The Margrave of Stonehaven purposefully walks to the Obelisk, accompanied by a guard and a town crier. A gentle breeze freshens the sunny spring day, while the guard starts a rapid drumming rythm and the crier unrolls a scroll. The drum stops, and the crier and starts reading in a loud voice:
Gentlefolk of Cryptotown, Oyez! Oyez!
To those who hold the token named CK, the following is announced:
An automatic promotion round will be held, based on CK ownership in the past week. Automatic promotion is given to those in possession of enough CK days, as decreed by his Majesty the previous King. as detailed in
Note that the above decree has its level list superceded by the following (level number, title, stamp tax in millions, CK-days threshold):
17 Duke / Duchess - promoted by King - 10 - 50,000,000
16 Prince / Princess - promoted by King - 10 - 15,000,000
15 Marquess / Marchioness - promoted by King - 5 - 5,000,000
14 Earl / Countess - promoted by King - 3 - 1,500,000
13 Baron / Baroness - promoted by Peers - 2 - 500,000
Quoting from the previous King:
"Note that stamp tax is cumulative so it actually costs serious money to be already rich, eg instapromotion to Marquess is 2+3+5mil = 10mil"
The House as a whole promotes. If you do not wish all of your characters to promote and owe the stamp tax, you have a few months (real days) to notify the Margrave of Stonehaven of the fact.
To that effect, a list follows of those CK owners, as well as the size of their ownership, multiplied by one hundred, and their level. County ownership was accumulated to their owner's. By decree, all people who want to be part of the same House shall notify me, either by replying on this thread, or by BCT PM, so that their CK ownership may be pooled within the House, similarly to what was done for counties already. This will only be done on explicit notification, but possible people who might want to join an existing house would be: Gabriel, Itrix, Martti, among others. If the number of assumed CK-days on the right of your name is enough for promotion to a rank higher than the one your House holds, you will be promoted to that rank.
NEWLIBERTY (3): 11292000, 17
+ NEWLIBERTYC (177): 260500
= 11552500
SADDAM (7): 7302700, 17
ALE (10): 35000, 15
BINARYFATE (14): 5035000, unknown, being investigated
ADAMWHITE (16): 308000, 13
ROOPATRA (17): 900000, 16
SMOOTH (18): 2834500, 15
SOUL (19): 82000000, 18
FLUFFYPONY (21): 83200000, 17
+ FSPAGNOLO (176): 50000
= 83250000
OZ (26): 30841600, 17
BLACKWIDOW (28): 817000, 13
LUIGI (29): 35068800, 15
DJJACKET (31): 4747500, 17
PRORIDE (33): 150500, 13
ASENATH (35): 3400000, 14
ZECHARIAH (36): 282500000, 20
+ OLDDUCHY (48): 6268000
= 288768000
ITRIX (41): 85560000, 13
KRONICBLAZER (46): 1850000, 16
+ GRASS (189): 500
= 1850500
HEIMO (54): 6600000, 14
RIDDICK (57): 3175000, 15
KUSHED (58): 278000, 13
HOKUSAI (64): 3950000, 14
THUD (80): 41413500, 15
MOOO (88): 1335600, 15
+ STONEHAVEN (197): 50500
= 1386100
SS (90): 1500000, 8
ANGUS (91): 2476000, 15
GABRIEL (99): 505500, 13
LLOYD IV (100): 3960500, 14
SIR DRC (101): 20068500, 14
ZEPHYRUS (118): 14000, 7
CRICHTON (130): 6114000, 19
+ PLATH (198): 25500
= 6139500
PJ (134): 4400000, 14
SYKSY (138): 500000, 16
SHADOWALKERJR (156): 11700, 7
ERNAK (171): 40000, 6
CHRISPOP (200): 10000, 13
MARTTI (210): 15000, 13
ERIN (211): 505000, 14
MIKKO (214): 14000, 7
TOMBOT (215): 300000, 13
STEPPENWOLFSON (219): 371300, 6
XIN (228): 10000, 8
GABEN (230): 2393700, 6
HS-S3 (252): 33580000, 15
MADAM_STOKA (259): 100, 8
PASCAL (295): 55600, 6
GASPAR (320): 8500, 5
MAXIBINI (324): 1500, 0
YIPDARD (325): 1500, 0
NOTMYNAME (329): 1500, 0
CHAINSAW (330): 1500, 0
DNALEOR3 (335): 1800000, 5
GOLDBUG (336): 5000, 8
ELORIN (339): 1500, 0
SIMPLYSTIC (341): 1500, 0
ES2THEKAY (342): 1500, 0
JOHNSBRT (347): 1500, 0
ALKAZAM (348): 1500, 0
DORAKOS (349): 1500, 0
EVERGREEN (369): 100, 9
NIKKE2 (383): 997000, 7
FURIBLIZ (403): 9800000, 4
DRUMMERBOY (428): 1700, 8
ZIMMAH (442): 2500, 4
KAHLESS (451): 500, 2
RAGNEROV (478): 500, 2
NIALOFNINE (578): 5000, 5
MARKO (582): 20000, 3
ZARTH (593): 400, 1
INSPEKT0R (626): 100, 2
SHBOUR (628): 200, 2
JAHVASCRYPT (634): 100, 3
ABRAXAS (642): 100, 2
MENHL (655): 100, 2
NOBLEPHALLUS (693): 800, 2
STOS (703): 100, 2
MOIMOI (713): 200, 2
STRONGHOLD (753): 400, 2
UELEN (773): 300, 2
GTDISMONY (866): 3000, 3
TAIKA (872): 2000, 2
BUCKET (955): 200, 2
By Order of the King
The drum rattles again while the crier rolls his scroll, and the group leaves.