N95 - FFP2 and above masks will in fact help prevent you from being infected, assuming it is a proper fit. Still, you would be better off just staying at home.
Acquiring storable food, water, medicine, etc is highly advisable as there is a very good chance we are going to be seeing quarantines that could last months. The true scope of this pandemic is going to become evident within the next 2 weeks as reality sets in, and people start to panic. There will be shortages of practically everything even if you aren't quarantined. Be prepared.
I think it is even illegal to wear mask in some places in Europe, people been fined for it. The risk of getting infected from touching a subway door handle or lift button in high-rise or other places people touch frequently are significantly higher than someone spit you into the mouth.
Frequent washing of hands is a great cheap way to reduce risk.
Comedy gold, the guy is issupposedly sick/infected, the nurses opinion of the surgical mask. She is a health professional after all.
or this 3 bus drivers taking people to quarantine with escorts and everything
[img ]https://i.ibb.co/DwV2sHR/Untitled.jpg[/img]
Obviously direct contact or infected surface contact is a higher threat, but it is still airborne. Speaking of medical professionals, I got my information from an expert in epidemiology I know personally. He is not the type to panic, but he is very concerned and suggesting people prepare.
Experts everywhere
"airborne" does it mean a uniform soup of viruses all the way from ground up to the stratosphere?
Or is it at a particular temperature and atmospheric pressure floats at exactly nose high but not higher and want ever mix with eye moister.
He sure must have a good stash of protective airtight eye-wear. Probable the reason the guy behind the driver got full hazmat suit on.
Expert here, clean hands frequently with antiseptic/disinfectant tissue towel especial after douching door handles/knobs or other things lots of people touch.