CKGBUY item_id amount fixed_markup basispoint_markupMakes a floating buy order for item_id so that the price in the order changes based on the best bid price of HM02B100 (the "gold price"). The parameters are as follows:
- item_id (needs to contain CKG, otherwise use
BUY instead)
- amount
- fixed_markup (given in M, is the fixed
amount that is added to the gold price)
- basispoint_markup (basis point is 1/100 of % ; this allows the gold price to be scaled to have a fixed
percentage premium or discount)
fixed_markup and basispoint_markup can be negative as well, within reason.
willing to buy a historical gold coin and wants to spend only 1 mil on premium:
BUYCKG CR1418E 1 1000000 400The 1 mil is added to the fixed_markup, also in this case 4% over the best bid is added to compensate for the difference in ask/bid (completely voluntary of course)
CKGSELL item_id amount fixed_markup basispoint_markupMakes a floating sell order for item_id so that the price in the order changes based on the best ask price of HM02B100 (the "gold price"). The parameters are as follows:
- item_id (needs to contain CKG, otherwise use
BUY instead)
- amount
- fixed_markup (given in M, is the fixed
amount that is added to the gold price)
- basispoint_markup (basis point is 1/100 of % ; this allows the gold price to be scaled to have a fixed
percentage premium or discount)
fixed_markup and basispoint_markup can be negative as well, within reason.
willing to sell a suit that contains an unwieldy amount of 1000 CKG, affecting the price:
SELLCKG WOS-1 1 50000000 -200In this example, the "suit ask" is 50 mil, and the gold is just added to the price at midprice (usually 2% below ask, indicated by "-200").
NotesProcess Flow:
1. Every time HM02B100 1)receives a new bid or ask or 2) a bid or ask is removed or 3) a trade is made, it is checked whether this changed the BestHM02B100bid or BestHM02B100ask
2. If this happens, it causes recalculation, so that first all existing orders that had been placed by this functionality are cancelled
3. Then, the SELLCKG / BUYCKG table is checked row by row starting from oldest, and new price calculated and bid(ask) placed
4. This may cause matching to happen with existing fixed price orders that were not removed in (2.)
5. The removal of (partially) unfulfilled order is done normally, as if it were placed via BUY/SELL.
6. There is no way to know whether your (or anyone else's) existing order is fixed or floating price, we apologize for the inconvenience.
CoinshopCoinshop seeks to be the leading provider of coins at affordable prices, and to gain the coins, it needs to buy them as well. At present, out of the 190 gold coins existing, 180 have a bid(s) by Coinshop, and 10 are in active marketing (sort the GOC by year-newest, you will see many nice new collectible mintages at 10-50% markups, which is nothing as gold is so cheap as it is). In addition, 103 historical coins currently have an ask(s) by Coinshop. Only 13 coins are completely without ask, mostly unopened series of 1600 popular minting round, and CRxxxxE coins whose complete mintage of 20 is owned by a single character.
Popular minting round of 1700Well for once it is good to be early and announce that everyone has the right to mint a custom gold coin of their own every 100 years, next time in 1700. The mintage needs to be 7 coins minimum and weight 3 CKG minimum; if anything causes the coin to be of lower #exists, it will be transferred to GOM, which does not qualify for coin collecting scripts.
Gold collecting contest due in 1650We had collecting crazes in 1600 and 1625, so why not in 1650 as well! Therefore, the stock market competition is cancelled in lack of interest, and gold collecting contest opened instead. Rules:
- No participation fee, in fact everybody participates automatically
- Everybody gets a prize based on the modified formula from the stock market competition
- Prize pool is seeded by Coinshop donating 100 mil; oldtimers are very much encouraged to donate as well, because it is very paramount for us to get the gold investing habit in the new players as well (please send M or valuables to "430")
- To encourage new characters to jump in, even with lesser means, the Houses from 1300-1400s get their prize
1-fold, the ones from the 1500s get it
double and the new characters born in the 1600s get theirs
- The basic evaluation for goodness of the collection is "number of different GOC items owned" but getting full series or sub-series around any criterion will qualify for nice bonuses!
Coin GradingStarting after 1650 (the earliest), against a small spend of SCI, it is possible to grade a coin you own. The system promotes it to a rank of (1)Gem, (2)Nice or (3)Basic (probabilities are 10%, 30%, 60%). In the later collections, it will be a source of lasting fun to try to source not only all the coins but in the nice condition as well