Crypto Kingdom will go on pause for the summer
* Time will be stopped;
* During the period that time is stopped, nothing will happen in the game;
* Development continues during the pause;
* When the game is resumed, it happens in the new Clans platform; all login+password will be the same, all money, land, buildings and items will be the same.Most of the detailed questions will find the answer just by thinking: "The game goes on pause so that time is not moving. What can happen if no time passes? Nothing." If this leaves questions open, the admins:
SirJacket (Mayor)
Mooo (deputy GM)
saddam (treasurer)
Syksy (all-around good guy)
Roopatra (wiki editor)
and others will help. No help is needed of course since there is nothing that needs reaction - we decided to make this so that there is no need to make any changes or think. Just a summer break, and when it ends, the game is back even cooler.
The theory and practice of successful MMO RPG development knows the ebb and flow of player interest, and it is normal and smart to recharge interest by having a break when the community seems to require it. After a few months, the game is much fresher to play both because it has not been a forced weekly exercise for too long, and because there are nice new features, graphics etc.
Features of Clans (specification as of now):100 Main ORGANISATION, ADMIN TRAINING, OUTREACH, DOCUMENTATION
130 DataCheck lots, items, clans, etc data check and fix
140 AdminTrain Admin levels and training system
141 Admin-Lots Admin treatment in lot splitting etc
150 NewGM New Full-Time GM trainee
160 Wiki Getting wiki relevant, reasonably complete and uptodate.
210 ClansConsume Annual Consumption Challenge; NPC hosted by player accounts
240 Professions commoner professions; New commoner economic principle (no salary)
250 Quests Quests (incl Tutorial)
260 CommonerPromo Automatic commoner promotion (based on new EXP)
270 Production prod shares rehaul
280 MainUI-update Rethinking of the main UI, positioning of elements
310 LotLayoutEditor User/Admin editor to produce a birds eye view of the lot
320 TownMapChapView Parser collects them and shows a chapelry birds eye as default chapelry view
330 LotNewFeatures Lot datatype edit, merge chapelry params to lots and "abolish" chapelry except as geographical designation; Lot-specific quarry, farm and grow weed, building, and designation as park
340 LotsInCommands Lots completely work in commands
350 WoodBuilding Wood Building Module
360 BuildActions Build actions (New, Repair, Quick repair, Lux upg, Facade upg, Increase of floors, Change Windows, Demolish) work as intended
410 ItemsGrouping Grouping items partly player-controlled
420 AreYouSure New newb friendly command box
430 CommandBox-SE only one command box in bottom-right
440 ItemDatatype Item datatype quick fix
510 TownMapSmall Town Map (just the image)
520 GameStats General Game Stats infopage
530 MarketStats Consumables Market infopage
610 ChangelogComprs changelog compression
620 Mongo Mongo DB
Some might have noticed that I took a whole month off from this forum as an announcement tool. That was not a good idea - it contributed to the fast downfall of communication in the game in the past weeks. So when we put the game back online, this forum will be a main way to announce it. Reading the ingame billboard will also give enough info.
Important information:
* It is not allowed to leave game balances negative during the break. This is a serious offence because 1) it is not allowed and everyone knows it 2) we do not run fractional reserve. Please fix the situation immediately. You are held responsible for your clan members' negative balances and it is possible that the whole clan is foreclosed and all assets sold as we move to the pause. More info will follow by the admins posting here. Thank you for this growth spurt of 1600-1647, looking forward to the next one!