I have promised 50 000 COXST to a twitter or other spread the word campaign.
No, donate it to the dev to use as reward for a twitter campaign.
So he wont have to use dev funds.
The coins would not be given to "strangers", but a reward for doing retweets and tweets.
Those will most likely come from within the community or someone following coxst already.
I bought 800k last week. Someone else bought too.... once we stopped. Its back to the usual dumping... including the endless zpool dump.
At this point i dont see a reason to have mining active on COXST.
I understand the vision originally was to "give everone a chance" ... but at this stage its been eaten by big miners and pools, not the "poor guy".
Second, the point is to give to charity, not make them come get it by mining.
We buy, and donate. Thats the right way to do it.
I was the other guy that has buyed ~ 150K Coxst
and it is a shame that after stopping buyorders the dumping starts again.
Great Idea but destroyed due such idiots like zpool
Maybe phil needs to consider this mate to avoid further dumpers to keep putting the price down.