The thing I don't understand, if it isn't legit why would it keep going up and down and allow some people to withdraw throughout this? I had plenty of opportunity to withdraw and perhaps foolishly decided to bear with it.
Don't sweat it. In snarl-ups like these, we all feel like fools in retrospect.
A couple of days ago, when Coinmarket flickered into life, I test-widthdrew 0.01 BTC: far less than the BTC I have there. The way I figured, 10mBTC was enough to lose if my withdrawal went a-vanishing like some others'. I had to wait for a second peek-a-boo uptime moment to click the confirm link, but my coin got through ASAP.
As the downtime continued, I felt like a bit of a fool for not withdrawing one full BTC or even my whole stash: then I could be using them instead of cooling my heels.
Of course, if my withdrawal had got eaten...