House Syyskuu
will participate in the coronation subgames as follows:
Sharpshooter (Pistol-shooting contest)
Will participate, Syksy II will be the representative of House Syyskuu. Details have been entered to the Google Sheet.
Horseback (Pistol-shooting contest)
Will participate, Syksy II will be the representative of House Syyskuu. Details have been entered to the Google Sheet.
Half-Section (Pistol-shooting contest)
House Syyskuu will not participate.
Residence (Lifestyle contest)
This contest evaluates the style of the players. Each House may participate only once (with the main character). The things evaluated are:
- Style of the Residence/Villa (only one each may exist per character, their IC payouts are summed up)
- Style of Carriage(s)
- Quality of Horses in personal Stables
- Size and Quality of Wardrobe (Unique suits and SFS items)
- Number and Stature of household items (Gold, Silver and Ming China cutlery and tableware; Italian Furniture; Mirrors)
- ART items in the house.
King determines the order of lifestyle status, and hence, prizes.
Listing of House Syyskuu owned lifestyle items:
Key Buildings
ARTs and other curiosities:
- Lots of Ming, e.g. full 6x set of MIN-1 to MIN-7, few additional such as MIN-11 and MIN-12
Other honorary / lifestyle items listed:
- PWS-28 Smallsword 'Ensilumi' (100 CKS, 1 CKG), level 10 sword:
- PWS-38 Long Sword 'Sisu', level 7 sword:
- 2x DOLM, one embedded to the Coronet:
- Various badges (order of year): FBB1432, KFB1460, QJB1625, TB1625, CCB1625, SCB1625, GCB1625
- Various honorary items: AOKC2, BT-20, etc.
- Numerous horses, of which H4 currently the highest.
- Silver cutlery worth 100s of CKS.
Coronet (item contest)
- King determines the order of stature of Coronets (with no regard to the level of the owner) and this is recorded as permanent information in the item details as well for the awe of future generations. - Coronet of the Syyskuu Family
Symbol of the House Syyskuu, as also forged from CP1300E to the coronetDescription: (
Most Elaborate)
Jewelry item type Coronet
Items: CP1300E(1),HM02B100(3),DOLM(1),SFS(20)
Parts: TOPX(1),PEA(10)
Gold: 305, Silver: 5
The magenta colored magical talisman-coin CP1300E, that emits a tingling aura, has been forged to the lower front of the coronet with the shape of a Maple Leaf, the symbol of House Syyskuu, with great effort due to the hardness of the unknown metal. A light orange triangular-shaped grand Topaz (TOPX) flickers and emits light in the front of the coronet on top of the said house symbol. The medal for the Order of the Dolphin (DOLM), granted by HM rpietila II himself, is attached to the very top of the coronet with gold woven strings (medal detachable if need be). The rounding of the crown is decorated with CR-coins of important dates for the Family Syyskuu (total 20*E-coins, thus 20*5 CKG coins), adding 100 CKG to the build of the coronet while the coronet body otherwise composes of raw 200 CKG. Between each pair of the coins is a pearl (10 total). 20*SFS creates the inner cloth-cover of the coronet, making it comfortable to wear. The coronet was forged for the unique occasion of the coronation of HM rpietila II in 1640, and has served as a family heirloom since.
Sophomore (beauty contest)
Everyone started in 1601-1619 are eligible. Tell about yourself and your game, what you think of CK, what your character aims to accomplish and how it is going, etc. This will need to be done beforehand on the thread, or copypasted to the IRC window in the live event. Popular vote determines who gets the prizes.
Lord Syksy of the Syyskuu Family; aka. Syksy Syyskuu
Official title:
Lord Syksy, Earl of Petrichor, Overseer of Swords, Arts, Consumption and Wikidom, 20th/I Bt of CK, Fatherhead of the Syyskuu Lineage and CEO of the Grizzly Bear Corp, AOK-K, AOD-Capt, KI, HB, CB, TB, CCB, SCB, GCB.
Unlike most of CryptoKingdom's nobility, Lord Syksy was not born natively in the Baltic Area. His family origins come from Wallachia by the Black Sea in the South-Eastern corner of Europe, where they mainly spoke Hungarian. His father worked as a poet, but due to the starving life of an artist, his real profession had to be a carpenter. Syksy only has few early memories of her Scandinavian-born mother, but his father told her to have been a compassionate mother as well as his personal muse with a swift sting of words herself as well, and to have served as a waitress in a local tavern.
Syksy's life however did not have an easy beginning. Due to the Ottoman invasions, local fortifications were under constant pressure, and one fateful night the village was startled in the darkness to screams and shouts of villagers. Their village was being plundered and looted, and majority of the people killed. His mother managed to hide him and one of his siblings to a roof-top compartment before a kick bashed the wooden door in. This night he witnessed his elder siblings first being rounded up and slashed to death, after which his mother was raped and her throat slit. All this while the vile men pursued to kill his loved ones, he and his sister Sini had to stay quiet and could not help but to watch powerless while staying quiet as ordered by their mother. After the looters had set the village to fire and left with most of the people dead, his father arrived to the scene - he had rode by horseback to local guardposts to alarm of the hostilies, only to find out that it was ironically actually local mercenaries hired by the border Princes that plundered friendly villages, and not the Ottoman forces looting their home. His father, miserable to tears with the sight of his home, could only find comfort when Syksy and his sister called to him from the roof-top that had been lit on fire. Father quickly took them to his arms, and packed whatever trade-worthy they had stashed in, and escaped with them to his horse waiting outside just in time as the building's roof collapsed. Syksy's last memory of this incidence is his father frantically galloping away from the burning villages with his children tied by leather straps to his back, and him turning his tear-stained eyes back towards the grim decorations of his home; silhouettes of dead village-people impaled in wooden stakes circling the village, as they rode to the deepening night.
His father took them North-West to the Germanic Principality of Bavaria, where he hoped to find a place to stay and where they could be accepted as refugees due to the widely acknowledged invasions by the non-Christian Ottomans. Here Syksy grew up as an adolescent and learned of engineering and mathematicus, and thanks to his father teaching his children to read and write, and managed to gain some notion among the local scholars. He learned German and French, but he would continue to write in Hungarian as a memorial to his family. His father taught him the art of carpentry, but would never neglect poetry and arts - while they could not provide for the family, his father's stern belief was that they would elevate man to a higher stature. His father boasts that he was even able to ghost-write plays for big names in the Austrian court; as a man without name he could not have the plays conducted in his name, but he was paid quite handsomely by some more better known authors. For him, gaining the extra income and seeing his work getting appreciation even in local royal circles was important.
However, as rumors of Ottoman hordes of great size even capable of sieging the gates of Vienna arrived to Bavaria with an increasing intensity, locals grew hostile towards the people of refugee origins. Those especially influeced by the Orthodox faith were suspected to be potential Ottoman spies, and they would be spit upon in the streets and yelled at for no reason. Distraught by the hostilies by people he had hoped to become life-long friends with, his father again took Syksy and his sister on a journey North, this time towards Fenno-Scandinavia, his mother's homeland. Syksy and his father had managed to garner some fortune and would this time travel by a cart with all of their belonging and trade-worthy equipment, along with the company of other refugees that decided to conduct a similar mission.
Taking the Eastern route to the North, they encountered CryptoKingdom in 1601 within the Baltic Area, and his father considered the place tolerant and safe enough for them to settle down. They settled down in a small yet comfortable place to live up in the 4th Borough. Then the 28 year old Syksy would begin his businesses and offering services to the locals, and bit by bit gained name in the kingdom. After proving his adept skills as an administrator of official Crown businesses, offering mathematical-engineering services to his peers as well as surprising them with his artistical prowess, he was first promoted to Master in 1604, and then Baron in 1613.
When he was promoted to an Earl in 1621 and gained the land of his dreams, Petrichor, Syksy grew in love with his new-found county due to its untouched natural beauty. Still haunted by the events and roaming life of his youth, he dreamed of establishing a safe haven of those who would be kind enough to offer their hand for a shake and a friendly greeting, nevermind their past, faith or cultural background. While Syksy considers CryptoKingdom his home, where he also met his South-descent wife Esther after asking her for a dance at a market fair and carneval, his heart is yet to find a home. Petrichor comes the closest, but Syksy who struggles with existential nihilism, considers it likely that he will never find a true home within this living realm. It is not a surprise though, that he finds war and violence appalling, and considers mathematics, engineering and arts to be the desired true beauty of life - it is so much easier to destroy than to create and build, so that in creation lies inherent beauty; an eternal battle against the entropy of life that rusts and spoils all beauty, but which must be fought against, to be alive.
Syksy has numerous children and grandchildren, and his dear father has lived to see the coronation of the new king, albeit his father is already blind and partially deaf. Still, his wisdom and knack for words and jokes has not disappeared, and he has helped Esther care for much of Syksy's children during his absence in taking care of Petrichor businesses.
By the time of the coronation, Syksy is growing to be 70 years old. His balding head is often covered by a Siberian fur hat and he wears a similar long fur jacket suitable for burdening travels, but he acknowledges that for a noble stature a certain amount of gold, silver, and other worthy material are essential. Although the sides of his head hair have started growing grey, his beard tints of an orange colour, something that may hint of his Scandinavian ancestry. He considers modesty a very important virtue, and is happy to see his children adopting to his ideals and happily marrying both with the locals and those of different origin.
Syksy has only had a few goals in CK and prefers to life let it flow in its own spontaneous course, but if he has list a few, he would list the following, with X marking fulfilled and / marking partial fulfilment:
[ x ] Make sure to provide his children, wife and father with a healthy and fulfilling life
[ x ] Own at least 1,000 CKG
[ x ] Own at least 10,000 sqm of land
[ x ] Get intellectually engaged in the CryptoKingdom (i.e. admin work, R-based analyses of CK using the API etc)
[ / ] Build a Residence, Villa and Headquarters worth for a noble family (Residence at Versailles is ready)
[ / ] Make kwown of their family and ideals (e.g. heirlooms, arts, political intrigue etc)
[ / ] Gain attention and stature within the society
[ / ] See his county Petrichor grow to be a home to many, and to protect its people even to death
[ ] Live to be 100 years old (looks unlikely, as he is 'Ailing' at 70 yo)
Lord Syksy started his journey in CK in 1601, and hopes to see at least 30 more years. If God does not will it, then his son Syksy the Second will carry on his father's spirit.
Freshman (beauty contest)
Everyone started in 1620-1639 are eligible. Tell about yourself and your game, what you think of CK, what your character aims to accomplish and how it is going, etc. This will need to be done beforehand on the thread, or copypasted to the IRC window in the live event. Popular vote determines who gets the prizes.
House Syyskuu will not participate / is not eligible.