"The evidence clearly shows that, not only did China lie in a major way about the origin of COVID-19, but that it is, without question, due to a man-made virus."
Many labs all over the world have been 'working with' (aka, weaponizing) all kinds of pathogens and coronavirus is one of the big ones.
In 2016 NIAD (which Fauci heads) was dis-allowed from doing certain development work in CONUS because of the risk. The solution? Outsource to labs in China. Specifically the BL4 in Wuhan. And pay them for their work. That's one of the reasons there was so much cross-over in the lab personnel between China and the various North American labs/academic institutions which NIAD contracts with.
'thegatewaypundit' is a political entity trying to spout the 'China-bad-guy end-of-story' narrative and keep their readers from figuring out that all of the so-called 'sovereign nations' work together on globalist projects when instructed to.
Besides, all their big talk about a vaccine is BS. Coronavirus is basically varieties of the common cold. They've been working on a vaccine for CV at least since the beginning of the 1990s. They don't have it yet, so why would anybody think that they will ever get it made and tested in the next year or two?
Yes, 'SARS-cov-2' was just the latest strain of common cold going around when they [the globalists and Gates in particular] decided to start the script running. Very possibly it contained various 'research' from years gone by either because that has become integrated into the wild strain or because the current one was more recently engineered. Doesn't matter much because...
'SARS-cov-2' is a nothingburger as we can see. The ability to kill healthy people is nill, and it is even less effective at being the final straw among the weak than most seasonal influenzas.
We should be thankful for the non-threatening nature of SARS-cov-2. We may not be so lucky with Gate's next goodie judging by his and Melinda's smirk.
A huge percent of the population has gotten it long ago and has antibodies. This is super handy for Gates-n-team because they can order up a 'second wave' any time they like just by testing for the antibody. They ignore the fact that the antibodies mean that a person has already had it and is now immune, and they know that the sheeple are to stupid and scientifically illiterate to comprehend the fraud.
The other trick they can use is to to 'RT-PCR' incorrectly and make anything come up hot. Just keep cycling the test until they get a positive result. That's why the Tanzanian goat and papaya sample came up hot. A related trick was to contaminate the test kits. With RT-PCR all you need is a tiny bit of DNA to get a 'positive' result in fewer cycles.
Real scientists know all this stuff and the good ones can see the fraud long ago. Most will keep their mouth shut either because they believe the globalists Agenda-21 utopia marketing, or because they simply don't want to hurt their careers. Plenty of them will and have spoken out, but the Globalists own ALL of the mainstream media, and armies of bots (programed and biological) and have spend decades getting to the point where they can 'control the narrative.' Thus, only maybe 2%-4% of the peeps really both know the reality of what's going on and comprehend it.
Edit: Oh ya, forgot due to baby-duty:
The vaccine has zero to do with 'coronavirus'. It doen't need to solve 'the problem' because their is no problem to be solved. The vaccine is for other purposes. Namely, to get your cells re-programmed to work on someone elses problem by infecting them with genetic material. The vaccine is the reason for 'covid-19'. Not the other way around.
It is worth note that to be someones 'father' means that you contributed to their DNA. Jeff Epstein and his friends, who very much included Bill Gates and people who are instrumental developing some of the RNA and DNA vaccine technologies which he is trying to fast-track, were quite interested in 'seeding the human race' with their own DNA.
How would like like to have Jeff Epstein, Bill Gates, etc, as your 'heavenly father'? If you put your faith in the regulatory agencies to validate these vaccines and the technology then you probably deserve what you get.
You won't be 'forgetting' to get your vaccinations; the technocracy won't let that happen. You may or many not have a chance to avoid it if you fight like hell. I suggest you try, and I will be.