100m M
3-W-C3 - Office Building, Rentals - 800 sqm lot, 744 sqm Office, 330 sqm Backyard Residential - (maybe 300m)
1 MIR (2-4m, according to HM)
325 SCI (bid 170k = 55.25m)
18 W1603A (bid 251k = 4.5m)
180 CUL (30m+, according to HM)
1 RM1600B (bid 100k)
Total = 492m
Liabilities and Equity
500 common shares outstanding
Book value = 984k/share
I've updated the financials a bit with some better estimates of asset values show above, resulting in a book value estimate of 0.984m/share. The current auction bids are still just 0.5m/share so this seems like a very attractive deal, independent of the new brewery opportunities.
Current bids (to bid or see real time bids, visit Agora Marketplace in-game)
300x880k noms
50x875k Zecheriah
100x851k Crichton
100x850k Soul
10x801k Roopatra
100x800k Zechariah
27x753k Cryptonic
150x752k Crichton
150x751k smooth
100x750k Soul
27x706k Cryptonic
150x705k smooth
35x701k Mooo
20x701k Roopatra
85x700.5k goin2mars
25x700k MoneroHouse
------ Winning bids above this line
125x700k MoneroHouse
100x700k SIF
100x650k Soul
14x602k Cryptonic
27x601k Cryptonic
100x600k SIF
100x550k luigi
50x525k kronicblazer
12x521k Cryptonic
20x511k Roopatra
20x508k Cryptonic
20x502k Skysy
500x500k noms
5x500k Angus
Total bids: 2622 shares
Result if auction ended: 1429 shares sold at 700k, raising 1000.3m
This will be the last forum update before the bidding closes at 21:00:00 UTC, approximately 12 hours from now. Real time bidding is visible in-game.
Operations will commence immediately upon closing of the auction, as we have already agreed to purchase a suitable facility.
As there will be no shortage of working capital, our initial dividend policy will be to distribute all operating profit from the sale of the beer. This may be revised as conditions dictate.
Bidding will remain open until 2015-12-12, 21:00:00 UTC