime mining time to you on March 17 Wink

Hello. Thank you very much! You need to disable switching servers in config. internetcheck=2 or fully disable this check internetcheck=0
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
Great job, Acrefawn!

However I'm having problems using the script with MiningRigRentals: when my rig is rented, MRR interrupts stratum connection and your script detects it and restars ccminer (switches servers):

[17.03.2018][20:49:29] [2018-03-17 20:47:15] Stratum connection interrupted
[17.03.2018][20:49:44] Pool server was switched to 0. Please check your Config_Cmnr.ini file carefully for spelling errors or incorrect parameters. Otherwise check if the pool you are connecting to is online.

However miner was already working again and there was no need to restart it:

[2018-03-17 20:47:13] [S/A/T]: 5/5430/5430, diff: 0.065, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:47:15] Stratum connection interrupted  <-- my rig was rented by someone
[2018-03-17 20:47:30] [S/A/T]: 5/5431/5431, diff: 0.107, 44.20MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:47:35] [S/A/T]: 5/5432/5432, diff: 0.067, 44.20MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:47:39] xevan block 46796, diff 65.174
[2018-03-17 20:47:43] [S/A/T]: 5/5433/5433, diff: 0.067, 44.20MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:47:50] [S/A/T]: 5/5434/5434, diff: 0.200, 44.20MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:47:56] GPU#0:Found 2nd nonce: 05921de7
[2018-03-17 20:47:56] [S/A/T]: 5/5435/5435, diff: 0.423, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:47:56] [S/A/T]: 5/5436/5436, diff: 0.423, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:48:00] [S/A/T]: 5/5437/5437, diff: 0.168, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:48:01] [S/A/T]: 5/5438/5438, diff: 0.514, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:48:11] [S/A/T]: 5/5439/5439, diff: 0.095, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:48:17] [S/A/T]: 5/5440/5440, diff: 0.096, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:48:23] [S/A/T]: 5/5441/5441, diff: 0.207, 44.20MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:48:55] xevan block 46797, diff 70.295
[2018-03-17 20:49:00] [S/A/T]: 5/5442/5442, diff: 0.074, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:06] [S/A/T]: 5/5443/5443, diff: 0.639, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:09] [S/A/T]: 5/5444/5444, diff: 0.092, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:09] [S/A/T]: 5/5445/5445, diff: 0.195, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:12] [S/A/T]: 5/5446/5446, diff: 0.085, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:12] [S/A/T]: 5/5447/5447, diff: 0.108, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:14] [S/A/T]: 5/5448/5448, diff: 0.155, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:22] [S/A/T]: 5/5449/5449, diff: 0.175, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:31] [S/A/T]: 5/5450/5450, diff: 0.068, 44.21MH/s (yes!)
[2018-03-17 20:49:34] Stratum difficulty set to 32 (0.12500)
[2018-03-17 20:49:34] xevan block 46798, diff 72.021
here log file interrupts because miner was restarted.

Please suggest what should I replace in the .bat file to avoid this in the future.

Thanks very much.

PS: donated sime mining time to you on March 17 Wink
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
can you make script for sgminer ? many thanks
Activity: 118
Merit: 13
FarmWatchBot script Developer
Today version 1.9.6 released!

☄️ 1.9.6 - Cпиcoк измeнeний.
- Oбнoвлeн внeшний вид cкpиптa.
- Дoбaвлeнa пpoвepкa нa paзмep фaйлa autorun.log и eгo yдaлeниe в cлyчae ecли paзмep бoльшe 1 мeгaбaйтa.
- Oшибкa "gpu hangs" в Claymore бoльшe нe бyдeт пepeзaгpyжaть кoмпьютep, тoлькo мaйнep.
- Дoбaвлeнa oшибкa для Dstm "msg buffer full".
- Дoбaвлeнa oшибкa для Bminer "Fatal cuda error".
- Дoбaвлeнa oшибкa для Ccminer "unspecified launch failure".
- Boзмoжнocть oтключить oпpeдeлeниe 0C тeмпepaтypы кaк oшибкy чepeз кoнфиг.
- Иcпpaвлeн бaг кoгдa cкpипт нe пepeзaгpyжaл мaйнep/кoмпьютep в cлyчae пoтepи интepнeтa.
- Дoбaвлeны oшибки тeлeмeтpии.
- Увeличeн тaймep oжидaния пocлe coздaния log фaйлa нa 5 ceкyнд.
- Пocлeдyющиe oбнoвлeния чepeз кoмaндy /update oбнoвят вce cкpипты в пaпкe к тeкyщeй вepcии.
- Дoбaвлeн eщe oдин бoт для oнлaйн/oфлaйн cepвepa.
- Дpyгиe кocмeтичecкиe иcпpaвлeния.

☄️ 1.9.6 - Changelog
- Updated the appearance of the script.
- Added check for the size of the autorun.log file and its deletion in case the size is more than 1 megabyte.
- The "gpu hangs" error in Claymore will no longer reset the computer, only the miner.
- An error has been added for Dstm "msg buffer full".
- Added error for Bminer "Fatal cuda error".
- Added error for Ccminer "unspecified launch failure".
- Ability to disable the definition of 0C temperature as an error through the config.
- Fixed a bug where the script did not reboot the miner / computer in the event of a loss of the Internet.
- Telemetry errors have been added.
- Increased the wait timer after creating the log file for 5 seconds.
- Subsequent updates through the / update command will update all the scripts in the folder to the current version.
- Added one more bot for online / offline server.
- Other cosmetic fixes.

Ewbf Equihash - Ewbfautorun.bat
Dstm Equihash - Dstmautorun.bat
Claymore Equihash - ClayZECautorun.bat
Claymore CryptoNote - ClayXMRautorun.bat
Claymore NeoScrypt - ClayNSautorun.bat
Claymore Dagger-Hashimoto - ClayETHautorun.bat
Ethminer Dagger-Hashimoto - Ethrautorun.bat
Ccminer tpruvot, alexis (palgin), KlausT - CCautorun.bat

Premium price changed from 0.05ZEC to 20$ eq in any cryptocurrency from donations list.
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 102
Here is the link to the Claymore CPU CN miner.

Would really appreciate it if you can get this able to work.
Activity: 118
Merit: 13
FarmWatchBot script Developer
The addition of \update which automatically updates the script to the latest version is an extremely useful feature, especially when running multiple computers like me... This is a wonderful batch.

Thank you!

Is there a way to view the ccminer window or the log or whatever while it's operating?

Unfortunately it is impossible using standard CMD.EXE to both display information on screen and write it in the .log file at the same time. The script will ONLY work if the information is written in the .log file, making "on screen" impossible.

Also, ccminer is giving me card hash rates in mh and kh, which is ruining the hash rate reboot monitor. Any chance to remediate that somehow?

Sorry it is very hard to detect kh and mh what is exactly. Script take numbers and compare them. You just need to know what exactly NUMBER your miners give and use it in hashrate reboot monitor.
Problem is because i create 1 script for all Ccminers. I need to think and get solution for all Ccminers... very hard Sad

Does this work for Claymore CPU cryptonight?

Hello. Pls give me link to this miner.


scripts are fantastic, but I have a small problem with ccminer bot.

When miner crash, WatchBot still detect hashrate and does not restart miner.

Here is log:

2018-03-13 12:28:08] GPU #2: unspecified launch failure
[2018-03-13 12:28:08] GPU #4: unspecified launch failure
[2018-03-13 12:28:08] GPU #3: unspecified launch failure
[2018-03-13 12:28:09] GPU #3: MSI GTX 1080 Ti, 5563.03 MH/s
[2018-03-13 12:28:09] GPU #3: unspecified launch failure
[2018-03-13 12:28:09] GPU #0: MSI GTX 1080 Ti, 2737.09 MH/s
[2018-03-13 12:28:09] GPU #0: unspecified launch failure
[2018-03-13 12:28:09] GPU #1: MSI GTX 1080 Ti, 2321.70 MH/s
[2018-03-13 12:28:09] GPU #1: unspecified launch failure
[2018-03-13 12:28:09] GPU #4: MSI GTX 1080 Ti, 4041.11 MH/s
[2018-03-13 12:28:09] GPU #4: unspecified launch failure
[2018-03-13 12:28:09] GPU #2: MSI GTX 1080 Ti, 2393.04 MH/s
[2018-03-13 12:28:09] GPU #2: unspecified launch failure
[2018-03-13 12:28:09] GPU #0: unspecified launch failure
[2018-03-13 12:28:09] GPU #1: unspecified launch failure
[2018-03-13 12:28:09] GPU #4: unspecified launch failure

Can you look at this situation?

Thank you.

Hello! Thank you for reply, in next update this error will be added.

Hi Acrefawn, Thanks for the great update.
Quick question is there a fee for using the non-telegram version.
I cant seem to remember......


Hello. 100% free.
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Hi Acrefawn, Thanks for the great update.
Quick question is there a fee for using the non-telegram version.
I cant seem to remember......

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