This whole incident is one of the latest efforts of politicians for disarming the nation.
Consider. Are you going to let your children - children who you love - go to the park and play cops and robbers, or cowboys and Indians anymore? No. You fear for their lives.
What is the result? Fewer toy guns among the kids... even if the States don't individually get rid of toy guns by law.
The politicians who don't restrain the police are pushing the anti-gun laws by making the people afraid for their lives... and now their kids' lives.
If the people want to retain the strength of guns to protect themselves from government, they will have to start suing murderous police, person to person, man to man, bypassing their police office. The more the police are sued for all kinds of infractions, man to man, the more the politicians will lose money (the police bond is often financed by the city). The more they lose money, the more they will finally reign in the police.
You hear, now and again, about police in an area or two who are disciplined for actions like this, even to the point of prison. This is only a deception, a camouflage, so that people think that something is being corrected among the police. Don't be deceived. Such corrections are few and far between. It is only getting worse. Cops are only getting worse. And city councils are only finding more deceptive ways to get cops to be worse, all the while promoting more and more enslavement of the people.
Think of all the military weaponry and armament government is selling to local police departments.