
Topic: Coronavirus Outbreak - page 56. (Read 29873 times)

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 09, 2020, 07:58:13 AM
and the idiot previously doesnt know that there are two types of test

1) a nasel/throat(mucus) swap test that is then PCR processed and then analysed for characteristics specific to unique features of the covid19 virus - this ill call the identifier test

2) a blood sample test processed in a similar process as a pregnancy/litmus paper method. that indicates certain antibodies that reveal that your immunity has been triggered to a massive invasion and also that your body is already signaled in that it has performed a battle strategy/able to recreate more antibodies for future battles and the mission general is on the ground helping with the cleanup - ill call this the battle success indicator
yes the idiots previous post is talking about the second test. the antibody test.
not the first test the actual covid identifier test

He probably knew about the distinction between the two tests just fine.  He just didn't discuss them in a tweet sized message for obvious reasons.  Nothing the guy said was inaccurate or deceptive.  Just a couple of things from the CDC which everyone is trying to not talk about.

yes if you have tested positive for the first meaning infected by covid
... and then.. separetly a few weeks later positive for the second indicating your body has successfully battled the infection
then combining the two pieces of information you can summarise that your body successfully fought off covid.
well the lack of symptoms also adds into the summery

Wrong again Bob.  The PCR tests, in they way they are mis-used for 'covid-19' against the complaints of the developer, simply means that there was a tiny trace of a genomic sequence in the initial sample, or that the cycles were so high that a false positive occurred.  ...then of course there was the story about the swabs being contaminated with the SARS-cov-2 itself...

As the post and the CDC admit, the 2nd test a few weeks later lets you surmise no such thing.  Of course if you are getting a cool $12,000 extra for surmising 'covid-19' and the CDC is saying "don't worry, we won't be checking" then it can be expeced that 'covid-19' will be 'surmised' quite a bit.

however if you only have the second test. then it shows you fought off something. but it doesnt reveal what

the antibody test never has nor will be a "what" viral battle was fought. but a "that" your in recovery and at that point immune from whatever your body was fighting

the idiot above gets very confused
or is being a troll .
but one thing is for sure no one in the science community has ever thought the antibody test was a covid specific identifier test.
its just an antibody test
it identifies the battle was won. not which battle

idiot above does not realise that there is (1) a covid identifier test
but is just copy and pasting his cultish site that is pretending only the antibody test exists and is in use.

Are you saying that Fausti and the rest of the Gods of science are going to be able to design a vaccine which instigates the production of antibodies for 'covid-19', but they cannot even tell what such an antibody looks or act like enough to even have a test for it!?!

And you expect people to flock to the pharmacy to get such a shot?  Never mind.  That's why there are a million troops called up.  To many people will probably not go willingly and Bill Gates won't be happy.


This so-called 'vaccine' which is being fast-tracked ain't got nothin to do with 'coronavirus', my friends, and it's not a 'vaccine' in the common sense of the word either.  It changes your cells to operate to an instruction set designed by Bill Gates and Jeff Epstein's pals.  It quite simply makes you into a GMO.  God only knows what those instructions are.  I'm going to try real hard to find out by observing others and not see what happens to my own body.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
July 09, 2020, 03:51:05 AM
and the idiot previously doesnt know that there are two types of test

1) a nasel/throat(mucus) swap test that is then PCR processed and then analysed for characteristics specific to unique features of the covid19 virus - this ill call the identifier test

2) a blood sample test processed in a similar process as a pregnancy/litmus paper method. that indicates certain antibodies that reveal that your immunity has been triggered to a massive invasion and also that your body is already signaled in that it has performed a battle strategy/able to recreate more antibodies for future battles and the mission general is on the ground helping with the cleanup - ill call this the battle success indicator
yes the idiots previous post is talking about the second test. the antibody test.
not the first test the actual covid identifier test

yes if you have tested positive for the first meaning infected by covid
... and then.. separetly a few weeks later positive for the second indicating your body has successfully battled the infection
then combining the two pieces of information you can summarise that your body successfully fought off covid.
well the lack of symptoms also adds into the summery

however if you only have the second test. then it shows you fought off something. but it doesnt reveal what

the antibody test never has nor will be a "what" viral battle was fought. but a "that" your in recovery and at that point immune from whatever your body was fighting

the idiot above gets very confused
or is being a troll .
but one thing is for sure no one in the science community has ever thought the antibody test was a covid specific identifier test.
its just an antibody test
it identifies the battle was won. not which battle

idiot above does not realise that there is (1) a covid identifier test
but is just copy and pasting his cultish site that is pretending only the antibody test exists and is in use.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 08, 2020, 07:20:36 PM
The complexity of the whole Covid investigation shows that nobody, medical person or otherwise, has any idea if there is a viral pandemic or not, or what it is. One thing that we all know for certain is, it's a legal pandemic in governments giving us orders that they are not authorized to give... and playing on our fear and stupidity to get us to obey them.

CDC admits COVID-19 ‘positive result’ just means you’ve previously contracted the “common cold”

ntellihub founder and editor-in-chief Shepard Ambellas Tweeted out the details on Tuesday which ultimately unveils the sinister plan that's currently afoot in regards to unconstitutional closures, shutdowns, lockdowns, forced testing, contact tracing, and the complete dismantlement of society as we know it. (i.e. the invisible enemy a.k.a. COVID-19)

"A positive test result shows you may have antibodies from an infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. However, there is a chance a positive result means that you have antibodies from an infection with a virus from the same family of viruses (called coronaviruses), such as the one that causes the common cold."

"You may test positive for antibodies even if you have never had symptoms of COVID-19. This can happen if you had an infection without symptoms, which is called an asymptomatic infection."

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
July 08, 2020, 06:01:48 PM
many examples of proof

such as covid affecting amazonian/african/aboriginal tribes that simply dont get their 'jabs'
yep some tribes who then get sick with covid find a way to nearest village or their body has been taken samples of.

if your thinking.. well we know your not thinking.. let me reword it
if your repeating nonsense that covid is not a virus but some pre-existing condition. your wrong
we live in the 21st century where technology actually helps

i know you might be afraid of science. i know that the truth might make you realise how much money you wasted paying into those cultish scripting sites.

but just for once. try to do some research without linking to your lame faux media
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 08, 2020, 01:22:14 PM
But if the medical and Big Pharma hadn't intervened with medicine and vaccines, and the CDC with lockdowns and masks, we would have reached herd immunity long ago,

actually no.
and basic maths will tell you this.

with only 0.2% of hospital beds per population. there just isnt enough capacity to have had 'herd immunity' along time ago without lots of people suffocating without any treatment

try to use some maths not some faux media myths

Actually, you are wrong in what the supposed basic math is telling you. Here's why.

From times before medical intervention, stuff came and went. Some people died; others lived. Has been happening this way throughout history, right? But nobody has done a basic hygiene test with control groups like these:
1. Medically subjected people vs. non-medically subjected people...
2. Including #1 with good hygiene vs bad hygien...
3. Including #1 and #2 with good nutrition vs. bad nutrition...
4. Including #1 and #2 and #3 with certified and verified records for truth and accuracy.

In other words, nobody knows if medical intervention made it worse or better, or if the medical simply took credit for what would have happened naturally, anyway.

When you look at history from the books, you can see that different historians don't agree on what happened. The same should be applied to medical history. In other words, the Spanish flu or whatever it was in 1918, might not have even come about without medical intervention causing it to happen. We don't know if we have accurate historical records, or if it is mistaken or lied about.

Or do you have proof?

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
July 08, 2020, 01:04:35 PM
But if the medical and Big Pharma hadn't intervened with medicine and vaccines, and the CDC with lockdowns and masks, we would have reached herd immunity long ago,

actually no.
and basic maths will tell you this.

with only 0.2% of hospital beds per population. there just isnt enough capacity to have had 'herd immunity' along time ago without lots of people suffocating without any treatment

try to use some maths not some faux media myths

also 29x more deaths?
um again no. there are not 2.9mill dead due to lockdown compared to 100k covid deaths
EG not 3.8m american lockdown deaths vs 134k american covid deaths

people that die due to hypoxia which then causes organ failure, where it has been diagnosed using 21st not 12th century medicine as being caused by a specific pneumonia triggered by a specific and testable pathogen. where that pathogen has actually been specifically studied.

are you really stuck in the medieval times of witch craft and magic. and not understand technology and science
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 08, 2020, 12:55:12 PM
first of all.
i know badecker has some really short term memory. but ill make a quick reminder

hospitals are not just given a fixed lump sum under the diagnoses 'covid'

what actually happens is when blood samples are taken theres a cost for that
when xrays/MRI's are done theres a cost for that
when ventilation is done there is a cost for that
even procedures like having 2 nurses aid a patient to flip onto their stomach has been calculated to a cost of that time too.
ventilator equipment. the oxygen
medication/pain relief. + nurses time to administer it.  all have costs attached

each patients treatment is slightly different and comes at different costs.
what faux media portray is a total bills of these total costs then divided by the number of patients to then get an average.

But if the medical and Big Pharma hadn't intervened with medicine and vaccines, and the CDC with lockdowns and masks, we would have reached herd immunity long ago, and there wouldn't be any need for hospitalization in most cases. All that the medical industry is doing is trying to take control of herd immunity for their own monetary advantage. And they are wrecking the world to do it.

Covid Lockdowns Killing 29 Times More People Than Covid?

The rule "first do no harm" appears to have been thrown out the window in the response to the 2019 coronavirus outbreak. Some studies suggest that for every "Covid" death there could be 29 deaths due to the lockdowns worldwide. Famine, depression, suicide, untreated illnesses - all of these may overshadow Covid as the killer of the year. Plus in today's program: Fauci says we're "knee-deep in the first wave," the New England Journal of Medicine suggests just suspending any worker who refuses the coronavirus vaccine, and Texas mask "mandates" explained.

Covid Lockdowns Killing 29 Times More People Than Covid?

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
July 08, 2020, 11:57:08 AM
Here's how tvbcof's illogical fallacy is structured:

 - person has 'covid-19' (defined as being suspected of having a SARS-cov-2 infection.)
 - person died a horrible death.
 - covid-19 causes a horrible death and is 'real'.

Now replace 'covid-19' with 'common cold' (because that is what it is.)  The argument still works just as well because it is exactly the same argument.

because we do not live in the 12th century. maybe your dyslexic and read 21st as 12th..
but i must correct you, this is not the 12th century

we have doctors that know that car crashes do not cause pneumonia
we know that drug overdoses do not cause pneumonia
they are even specialised and have things called machines(not sticks and stones) .. machines that can actually identify the specific type of pneumonia. and what/how it was caused.

they have other machines(not just sticks and stones) that can run other tests and scans.
doctors learn many things like certain symptoms are caused by certain causes

knowing which pneumonia and also then comparing it to other tests and other symptom lists. builds up a diagnoses.

EG a broken leg they can see its not a flu symptom
they can narrow it down and see if it was due to brittle bones and a small mishap/trip. vs a high velocity impact.
they can actually tel the difference between these things.

i know you are stuck in the stupid bucket of thinking hospitals just class everyone as covid just by a single cough. but thats not how 21st century medicine works
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 08, 2020, 11:39:49 AM

The 'first wave' was mostly a played-up hoax and fraud with a ton of people popping up saying their elderly parent who was reported to have died from covid-19 in the newspaper died of no such thing.  I even remember live people coming forward and saying that their death from covid-19 was mainstream media fraud.  Why would anyone believe the '2nd wave' stories?  Especially since the likes of Bill Gates have promised a '2nd wave' which basically does not generally happen with coronavirus?

Of course there were a ton of whistleblowers and investigative journalist proving in no uncertain terms that a lot of the reports were straight-up media fakery.  Like getting hospital employees to get in a 'testing line' when the news media showed up to make it look like they were doing something.  And showing 'crowded hospitals' which was footage from different times and different countries.

Anyone who believes the mainstream media hype after all this known fraud is a class-1 retard.  Unless I see a covid-19 patient with my own eyes, and only then after they've been evaluated by a doctor who has a track-record of competence and honesty, will I believe any of this crap.  Absolutely not to be trusted are the celebrity-doctors like that Indian douchebag whatever his name is.  Oh ya; Sanjay Gupta.

My uncle is a doctor and he treats patients with coronavirus.
For me, anyone who believes that COVID-19 doesn't exist is class-1 retard.
Governments have no benefit to close people at their homes. Economies are destroyed and when this happens governments are getting fired.

Here's how this logical fallacy is structured:

 - person has 'covid-19' (defined as being suspected of having a SARS-cov-2 infection.)
 - person died a horrible death.
 - covid-19 causes a horrible death and is 'real'.

Now replace 'covid-19' with 'common cold' (because that is what it is.)  The argument still works just as well because it is exactly the same argument.

Most people cannot be infected with SARS-cov-2 virus, and this is probably because they had the common cold within the last few years.  They may or may not generate a few antibodies, but it's the innate immune system which is doing the heavy lifting in this case.  Very few people even know they had the infection.

When someone is in a weakened state, anything can push them over the edge into some condition like pneumonia or what-have-you.  The result:  Horrible death.  That's how most deaths are actually.

It's just like a worn out car is generally not going to completely stop running on a level road.  the first hill, however, will be the one where it stops.  99.999% of the rest of the cars will zoom right over it.  You don't stop all traffic everywhere until you get the hill cut down and the road through it flattened out.  Unless, of course, your goal is to stop all traffic everywhere and you need an excuse however lame it may be.  Maybe you have got most people believing some myth that global warming will kill everyone unless we all totally stop driving cars.

I have in fact heard almost everyone I know tell me that at least the covid-19 situation is good for the environment.  'covid-19' IS Agenda-21.  Just like normal peeps (the 99.999%) should not own and drive cars but rather use Google's driverless taxis and use their cashless energy credit allotment to do so IS Agenda-21.  To, you know, 'save the planet.'

The end-goal is a human population well under 1/2 a billion.  The promise that these people are making is that you'll be able to upload your mind into the cloud, leave your earthly body behind, and live forever in 'the hive.'  It's a utopian sham as far as I can see.  But this 'great reset' is one of the stepping stones toward it.  What will come out of it is that the technocrats will be controlling your genetic expression at the cellular level.  That's not an exaggeration.  It IS the method by which the new RNA and DNA 'vaccinations' work and there is no secret about that.  If you want to submit to that knowing that Bill Gates is the driving force behind it, go for it.  I will fight tooth and nail against it happening to me or my progeny.


As for the 'government's advantage', it is abundantly clear now, after the global lock-step on locking down, that there really are no governments or nations really.  All are under tight control by corporations (and the board members of said.)

For the 0.001% it is relatively straightforward to maintain a dedicated army of bureaucratic and enforcement minions.  You just given them a modestly superior quality of life compared to the 95% and they'll fight to the death to keep their position.  That would take the form of getting two driverless taxi trips per month instead of the 1 which everyone else gets.  Or getting a new i-phone ever year instead of every 2 years.

The advantage for the 0.001% is that it is god-damned expensive to elevate the quality of life of their bureaucrats over the normal pleb class in a free market system.  If you can enforce a general state of poverty on everyone through an obligate socialist totalitarian technocracy then it is cheap and easy to give the 4.99% a better quality of life than the 95%.

Orwell understood these dynamics and principles quite well, and he described them quite well in his book.  As have a number of other authors.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
July 08, 2020, 11:11:45 AM
i find it funny how tvbcof is pretending he knows someone who knows someone that was declared dead.. but still alive

how deep in the stupid bucket are these idiots having to go before they realise they are stuck in stupid
Activity: 980
Merit: 62
July 08, 2020, 10:59:26 AM
Coronavirus is spreading again around the Balkans.
Serbia has a huge problem with the virus as I can read from the news and Belgrade the capital city of Serbia is now under lockdown.
It seems that we are going to have problems with the virus till the end of the year for sure.

The 'first wave' was mostly a played-up hoax and fraud with a ton of people popping up saying their elderly parent who was reported to have died from covid-19 in the newspaper died of no such thing.  I even remember live people coming forward and saying that their death from covid-19 was mainstream media fraud.  Why would anyone believe the '2nd wave' stories?  Especially since the likes of Bill Gates have promised a '2nd wave' which basically does not generally happen with coronavirus?

Of course there were a ton of whistleblowers and investigative journalist proving in no uncertain terms that a lot of the reports were straight-up media fakery.  Like getting hospital employees to get in a 'testing line' when the news media showed up to make it look like they were doing something.  And showing 'crowded hospitals' which was footage from different times and different countries.

Anyone who believes the mainstream media hype after all this known fraud is a class-1 retard.  Unless I see a covid-19 patient with my own eyes, and only then after they've been evaluated by a doctor who has a track-record of competence and honesty, will I believe any of this crap.  Absolutely not to be trusted are the celebrity-doctors like that Indian douchebag whatever his name is.  Oh ya; Sanjay Gupta.

My uncle is a doctor and he treats patients with coronavirus.
For me, anyone who believes that COVID-19 doesn't exist is class-1 retard.
Governments have no benefit to close people at their homes. Economies are destroyed and when this happens governments are getting fired.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 08, 2020, 09:16:30 AM
Coronavirus is spreading again around the Balkans.
Serbia has a huge problem with the virus as I can read from the news and Belgrade the capital city of Serbia is now under lockdown.
It seems that we are going to have problems with the virus till the end of the year for sure.

The 'first wave' was mostly a played-up hoax and fraud with a ton of people popping up saying their elderly parent who was reported to have died from covid-19 in the newspaper died of no such thing.  I even remember live people coming forward and saying that their death from covid-19 was mainstream media fraud.  Why would anyone believe the '2nd wave' stories?  Especially since the likes of Bill Gates have promised a '2nd wave' which basically does not generally happen with coronavirus?

Of course there were a ton of whistleblowers and investigative journalist proving in no uncertain terms that a lot of the reports were straight-up media fakery.  Like getting hospital employees to get in a 'testing line' when the news media showed up to make it look like they were doing something.  And showing 'crowded hospitals' which was footage from different times and different countries.

Anyone who believes the mainstream media hype after all this known fraud is a class-1 retard.  Unless I see a covid-19 patient with my own eyes, and only then after they've been evaluated by a doctor who has a track-record of competence and honesty, will I believe any of this crap.  Absolutely not to be trusted are the celebrity-doctors like that Indian douchebag whatever his name is.  Oh ya; Sanjay Gupta.

Activity: 980
Merit: 62
July 08, 2020, 08:51:29 AM
Coronavirus is spreading again around the Balkans.
Serbia has a huge problem with the virus as I can read from the news and Belgrade the capital city of Serbia is now under lockdown.
It seems that we are going to have problems with the virus till the end of the year for sure.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
July 08, 2020, 08:26:41 AM
Hospitals are restricted from attending to normal patient needs restricting their income. The law also sets up specific funding tied to not only positive COVID tests, as well as ventilator use and other treatments for COVID, forcing hospitals to depend heavily upon these diagnoses to remain fiscally solvent. Yet you feel this will have no effect on the results of diagnosis, treatment, or outcome of any of these patients?

"Fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators"
hospitals dont get funds for just writing the word covid.
"Coronavirus fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators"

 then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000."

a normal hospital bed with its nurse observations at regular intervals. and maybe a bloodox monitor heartrate monitor.. but no ventilation is like $600 a day. add in a few tests,  and some pain relief meds and other daily stuff. and 14 day hospital stay would be the AVERAGE $13k ($900 a day)

its not a fixed total.
its case by case. and then later in hindsight. after adding each case up. then dividing the case by case totals by the number of patients the report is associated with. then they get an average..
WHICH MEDIA THEN USE THIS SUBJECTIVE NUMBER, somehow but wrongfully as a fixed bill per patient
its funny how you idiots ignore purposefully dont understand the many layers of stuff that is defined under the word "upto"

if however they need the ICU ward the costs are more because the salary of the staff is higher as they are more trained. this means a ICU bed is then over $1k a day because it involves more observations. more hands on care, more monitors. more meds. then add in the ventilator and also include the anaesthesiologist costs of putting them in a coma. and all the other costs. then it can be UPTO $39k for a 14 day stay

its not a guaranteed fixed $39k
its an averaged $39k based on a 14 day ventilation. and as you even pointed out other averaged out things scale down
EG if the person only needed to be on ventilator for 7 days. the costs would be lower

doctors need to actually perform these treatments. they cant just write 'on ventilation' while the patient is in the ED waiting room and get a couple $K a day. the patient actually has to have been given that treatment
to then claw back the costs later

and that treatment has to be given by actually showing the patient required it. such as blood'ox reports/graphs of the patients monitors showing a decline of oxygen in the blood. aswell as other pre-eventilation procedures like giving CPAP/BiPAP first and those not solving the problem.
aswell as observation notes of physically seeing the symptoms of a patient screaming they cant breathe and gasping for air.

the accounts department dont just take a 'covid' sentance and just say heres $39k
they actually look at if the treatment was required, and if it was administered and for how long.

so for all you idiot fools that think that while a patient is sat in the waiting room of a ED talking about their weekend with an occassional cough. the accounts department is funnelling $39k into the hospitals bank accounts. then you are just idiots.
again even badecker debunked himself when the doctor he promoted that was giving patience with just cough symptoms. but decided to put them in a coma and ventilate them. he got reprimanded the very same week.. because the doctors actually get checked on

lets word this another way
if it was that simple to funnel money in with just a 'covid positive' result on a medical record.
we would see hospitals shouting 'open house, everyone come in for a test and a cookie.'
but they are not.
they are actually telling people to stay home and not be sissy cry babies about minor things and only come in if its really neessesary. because they only get paid for the treatments they actually give and they only have a small finite amount of resources to actually give actual treatment
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
July 08, 2020, 07:20:37 AM
first of all.
i know badecker has some really short term memory. but ill make a quick reminder

hospitals are not just given a fixed lump sum under the diagnoses 'covid'

what actually happens is when blood samples are take theres a cost for that
when xrays/MRI's are done theres a cost for that
when ventilation is done there is a cost for that
even procedures like having 2 nurses aid a patient to flip onto their stomach has been calculated to a cost of that time too.
ventilator equipment. the oxygen
medication/pain relief. + nurses time to administer it.  all have costs attached

each patients treatment is slightly different and comes at different costs.
what faux media portray is a total bills of these total costs then divided by the number of patients to then get an average.

did you know that disability groups are in uproar that a disabled persons hospital care is more expensive than an able body persons hospital bill. without understanding that simple things like the extra care of bed baths and toilet care adds on costs to the disabled person. where as the abled person can selfcare their hygiene

this average number. is not the exact funds a hospital gets just for writing covid.
again. its just an averaged number based on .. (take a deep breath and really concentrate)

the actual treatments a hospital does of multiple individual patients. case by case.
totaled up.
and then separetly and after the fact. an accounting/faux media. then divide that by the number of patients to get an average for 'news summary' purposes
this bill is not always funded by government but also by insurance providers. or in some cases the patient themselves.

in short and again for emphasis
hospitals dont get funds for just writing the word covid.
infact just writing covid will earn them maybe $50(not exact.. but just the doctors time).
for having a covid test to verify it will get them a combined $100(not exact but cost of the sampling)
if they have MRI +$500 chest xray +$50 .. CT scan +$400
ventilator costs can be $1k a day

the hospitals have to show reason for their cost claims.
and they also have to show reason for why they needed each treatment/diagnostic tool too

im guessing that badecker is a herbalist that has never even seen his own medical records or been in a hospital to see the kind of details that go into each diagnoses

Hospitals are restricted from attending to normal patient needs restricting their income. The law also sets up specific funding tied to not only positive COVID tests, as well as ventilator use and other treatments for COVID, forcing hospitals to depend heavily upon these diagnoses to remain fiscally solvent. Yet you feel this will have no effect on the results of diagnosis, treatment, or outcome of any of these patients?

"Fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators"

hospitals dont get funds for just writing the word covid.

"Coronavirus fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators"

Jensen said, "Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a discharge summary or a death certificate. Why? Because if it's a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for – if they're Medicare – typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it's COVID-19 pneumonia, then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000."

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
July 08, 2020, 06:39:04 AM
first of all.
i know badecker has some really short term memory. but ill make a quick reminder

hospitals are not just given a fixed lump sum under the diagnoses 'covid'

what actually happens is when blood samples are taken theres a cost for that
when xrays/MRI's are done theres a cost for that
when ventilation is done there is a cost for that
even procedures like having 2 nurses aid a patient to flip onto their stomach has been calculated to a cost of that time too.
ventilator equipment. the oxygen
medication/pain relief. + nurses time to administer it.  all have costs attached

each patients treatment is slightly different and comes at different costs.
what faux media portray is a total bills of these total costs then divided by the number of patients to then get an average.

did you know that disability groups are in uproar that a disabled persons hospital care is more expensive than an able body persons hospital bill. without understanding that simple things like the extra care of bed baths and toilet care adds on costs to the disabled person. where as the abled person can selfcare their hygiene

this average number. is not the exact funds a hospital gets just for writing covid.
again. its just an averaged number based on .. (take a deep breath and really concentrate)

the actual treatments a hospital does of multiple individual patients. case by case.
totaled up.
and then separetly and after the fact. an accounting/faux media. then divide that by the number of patients to get an average for 'news summary' purposes
this bill is not always funded by government but also by insurance providers. or in some cases the patient themselves.

and again for emphasis
hospitals dont get $xxxx funds for just writing the word covid, only $xx.
infact just writing covid will earn them maybe $50(not exact.. but just the doctors time).
for having a covid test to verify it will get them a combined $100(not exact but cost of the sampling)
if they have MRI +$500 chest xray +$50 .. CT scan +$400
ventilator costs can be $1k a day

meaning someone with covid. had the test had the scans but didnt need to be sedated and ventilated would be cheaper than someone that needed to be ventilated

(i know your might pull out the story of the ER inexperienced doctor who sedated a few patients and ventilated them blaming it on being told 'its ARDS standard protocol' but that doctor by his own words got reprimanded for that incompetence)

the hospitals have to show reason for their cost claims.
and they also have to show reason for why they needed each treatment/diagnostic tool too
otherwise they il get reprimanded
heck. if doctors did just write covid. and didnt bother with any actual scans/tests/real diagnoses
the average would be more like $50 not
if incompentant doctors just gave random scans/treatments for the pure hell of adding up costs.. they would get reprimanded

doctors have to justify their actions and be accountable. and even badecker 4 months ago when he tried to highlight a doctor.. not realising that that doctor got reprimanded for his actions and thus debunking himself

im guessing that badecker is a herbalist that has never even seen his own medical records or been in a hospital to see the kind of details that go into each diagnoses
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 08, 2020, 05:07:21 AM
How much do they pay you to mislead people to their deaths?

No-one can avoid judgment day

If the decency and humanity should happen to win out in the end and the NSA data is not adequately deleted with an emergency kill switch...

sr. member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 305
Pro financial, medical liberty
July 08, 2020, 03:22:43 AM
meanwhile whilst badeckers 'influencers' tell him campfire stories that everyone is maybe super human. and only if they subscribe and donate they can definetly be superhuman

reality is that the ICU hospitals bed capacity in his OWN HOME STATE is on the rise.
70% at the start of april
90% this week
the ventilator treatment requirement is on the rise
20% at start of april
50% this week

does he think magical unicorns will just give birth to new beds once it hits 100% capacity

heck even basic maths a 12yo could do can show that the amount of spread so far is low. and that more spread at more cases per week = more need for hospital care

but this idiot will instead will think he is immortal because his influencer has the magic wand,, so the idiot will just promote his cultish youtube influencer.. not realising his influencer just wants people to buy his endorsements

it costs nothing to stand at a distance and keep yourself safe, but being told to stay safe you need to buy these influencers products and services. just shows who's scamming who

You forgot the two most important statistics. Hospital entry is not from Covid sickness. It's from a whole bunch of different things that are often being named Covid to get more money from government, and to make the pandemic look much larger than it is.

The second... They haven't been able to make vaccines that work for Coronavirus for the last more than 30 years. Some of the attempts even killed people. You don't have any basis or fact that they are any nearer now than they ever were. So, when you say that they are close, or will have it in a year, or will have it by fall, it's only because you are trying to mislead the people like the CDC is.

How much do they pay you to mislead people to their deaths?


No-one can avoid judgment day
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
July 07, 2020, 03:25:46 PM
meanwhile whilst badeckers 'influencers' tell him campfire stories that everyone is maybe super human. and only if they subscribe and donate they can definetly be superhuman

reality is that the ICU hospitals bed capacity in his OWN HOME STATE is on the rise.
70% at the start of april
90% this week
the ventilator treatment requirement is on the rise
20% at start of april
50% this week

does he think magical unicorns will just give birth to new beds once it hits 100% capacity

heck even basic maths a 12yo could do can show that the amount of spread so far is low. and that more spread at more cases per week = more need for hospital care

but this idiot will instead will think he is immortal because his influencer has the magic wand,, so the idiot will just promote his cultish youtube influencer.. not realising his influencer just wants people to buy his endorsements

it costs nothing to stand at a distance and keep yourself safe, but being told to stay safe you need to buy these influencers products and services. just shows who's scamming who

You forgot the two most important statistics. Hospital entry is not from Covid sickness. It's from a whole bunch of different things that are often being named Covid to get more money from government, and to make the pandemic look much larger than it is.

The second... They haven't been able to make vaccines that work for Coronavirus for the last more than 30 years. Some of the attempts even killed people. You don't have any basis or fact that they are any nearer now than they ever were. So, when you say that they are close, or will have it in a year, or will have it by fall, it's only because you are trying to mislead the people like the CDC is.

How much do they pay you to mislead people to their deaths?

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
July 07, 2020, 09:54:34 AM
meanwhile whilst badeckers 'influencers' tell him campfire stories that everyone is maybe super human. and only if they subscribe and donate they can definetly be superhuman

reality is that the ICU hospitals bed capacity in his OWN HOME STATE is on the rise.
70% at the start of april
90% this week
the ventilator treatment requirement is on the rise
20% at start of april
50% this week

does he think magical unicorns will just give birth to new beds once it hits 100% capacity

heck even basic maths a 12yo could do can show that the amount of spread so far is low. and that more spread at more cases per week = more need for hospital care

but this idiot will instead will think he is immortal because his influencer has the magic wand,, so the idiot will just promote his cultish youtube influencer.. not realising his influencer just wants people to buy his endorsements

it costs nothing to stand at a distance and keep yourself safe, but being told to stay safe you need to buy these influencers products and services. just shows who's scamming who
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