
Topic: Coronavirus Outbreak - page 57. (Read 29873 times)

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
July 07, 2020, 04:02:06 AM
"New Evidence Confirms China Lied – Current Coronavirus is Not New and Was Identified Back in 2014"

"The evidence clearly shows that, not only did China lie in a major way about the origin of COVID-19, but that it is, without question, due to a man-made virus."

china didnt lie
even as early as january they were saying uts corona virus...
because they compared it to loads of SIMILAR varients they collected over the years to recognise it as the corona family and not, say the ebola family

the samples from 2014-2017 were not exact matches. so covid-19 strain was not around in 2014
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 07, 2020, 01:24:59 AM
"New Evidence Confirms China Lied – Current Coronavirus is Not New and Was Identified Back in 2014"

"The evidence clearly shows that, not only did China lie in a major way about the origin of COVID-19, but that it is, without question, due to a man-made virus."

Many labs all over the world have been 'working with' (aka, weaponizing) all kinds of pathogens and coronavirus is one of the big ones.

In 2016 NIAD (which Fauci heads) was dis-allowed from doing certain development work in CONUS because of the risk.  The solution?  Outsource to labs in China.  Specifically the BL4 in Wuhan.  And pay them for their work.  That's one of the reasons there was so much cross-over in the lab personnel between China and the various North American labs/academic institutions which NIAD contracts with.

'thegatewaypundit' is a political entity trying to spout the 'China-bad-guy end-of-story' narrative and keep their readers from figuring out that all of the so-called 'sovereign nations' work together on globalist projects when instructed to.

Besides, all their big talk about a vaccine is BS. Coronavirus is basically varieties of the common cold. They've been working on a vaccine for CV at least since the beginning of the 1990s. They don't have it yet, so why would anybody think that they will ever get it made and tested in the next year or two?

Yes, 'SARS-cov-2' was just the latest strain of common cold going around when they [the globalists and Gates in particular] decided to start the script running.  Very possibly it contained various 'research' from years gone by either because that has become integrated into the wild strain or because the current one was more recently engineered.  Doesn't matter much because...

'SARS-cov-2' is a nothingburger as we can see.  The ability to kill healthy people is nill, and it is even less effective at being the final straw among the weak than most seasonal influenzas.

We should be thankful for the non-threatening nature of SARS-cov-2.  We may not be so lucky with Gate's next goodie judging by his and Melinda's smirk.

A huge percent of the population has gotten it long ago and has antibodies.  This is super handy for Gates-n-team because they can order up a 'second wave' any time they like just by testing for the antibody.  They ignore the fact that the antibodies mean that a person has already had it and is now immune, and they know that the sheeple are to stupid and scientifically illiterate to comprehend the fraud.

The other trick they can use is to to 'RT-PCR' incorrectly and make anything come up hot.  Just keep cycling the test until they get a positive result.  That's why the Tanzanian goat and papaya sample came up hot.  A related trick was to contaminate the test kits.  With RT-PCR all you need is a tiny bit of DNA to get a 'positive' result in fewer cycles.

Real scientists know all this stuff and the good ones can see the fraud long ago.  Most will keep their mouth shut either because they believe the globalists Agenda-21 utopia marketing, or because they simply don't want to hurt their careers.  Plenty of them will and have spoken out, but the Globalists own ALL of the mainstream media, and armies of bots (programed and biological) and have spend decades getting to the point where they can 'control the narrative.'  Thus, only maybe 2%-4% of the peeps really both know the reality of what's going on and comprehend it.


Edit:  Oh ya, forgot due to baby-duty:

The vaccine has zero to do with 'coronavirus'.  It doen't need to solve 'the problem' because their is no problem to be solved.  The vaccine is for other purposes.  Namely, to get your cells re-programmed to work on someone elses problem by infecting them with genetic material.  The vaccine is the reason for 'covid-19'.  Not the other way around.

It is worth note that to be someones 'father' means that you contributed to their DNA.  Jeff Epstein and his friends, who very much included Bill Gates and people who are instrumental developing some of the RNA and DNA vaccine technologies which he is trying to fast-track, were quite interested in 'seeding the human race' with their own DNA.

How would like like to have Jeff Epstein, Bill Gates, etc, as your 'heavenly father'?  If you put your faith in the regulatory agencies to validate these vaccines and the technology then you probably deserve what you get.

You won't be 'forgetting' to get your vaccinations; the technocracy won't let that happen.  You may or many not have a chance to avoid it if you fight like hell.  I suggest you try, and I will be.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 06, 2020, 08:58:48 PM
"New Evidence Confirms China Lied – Current Coronavirus is Not New and Was Identified Back in 2014"

"The evidence clearly shows that, not only did China lie in a major way about the origin of COVID-19, but that it is, without question, due to a man-made virus."

Besides, all their big talk about a vaccine is BS. Coronavirus is basically varieties of the common cold. They've been working on a vaccine for CV at least since the beginning of the 1990s. They don't have it yet, so why would anybody think that they will ever get it made and tested in the next year or two?

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
July 06, 2020, 08:18:14 PM
"New Evidence Confirms China Lied – Current Coronavirus is Not New and Was Identified Back in 2014"

"The evidence clearly shows that, not only did China lie in a major way about the origin of COVID-19, but that it is, without question, due to a man-made virus."
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 05, 2020, 03:15:50 PM
idiots above cant actually bother reading so find excuses not to read. like be grammar nazis and just call it white noise
totally avoiding reading it because it opposes their cult influencers opinion.

it makes me laugh

Idiots above? Are you talking about angels or aliens? You haven't used enough language to explain. But why would you call them idiots? Or are you really calling everybody idiots?

Angels and aliens have far better ways of communicating than reading. No need to read.

Proper grammar is part of the explanation of what somebody is talking about. Improper grammar is like waving flags and hoping someone will understand... or in your case, like you don't really care.

However, it's good that you have a laugh, now and again. They say people who laugh remain healthier... especially people like you, laughing at yourself and not even realizing it.


EDIT: Btw, you mention "grammar nazi."

In WW2 when the Allies were going to bomb Germany at the end of the war, they needed a place to set up headquarters. They decided on the I.G. Farben company buildings in Frankfurt. I.G. Farben was the German medical/chemical companies in Germany of the day. In other words, we spared Big Pharma of Germany, and all their records, so they could start over anew in America. The chemical and vaccine companies are the Nazis.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
July 04, 2020, 05:47:07 PM
So what's the point of continuing the masks

"Still Confused About Masks? Here’s the Science Behind How Face Masks Prevent Coronavirus"

and distancing?
Why practice social distancing?

COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact .....Everyone has a role to play in slowing the spread....,noses%20of%20people%20nearby.

I assume you are well intentioned in posting these links, but I happen to be quite knowledgable about aerosols in the air. It's really a small step from there to understanding covid-19 particles. So I can skip your links and ask again the two basic questions, which you DIDN'T understand.

So what's the point of continuing the masks?

Why practice social distancing?

We've "flattened the curve," now it's time to deal with and coexist with the original and mutated forms of the COVID, now that our hospitals are not jammed with sick people. Then it will go away, just like all virii do.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
July 04, 2020, 05:06:58 PM
idiots above cant actually bother reading so find excuses not to read. like be grammar nazis and just call it white noise
totally avoiding reading it because it opposes their cult influencers opinion.

it makes me laugh
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 04, 2020, 04:15:24 PM
ive tried to dumb it down as much as possible.

You've never seemed to have had to try real hard to 'dumb things down'.


I suspect that way down deep, he is a really intelligent medical researcher, who is simply trying to protect his job security.

I've yet to see any evidence of that.

I know, I know. But we don't want to emotionally harm retarded people. It's a big problem of how to do it. When does it harm them emotionally to criticize them, and when is it more damaging to praise them?

I expect that you know what I mean. So, go on calling him out in as harsh a way as you can, and I will take the other side... soothing his wounds as much as I can without stroking/stoking his ego too hard. Maybe he will start to get well that way.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 04, 2020, 11:53:51 AM
ive tried to dumb it down as much as possible.

You've never seemed to have had to try real hard to 'dumb things down'.


I suspect that way down deep, he is a really intelligent medical researcher, who is simply trying to protect his job security.

I've yet to see any evidence of that.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 04, 2020, 11:18:06 AM
ive tried to dumb it down as much as possible.

You've never seemed to have had to try real hard to 'dumb things down'.

Why don't you start out working on grammer and punctuation?  Then move on to working on style so your content doesn't resemble white noise.  After you've got a handle on some of these skills then you can move on to actually understanding what you are talking about on a technical level.

Actually a lot of us can see the answer to these questions quite clearly.  Your whole goal is to try to 'muddy the waters' with content which serves no other purpose than to try to drown people in bullshit in hopes that they throw up their hands and move on without actually learning anything about 'covid 19'.  Because, of course, if they did they would see the fraud.

I suspect that way down deep, he is a really intelligent medical researcher, who is simply trying to protect his job security.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 04, 2020, 07:44:40 AM
ive tried to dumb it down as much as possible.

You've never seemed to have had to try real hard to 'dumb things down'.

Why don't you start out working on grammer and punctuation?  Then move on to working on style so your content doesn't resemble white noise.  After you've got a handle on some of these skills then you can move on to actually understanding what you are talking about on a technical level.

Actually a lot of us can see the answer to these questions quite clearly.  Your whole goal is to try to 'muddy the waters' with content which serves no other purpose than to try to drown people in bullshit in hopes that they throw up their hands and move on without actually learning anything about 'covid 19'.  Because, of course, if they did they would see the fraud.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
July 04, 2020, 07:28:33 AM
From two to three months according to that study:

"In this study, we observed that IgG levels and neutralizing antibodies in a high proportion of individuals who recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection start to decrease within 2–3 months after infection."
But there are a lot more scientific papers dedicated to this topic, as always DIOR,  epidemiologists, scientists and oficials from the medical field are already kicking in the nuts.  

ok lets handle this lttle diddy

imagine there are 5 types of antibody. some proactive, some reactive

lets just concentrate on the 2 types
the way the proactive ones work is by the antibodys surface having a wiggly outter surface. imagine it like a puzzle piece
your body has billions of different antibodies variants but lets imagine in anyone time there might be 6000 main types. always present in significant numbers 150k of each main type and then just a couple dozen thousand of less needed types.

when a virus comes in. the antibody that matches the edges of the virus joins onto it. and thus stops the virus from joining the edge of a lung cell wall.

the tail of the antibody knows it has a successful lock and then breaks the tail off to tell the body to produce more..

your body then goes from just 150k per billion. to 500milion per billion
and then when the threat is gone. it then slowly goes down to 150k numbers. and if after a few years of no seasonal attack it can go down even further to dozens

going from 500m to 150k is normal. it doesnt mean your no longer immune. it just means theres no current threat... your body can handle the residual mini battles of invaders without hassle
your body remembers and keeps a few around as a blueprint to make more when needed.

the best advice is to not allow millions of viral particles to invade yur body when you only have a dozen antibodies to defend
just like any battle its about numbers
if the invaders can get passed the defensive gates of the nose and throat. they can then attack the lungs

if enough are attacking lung cells then your body temperature rises as a strategy, your body floods the lungs as a strategy while it tries to create the reactive antibodies

imagine a sick person is coughing up 1million particles.
at 6inches (kissing/hugging distance) you wil take in 500k.. at 3foot(1metre) you will take in 30k and at 6 foot(2metre) you will take in 3k

so to avoid 1mill invaders standing at 2metre will only incur 3k
which is why they say 15mins at 2metre is the same as a single breath at 6inches
one breath every 3 seconds (20 a min) so 300breaths=1mill

wearing a surgical mask is 95% effective so at 6 inches 1mill instantly becomes 50k. meaning at 1metre is 1500. and 2metres is 150. so super effective
however jsut normal cloth covering is ~20% helpful
so 6inch=800k 1metre= 24k and 2metre=2.4k

thus cloth facemask is not much different than no mask.
more important is the distance
cloth mask 1metre =24k
no mask 2metre=3k
distance is 7-8x better than the 0.2x mask/no mask at same distance

because this virus is new . people just do not have the antibody in any large number that fit the viral puzzle piece.. so they have to rely on a healthy immune system that has enough just totally random antibodies with completely random wiggly edges in the hope that by pure natural luck they have enough randomness that some fit. and then their body can produce more. and remember that these new ones are now important blueprints rather than just previously random design. and keeps enough around to easily block and create more quicker than the virus invader numbers

ive tried to dumb it down as much as possible.

think about getting 3k invaders from jsut walking passed someone for 3 seconds at 2metres
your nose and throat 12k random luck defenders kill it off. before it gets to the lungs
now imagine being 1metre and get 30k. your random luck 12k antibodies block a third. but now 18k can get into your lungs

not so bad with 20k cells per mm . and lung being 50,000mm lung surface area
its only 0.002%damage. and not really going to make your temperature rise
but getting 30k every 3 seconds on a 10min bus journey
is 0.4%. and this would increase your temperature by maybe half a degree overall
and if the reactive antibodies cant kill off them 18k that get into the lungs faster then every breath. those viruses then multiply within your body.
thus a trojan attack of invaders coming in. and invaders already inside breaking out

so again. just to be safe. stay at a distance and dont mingle for too long
Activity: 2072
Merit: 4265
July 04, 2020, 03:33:52 AM
I am inclined to believe that the situation with coronavirus is complicated by the unpreparedness of medicine in different countries for major pandemics. People were sick and sick, and deaths occurred not only from the coronavirus. But because many hospitals are redeveloped into hospitals for coronavirus, all other diseases do not disappear. People die from other diseases, from the fact that they cannot fully receive the help that is needed for other diseases.
full member
Activity: 510
Merit: 102
July 04, 2020, 03:14:16 AM
Yep, the Coronavirus is flaring back up in the states. I think we have a while of this happening here.
God has given us knowledge to use for our own advantage as human, specially in this time of life threatening situation like COVID 19. To obey and wear a mask is not a punishment or worst hampered our rights. This is for our own safety measure for our self, family and friends. Stay home and keep safe.
Activity: 242
Merit: 10
Hi Crypto Friends :)
July 03, 2020, 07:09:11 PM
Yep, the Coronavirus is flaring back up in the states. I think we have a while of this happening here.
jr. member
Activity: 38
Merit: 3
July 03, 2020, 03:33:24 PM
^^^ Once you recognize that it all is a hoax, you will automatically correct a few things.

- The death rate is only about 0.26%.
- Of these deaths, less than 15% are under 65. Those that are 65+ generally have life-threatening health issues other than Covid.
- Leading flu vaccine deaths come in at around 0.6% to 0.7%... more than double Covid (see the 2.6%, above). It says so in the test paperwork that comes in the little box with the vaccine.
- People who take vitamin C, zinc, vitamin D3, vitamin A, and eat healthy almost don't get sick from the flu, especially if they don't get the flu vaccine. So Covid isn't a problem at all.

Then if you add things like not destroying your own health by wearing a mask, getting out into nature like sunshine at the beach, and like mingling with friends so that you are comfortable while you build your herd immunity, you can drive by the high-rise hospital and smile while you are waving at all the sickies looking out the windows.


You have part correct.

The huge death rates are from nursing homes.

within the nursing homes "demented old timers' die the easiest.

Assume the numbers are real.
55,000 deaths out of 132,000 are nursing home deaths.

This drops deaths to 77,000 in the USA
If you look at newer numbers death rates are lower as most are under 40 and partying at clubs.
If this is a good model.
More nursing homes will fill with covid-19 in CA TX AR FL  lots of sicker people will die.

Then older less ill people will that shelter in place will get ill.

Since care is a bit improved I come up with 260,000 dead in the USA by April 2021
at least 110,000 in nursing homes.
about 90,000 older people well enough to live good lives.

and 60,000 younger people.  0 to 60

My feeling is Trump and his people have done this math and figure it is acceptable.

110,000 sick in nursing homes.
 90,000 older fairly healthy would have lived 10-20 more years.
 60,000 under 60  with various health good fair and bad.

So if this is the correct assessment  wiping out the entire countries economy  is not wise.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 03, 2020, 02:58:33 PM
^^^ Once you recognize that it all is a hoax, you will automatically correct a few things.

- The death rate is only about 0.26%.
- Of these deaths, less than 15% are under 65. Those that are 65+ generally have life-threatening health issues other than Covid.
- Leading flu vaccine deaths come in at around 0.6% to 0.7%... more than double Covid (see the 2.6%, above). It says so in the test paperwork that comes in the little box with the vaccine.
- People who take vitamin C, zinc, vitamin D3, vitamin A, and eat healthy almost don't get sick from the flu, especially if they don't get the flu vaccine. So Covid isn't a problem at all.

Then if you add things like not destroying your own health by wearing a mask, getting out into nature like sunshine at the beach, and like mingling with friends so that you are comfortable while you build your herd immunity, you can drive by the high-rise hospital and smile while you are waving at all the sickies looking out the windows.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
July 03, 2020, 12:21:58 PM
Here is the thing about masks, although they will slow the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus, they will not actually stop anyone from getting the virus over the long run.

Hospitals have the ability to care for patients and the Military can provide surge hospital capacity if necessary. Currently, there are many people in this hospital who have the virus but are in the hospital because they have delayed seeking care for other health issues.

Back to my original point, if the virus spreads more quickly, the US will reach herd immunity more quickly, and the virus will no longer be a problem. If there are sharply lower numbers of cases 2-3 months before the election, the political cover to have widespread mail-in voting will be removed. Widespread mail-in voting will result in widespread voter fraud (look at what happened in NJ recently where ~20% of mailed ballots were fraudulent), and it is not possible to have a free and fair election with widespread mail-in voting.

I am not sure if we can get herd immunity in ~2 months. We probably have about 6% of the US population infected as of today, and we need somewhere between 40 and 70% of the population to be immune (via having recovered or receiving a vaccine) to outright stop the spread. Currently, mostly young people are getting the virus, who are dying at much lower rates than when NY governor Cuomo was sending infected people into nursing homes to maximize the number of vulnerable people getting infected, and are having hospital stays at around half as older people.

lets correct a few things
imagine a californian area of 10mill people. knowing there are 2000 hospital beds
knowing the r0 of 2.6 withotu lockdown
knowing 9% of people who get it need hospital treatment (30% mild needing home bedrest)

so lets just take some weekly numbers of February and March
ill also abbreviate things
NH=badly sick need hospital.
OK. for assymptomatic/bedrest at home people

lets begin with saying just 55 people got off a repatriation flight who got the virus but 50 not really that sick. but 5 were sick to need treatment.

Fwk1:50(OK),5(NH)          Fwk2:130(OK),13(NH) Fwk3:338(OK),34(NH)    Fwk4:879(OK),88(NH)
Mwk1:2284(OK),228(NH)  Mwk2:5940(OK),594(NH) Mwk3:15445(OK),1545(NH)

as you can see even basic math shows that at march 14 where there are 594 needing a bed. and being in bed for a fortnight. and adding to that the 1545 the following week. causes all the beds to be full

and they cant let it get even bigger numbers the following week
again this is only talking about 1500 sick in a whole week amungst 10mill
.. the reason its bad. is because there are only 2000 beds
get it yet?

imagine no lockdown. no restriction.
and just counting the NH numbers
MWk4: in hospital already 1545 + 4016new  37 previously died/ 331 discharged
      =5561 patients but 2000 beds = 3561 discharged untreated=potential deaths(mainly at home)
AWk1: in hospital already 2000 + 10441new  3598 previously died
      =5561 patients but 2000 beds = 10000 discharged untreated=potential deaths(mainly at home)

its now getting to a point just a few weeks later that anyone wanting treatment wont get any.

this is why the lockdown was done in the 2nd week of march to curb the spread before it got t the march week 4 predicted numbers.

if you do the math of the 50+130+338+878+and so on Ok people
in mid march would be 9621 people out of 10mill that had it but not harshly
which is 0.9% total pre lockdown
a couple weeks of that
which at the flatten of the curve would be ~0.5% a week which would have been 0.9+6%= ~7% combined spread
without lockdown it would have been 0.9+2.5+6.5+16.9+43.96= ~70% spread in 4 weeks..
but with 7% that really need hospital treatment but not getting it (so ~22mill died at home with no treatment)

if society could maintain a healthy 1% spread each week to allow the sick the 0.1% sick to have 2 weeks of treatments(0.2% bed occupency) at any time. and have its predictable and controllable it wasnt a problem

the at 1% spread a week would take another ~93 weeks to get 100% herd immunity
or 63 weeks to get 70% her immune

any faster then that will over run the hospitals

have a nice day and enjoy the 0.5% curbed spread due to lockdown while it lasts.
yes at full lockdown it would take a few hundred weeks to get her spread.
but now it seems that number is rising now lockdown is relaxed. so expect nurses and doctors to get overworked soon and another lockdown to be put in place. because they cant just let it go uncontrolled

an r0 of 1.1
JulWk1:0.5%: JulWk2: 0.55% JullWk3: 0.6% JulWk4:0.66%
AugWk1: 0.73%  AugWk2:0.8% AugWk3: 0.88% AugWk4:0.97%

so even at just the smallest of rises of 1.1 expect 2 months before something will need to be tightened/restricted again.

stay at a distance. dont get sick and lower the numbers.. and then restrictions dont have to happen in a few months

one thing is for sure.
you wont acheive herd immunity and not have restrictions to protect the healthcare
copper member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1899
Amazon Prime Member #7
July 03, 2020, 09:02:11 AM
Back to my original point, if the virus spreads more quickly, the US will reach herd immunity more quickly, and the virus will no longer be a problem.

Wrong point regarding COVID case. Acquired immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is not lasting for long.This has been verified by scientific and empirical data. U.S. officials admitted their mistake regarding the masks at public places. If people were wearing them the current situation would be much better.
copper member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1899
Amazon Prime Member #7
July 03, 2020, 01:55:33 AM
Here is the thing about masks, although they will slow the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus, they will not actually stop anyone from getting the virus over the long run.

Hospitals have the ability to care for patients and the Military can provide surge hospital capacity if necessary. Currently, there are many people in this hospital who have the virus but are in the hospital because they have delayed seeking care for other health issues.

Back to my original point, if the virus spreads more quickly, the US will reach herd immunity more quickly, and the virus will no longer be a problem. If there are sharply lower numbers of cases 2-3 months before the election, the political cover to have widespread mail-in voting will be removed. Widespread mail-in voting will result in widespread voter fraud (look at what happened in NJ recently where ~20% of mailed ballots were fraudulent), and it is not possible to have a free and fair election with widespread mail-in voting.

I am not sure if we can get herd immunity in ~2 months. We probably have about 6% of the US population infected as of today, and we need somewhere between 40 and 70% of the population to be immune (via having recovered or receiving a vaccine) to outright stop the spread. Currently, mostly young people are getting the virus, who are dying at much lower rates than when NY governor Cuomo was sending infected people into nursing homes to maximize the number of vulnerable people getting infected, and are having hospital stays at around half as older people.

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