round 1 - + 3.343M, 24 foie (+1.476M)
consume meat 50 - satisfying, severe. .260M
consume veg 50 - satisfying, severe. .04M
consume beer 50 - satisfying, severe. .17505M
consume w1617w 2 - satisfying, severe. .103M
consume w1601 2 - satisfying, severe. .265M
consume w1614 4 - satisfying, severe. .330M
end round 1 - 1.17305M
Round 2
consume foie 24 - effective, significant. 1.476M
consume w1614 20 - satisfying, significant 1.7M
consume beer 100 - effective, significant .49M
consume beer 22 - satisfying, significant .1078M
consume meat 76 - satisfying, insignificant .418M
consume can 115 - satisfying, insignificant .460M
consume shi 85 - satisfying, none 2.55M
end round 2 - 5.7258M
total spent @ insignificant: 3.8885M
net necessities: -.54585M (USD 0.287)
net w/ luxury 'none' achievement @ none: 6.89885M (USD 3.627)
Note foie is not considered in my spending, but acquisition costs currently indicate that I'll not be seeing that pay off unless i keep working toward lowering the yearly cost of eating.
As income totaled <3.343M after sales and excluding foie totally, I tried to keep the spending below that. I think I did okay except for the obvious overreach to get 'none'.
Shooting for <50% income, insignificant challenge next year