County Activity Report 1637 - North FaceNorth Face (20/20) has not brought much news since the beginning. The lack of news has occasionally been worrying. Now a rumor with massive consequences is spreading in the region - Louhi might be dead. Considering that Louhi has been around for as long as the ancients, if not more, the matter is not small. There is no indication of a successor. The rumors of the wealth of Louhi (possible exaggerated since no reliable record of her dwellings existed even during her lifetime) are magnificent, easily exceeding that of Zenon.
For some time, Louhi had an open invitation for HH SirJacket to meet. This did not materialise, so it cannot be known what the communication might have included.
The north region has historically been hostile, with 3 claimants to the area (that we know of
) and nobody actually controlling it. If the news of the recent events gain credibility, fortune hunters from the 4 corners of the Earth will try to show up and find the treasures. The least troublesome way is through the inhabited region of Tavastia, which is to the south of North Face.
County Activity Report 1637 - PlathThe March of Plath (7/20) is the first county to have reached 100/100 PRE points. It is administered with an iron hand, and - to perhaps a surprise to our northerners - the people there seem to like it. Not only that, a delegation from the neighboring "Duchy of Koenigsegg" has sought audience from the Margrave and asked us to annex the lands. The Duke is the old pretended "Boy-King" whose administration is not liked by the locals. It is possible that the so-called Duchy at least partly overlaps with the County of Ironlock, which is claimed by us but the Free City of Danzig repelled our annexation attempt in the 1620s.
County Activity Report 1637 - New Liberty (9/20)True to his character, the Duke of New Liberty can conduct himself with the utmost diplomacy, for his words are backed with a fortified regiment of elite troops, LTC, 2 battle aquilas, and all kinds of weapons, horses, and administration (99/100 PRE). His personal time is divided between the Royal Court of Sweden (Ambassador E&P) and Riga, the capital of the duchy.
Riga is located reasonably close to CryptoTown. At times (including at present), it has acted as the main foreign trade hub to CK. The usability is, however, dependent on who controls the sea. With the total lack of navy of our own, anyone can blockade the port, forcing the trade to go through the southern land route to Ramsey, Plath and beyond. And even if the port is open, the trade is hindered by the lack of a decent road in the difficult terrain between Riga and CryptoTown.
HKM Gustaf Adolf is pleased with HH The Duke and has appointed him the honor to allocate 7 Orders of the Sapphire, a Swedish Chivalric Order, to the "Wise and Prudent Men in the Reformed Faith in Crypto Kingdom". The token of the Order is a 30 CKS massive signet ring with a SAP inlaid (comes from the 3rd allocation). The Order does not require allegiance to the King of Sweden, and if it is revoked (rare), returning the token cannot be enforced. HKM has adviced that HM The King, HH The Duke and HSH The Prince of Soul should be among the awardees. Neither he nor the Duke are unfortunately as well versed of the wisdom and religious affiliation of the rest of our characters to be immediately able to award more. Nevertheless, it should happen in good time before the coronation. (HM the King has not renounced his Catholic faith and doing so will not be a light decision.)
An embassy of Crypto Kingdom has been built in the Old Town of Stockholm. Several tiny ancient buildings were torn down to make this 1,000 sqm spacious palace a reality. No matter if HKM comes in person or by proxy to the coronation, the matching Embassy should be ready in Versailles.
County Activity Report 1637 - GrassGrass (10/20) has been an easy county to administer. The locals are docile. Unfortunately the management has been docile as well, tapping to the overdraft, which stood at -300 mil in the beginning. The emergency admin action was to dump-sell anything that was reasonably possible (not touching workforce or army), yet the overdraft is still at -236 mil. Continued overdraft may cause decrease in production and loss of PRE points, so it is imperative to make the ends meet asap.
The locals have been consuming CAN more than ever and the rumors that there is a huge cache hidden somewhere have resurfaced.
Increased CAN production.GeneralThe events of the counties are Gamemaster-administered based on a multiple factors:
- Existing PRE
- Policies enacted by the lords
- History of county and past events
- Geopolitical situation
- Size of the army
these are a way to compensate for having the army. If someone spends only the minimum, his 1/20 is likely to be as bad as the one with a larger army, but the 20/20 is more lucrative for the large-army guys. Furthermore, in any kind of event or challenge, the army is the main way to seize the opportunity, so even a negative event is easier to turn manageable with enough forces, and the positive event can be cashed in with more ease as well.
- Die roll
The events now initialised will take their conclusion as a result of how the lords play it, and in many cases, cooperation is likely to turn out better results than solitary play. For instance, The Royal CryptoArmy is stationed in CryptoTown in all readiness - making it worthwhile for the King to deploy the units to spots of interest will save you the trouble of recruiting and sending your own forces there. But it is not solely out of benevolence the King maintains huge armies - for years they have only incurred costs, in times of action it would be nice to get some profits as well.
Resolving of the events
There will soon (as in today) be a Ultima billboard for county managers to update their recent orders and GM's to respond to them. Storytelling and rulings will be condensed in this thread as well. It will not appear in general billboard except the major events, because the countryside billboard is visible to all and the interested ones can use it.
To get any information that will help the decision making, whatsoever, is possible, and a prior SCI spend and a directed question to me in the IRC is the way to get it. The more SCI, the better answers.
King's Council will convene in the main IRC channel. Whenever I am online as HM_The_King, my writings are from the context of rpietila II, and this information may be useful, or inaccurate. King is not infallible, the GM is.
The loot and other benefits are not indicated in this event initialisation. When it's all over, then the loot from this roleplay round will be counted and deposited to the players.
If you now purchase reinforcements and weapons, do it to your main character, because the County character assumes that the troops and materiel are located in the county.