"The effectiveness of vitamin C in preventing and relieving the symptoms of virus-induced respiratory infections."
as usual you should read more and gloss over less
relieving symptoms. does not = preventing getting the flu itself
have a nice day though
its like saying
if you got the sniffles where your endlessly sniffing and annoying people around you with that sniff sound due to a runny nose for 2 weeks.
actually blowing your nose or if you have a mucussy throat. spitting it out instead of just coughing/swallowing will make the sniffs less apparent and the coughs less apparent and you will probably get over it in less than 2 weeks.
this does not mean blowing your nose and spitting will prevent you ever getting the flu. just reduce and alleviate the severity and length of the suffering of the symptoms.
Overall, reported flu and cold symptoms in the test group decreased 85% compared with the control group after the administration of megadose Vitamin C.
Vitamin C in megadoses administered before or after the appearance of cold and flu symptoms relieved and prevented the symptoms in the test population compared with the control group."
Just stop talking. Please.