
Topic: Crazy shit Bible says, crazy shit Christians say - page 15. (Read 31239 times)

Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
There isn't any crazy stuff in the Bible. There are only those who interpret some Bible things as crazy. They do it because they are the ones who are crazy, and interpret many other wonderful things as being crazy, as well.


You are an ignorant imbecile. And that is a complement.

You are ignoring most of the crazy shit in the Bible.  A book on which you base your world view.

I wish you Christians clean up your Bible, drop the vile BS and publish a new version.

Ignoring the crazy stuff will not make them go away.  The crazy shit is right there.  Read the OP for verses.

Sounds like offering you eternal life with God in Heaven is crazy, right? But God is so great, and eternity is so long, that we need even an ignoramus like you just to have a little company up there. So come and join us in Christianity, because it will be a lot worse for you in Hell.


I would.  It sounds all good, except it is not true

Huston, we have a problem!
Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
There isn't any crazy stuff in the Bible. There are only those who interpret some Bible things as crazy. They do it because they are the ones who are crazy, and interpret many other wonderful things as being crazy, as well.


You are an ignorant imbecile. And that is a complement.

You are ignoring most of the crazy shit in the Bible.  A book on which you base your world view.

I wish you Christians clean up your Bible, drop the vile BS and publish a new version.

Ignoring the crazy stuff will not make them go away.  The crazy shit is right there.  Read the OP for verses.

Sounds like offering you eternal life with God in Heaven is crazy, right? But God is so great, and eternity is so long, that we need even an ignoramus like you just to have a little company up there. So come and join us in Christianity, because it will be a lot worse for you in Hell.

hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 722
There isn't any crazy stuff in the Bible. There are only those who interpret some Bible things as crazy. They do it because they are the ones who are crazy, and interpret many other wonderful things as being crazy, as well.


You are an ignorant imbecile. And that is a complement.

You are ignoring most of the crazy shit in the Bible.  A book on which you base your world view.

I wish you Christians clean up your Bible, drop the vile BS and publish a new version.

Ignoring the crazy stuff will not make them go away.  The crazy shit is right there.  Read the OP for verses.

Thomas Jefferson did that... it's called the Jefferson Bible

The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, commonly referred to as the Jefferson Bible, was a book constructed by Thomas Jefferson in the later years of his life by cutting and pasting with a razor and glue numerous sections from the New Testament as extractions of the doctrine of Jesus. Jefferson's condensed composition is especially notable for its exclusion of all miracles by Jesus and most mentions of the supernatural, including sections of the four gospels which contain the Resurrection and most other miracles, and passages indicating Jesus was divine.
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
There isn't any crazy stuff in the Bible. There are only those who interpret some Bible things as crazy. They do it because they are the ones who are crazy, and interpret many other wonderful things as being crazy, as well.


You are an ignorant imbecile. And that is a complement.

You are ignoring most of the crazy shit in the Bible.  A book on which you base your world view.

I wish you Christians clean up your Bible, drop the vile BS and publish a new version.

Ignoring the crazy stuff will not make them go away.  The crazy shit is right there.  Read the OP for verses.
Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
There isn't any crazy stuff in the Bible. There are only those who interpret some Bible things as crazy. They do it because they are the ones who are crazy, and interpret many other wonderful things as being crazy, as well.

hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 722
TN Legislator Wants to Take $100,000 from UT’s Diversity Office to Buy “In God We Trust” Stickers

You’ve got to be shitting me…

This is literally money being taken out of the education budget in order to fund the promotion of religion.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 722
I hope that someday you'll wake up, because with all the shit you and your friend Moloch are saying, I think that you already have a chair with your name in Hell's fire...

That's once... I hear if you say Moloch's name 2 more times he will show up at your house while you sleep
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500
Gloire à la Victoire !
I hope that someday you'll wake up, because with all the shit you and your friend Moloch are saying, I think that you already have a chair with your name in Hell's fire...
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
Bible doesn't say or suggest anything crazy.

Atheists twist the words of the Bible, without understanding, or by intent.

Whatever you think, if you are not even giving God the honor even to suggest that He exists, you are setting yourself up for the same kinds of disasters that befell the Bible unbelievers. It will hit suddenly. There will be no escape.

Its all in your head. calm down and take your medicine
By the way, why do you sare your btc address? How much satoshi makes you silent?
hero member
Activity: 555
Merit: 507
Funny thing is. If I'm right. Nothing will happen, if BADecker is right he will end up in hell for breaking at least 2 commandments on this forum.
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1000
Soon, I have to go away.
Bible doesn't say or suggest anything crazy.

So you missed the OP...Go back and re-read it.

He cannot get his head around it, I guess it must be terrible to be brainwashed and don't even know it.
hero member
Activity: 555
Merit: 507
Thing is also that they often say people like Newton was christian. We will never know what scientists back in the days believed.
If they said anything against the church they would burn at the stake.
Was newton a christian or Leonardo da Vinci christians?
We will never know. If they said what they believed, they would be killed.
Religious people are known through history to kill anyone that disagree, and if someone didn't want to be burned at the stake, the religious nuts took advantage of their knowledge by saying. "oh. We didn't kill him so he agreed with us"
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
Bible doesn't say or suggest anything crazy.

So you missed the OP...Go back and re-read it.
hero member
Activity: 555
Merit: 507
Bible doesn't say or suggest anything crazy.

Atheists twist the words of the Bible, without understanding, or by intent.

Whatever you think, if you are not even giving God the honor even to suggest that He exists, you are setting yourself up for the same kinds of disasters that befell the Bible unbelievers. It will hit suddenly. There will be no escape.

Its all in your head. calm down and take your medicine
Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
Bible doesn't say or suggest anything crazy.

Atheists twist the words of the Bible, without understanding, or by intent.

Whatever you think, if you are not even giving God the honor even to suggest that He exists, you are setting yourself up for the same kinds of disasters that befell the Bible unbelievers. It will hit suddenly. There will be no escape.

hero member
Activity: 555
Merit: 507
If it was true that the religious people had special celestial knowledge, religious people would stand up in history as the true inventors. Most of the time it turns up that the religious people are at the bottom half of the intelligence and they are torturing the smart people to silence them. I will never bow down to a God that thru history have used torture to shut up smart people.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 722
In the iron age, God was no wiser than a goat herder, in the dark ages, he was no wiser than the guy who wrote the witch hammer. Before Columbus, God thought the earth was flat, and he's wish was to torture you if you thought other things...It's almost like they are making this link to all knowing wisdom up


Religious people just make the shit up as they go along...None of it is true.

But it does not matter to them.  Truth is the last thing they worry about, when you have to defend your BS from other BS coming from other religions, that is what you worry about.  My God is better than yours type of thing.

They are like bunch of children playing in a sandbox arguing who's dad is better.

I made a poll so they could vote for the best dad/god Wink
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
In the iron age, God was no wiser than a goat herder, in the dark ages, he was no wiser than the guy who wrote the witch hammer. Before Columbus, God thought the earth was flat, and he's wish was to torture you if you thought other things...It's almost like they are making this link to all knowing wisdom up


Religious people just make the shit up as they go along...None of it is true.

But it does not matter to them.  Truth is the last thing they worry about, when you have to defend your BS from other BS coming from other religions, that is what you worry about.  My God is better than yours type of thing.

They are like bunch of children playing in a sandbox arguing who's dad is better.

hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 722
Christian Father Selling Daughter's Virginity
What an irrevent wording you use!  
You may don't believe in christianity but it doesn't give you right to insult. I think you don't have anything to believe

Of course it does.  Especially when a belief is ridiculous and harmful to others.

Not only we have the right to insult religion, it is our duty to expose the bullshit religion preaches.

Check your fucking calendar, what year does it say?
I don't care when!  I care what you say about. You never can insult what people believe in. You may not believe in same way. Possible!  You have not to accept. Ofcoutse!
But never!  Never you can insult. Do atheists build the peace on world? You have, nothing to be afraid of. At, the least a christian has a God to be afraid of being judged by when does a sin or, something bad.

First, the man tried to sell his daughter's virginity in the magazine named, Christianity Today... so it is relevant...

Atheists are the only ones building peace... religions only know war, genocide, murder, pillaging, rape, slavery, burning witches, etc...

Know thyself

The ad is on the left titled "Son-in-Law"
It doesn't tell anything that her virginity was for sale. Just it tells about her situation. That, makes you a slanderer.

What part about "Employment Opportunities", "Son-in-Law" and "26-year-old virgin" don't you understand?

The Christian magazine pulled this ad after realizing what they were selling...
hero member
Activity: 555
Merit: 507
In the iron age, God was no wiser than a goat herder, in the dark ages, he was no wiser than the guy who wrote the witch hammer. Before Columbus, God thought the earth was flat, and he's wish was to torture you if you thought other things...It's almost like they are making this link to all knowing wisdom up
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