That's a really neat chart. Years ago I used to make charts with Excel. They were never this good, but it was usually that I didn't need all the colorful detail. I haven't done it for a long time. I wonder how much I would have to practice to be able to make one like this.
This chart is inaccurate.
1) At the time, they taken 44,000 cases and just divided by death. Without waiting for all cases to resolve. It's cases/death-(lag to diagnose). If you put 50,000 cases inside of a sealed dome, and by day 3 there are 500 deaths. You may say, alright death/cases that's 1% morality rate. But 2 weeks later, all cases resolved and it's 2500 death. Morality is 5%, not 1%.
2) Old people can tend to die quicker, thus biasing the numbers of older faster up if old people died on average 3 days, vs. a healthy person 10 days. It will show a much higher older person of death to younger in ratio. I am not saying that younger people don't have better odds. By being younger, stronger, with better immune systems, they have better odds, but take the chart with a grain of salt.
3) Once the medical system is overwhelmed, there will be no top-tier medical treatment open to everyone, thereby increasing the rate of morality.
4) Do you trust the Chinese dictator government? That is reason alone to be warry of information provided. At the banquet they engineered, and arrested medical doctors, to cover up the data on it. The world could of been spared the wuhan virus if this didn't occur: (In the main post better detail)
Critical Point: