HSH Dr. Paul Choo, Ph.D, TMA, Most August, Blessed and Cultured Prince of Soul, High Rector of TMA University, 4th/I & 17th/I Bt of CK, AOD-Col, OD-K, RT-K, etc(x2)
All the townspeople in CryptoTown, who are in good standingIt pleases us (our clan of Paul Sr. and Paul Jr.) to announce that the construction of the Principal Palace of Soul (builders' nickname Marble and Glass Palace) in 7-SE is completed.
At the age of 276, it is the time to fulfil the dreams and visions of the youth, for who knows the end of his days. My brother, our loving father of three centuries, passed away without seeing his royal seat in its glory (missing it by barely 4 years to his sorrow).
BackgroundRpietila I bought Versailles borough from the Town for 9,000 mil in about 1560. In 1620s, it was allocated to be haws for the most prominent nobles. (Haw means that the land is void of Building tax.) The lots were large, and given for free. Only the following rules were laid out:
- In 5 years since the Building module opens, there must be a building with (floor area > lot area). This 5 years started this month, therefore will end in December 1642.
- Building must conform to a set of rules, which were then left open but can now be disclosed:
* Usage=Residence (King has allocated his own = Villa so that will probably work out as well, as long as something is designated Residence)
* Minimum 80% (0.80) lux, though 100% earns favor (there is no maximum, the average in Versailles is 300% but it's pricey and degenerates faster)
* Minimum 3 m height, though 4 m earns favor (higher is completely ok but typically the average is no more than 5 m since auxiliaries are less high)
* Most Elaborate finish (Very is ok
* The lots lining the street should have copper roof, in the circles up to the builder
* Maximum roofline 25 m (Versailles main body is only 18 m so it's not intended that subjects raise too much above the King)
The lot graciously allocated to Soul is a 1992 sqm
Princes' Circle 1 (7-SE-P1) facing south-west over the 42 m diameter gardened rotunda called Princes' Circle. It is about 100 meters from
Cour d'Honneur, the main square in front of Versailles and the largest square in town.
Planning phaseWhen designing, it is good to have an idea of the purpose of the building and approximate budget. It is possible to build very dense in a small lot, nothing is stopping you, but this might not be the most profitable option. Building sparse makes usually a better percentage payoff and building low lasts much longer than highrises.
Luckily the constraints are so strict in this project that it is possible to make a testimony instead of money. (Residence/Villa does not anyway produce money, rather produces CUL+IC at a favorable rate, for which reason their number is restricted to one each per char).
Soul has seen fantastic marble architecture in his travels to the orient, and knows the Rossiyan palace construction style as well. Unlike the King with his Versailles, which is outside just like any (huge) upscale residential block in Paris or stone palace just about anywhere, Soul seeks to have the building impressive from the outside as well as in. 2,000 sqm needs to be filled, and also some garden is sought.
Because of the need for certain interiors to be high, room height of 5 m is selected. The exterior is so demanding that Very Elaborate is the only possible option (and even that cannot guarantee a marble facade throughout, for the import of stone by cart is just so slow).
Number of floors is selected 4 to allow also enough gardenspace. It is allowed to make a shopfront but in this case it is not fitting for the style nor commercially viable. It is planned that King will make a shopfront in the North Wing and the palaces lining the Cour or Champs-Élysées might benefit from it (in densely pedestrianised areas, it does the double duty to raise the main usage higher from the noise, and bring in extra income).
The building is not 4 floors throughout, and has a sprawling appearance with wings and arcades. The control "footprint id" is for taking these into account. The control takes some time to understand, so what better than take the time now:
The floor area is calculated as (Lot area * footprint_id * #floors).
The maximum 0.65 means that the construction style we are using due to the quality of our stone, requires 35% of the area enclosed by the walls to be used for the wide exterior and interior stone walls. So if you have this selected, your building will fill the lot completely with not a square left out. This is viable if the lot is lined by streets in all 4 directions, but that is not too often. Suppose you have a 20x20 m lot and you leave even 2 m breathing space to each side - this causes the building to take only 16*16 m and its floor area to be 16^2*0.65 = 166 sqm ! Since the lot area was 400 sqm, this rounds to the nearest option of
0.4 footprint. If there are several floors, the upper floors might be smaller in floor area, might have terraces, might have double-height etc. All these take more away from the footprint ratio. When selecting footprint, try to design the building to the lot so that it actually fits in there! You will soon be required to do it, and woe to those whose lot is filled to the brim and windows staring hermetically at the walls of the neighbors!
ConstructionThe final parameters and their results are as follows:
Once you click "Save Building", if you have all the materials ready, it will not say a word but present you the new Lot view:
Final DiscussionThe footprint ended up 0.35, which provides for adequate sprawl and variety in the building. The southern tip of the lot, 550 sqm is defined to be Yard in addition, so that all south-facing windows (and there are many!) would not have anything to block the sun.
Floor area, 2016 sqm, is just above the mandated. Initially it was the intention to have a few more, but the ballooning amount of BLD caused this last minute adjustment plus the lux was revised to 225% (originally 250%). The cost itself was not the issue, it is the availability of BLD - Soul felt that it is unfair to spend them all.
Sloping roof was selected for the style mainly, anything except copper would have fitted this particular one. Sloping provides some reduction in the repair depreciation, which is good because the facade is Very Elaborate, and it is not possible to repair the structure without rebuilding the facade. So it makes sense to try to delay the renovation. 4 floors is already a higher depreciation than 3 (Versailles) would have been.
WIRL windows and a lot of them (0.5) give the building an airy appearance and the halls inside bathe in light.
116,184 BLD is in the top end of the scale, being almost 6,000 BLD/sqm.
The amount of M comes solely from lux (being only half of the lux, the other being a subitem in BLD)
The windows are automatically consumed as is everything else, but their price is not included in the calculations because of so many types. Soul selected the best type of which 1,008 units was possible to be acquired, WIRL.
The total cost including windows ended up in the 900,000 m/sqm range. Building is somewhat cheaper now than in the historical times when monumental buildings easily surpassed 1 mil/sqm.
The return in the form of CUL+IC is calculated to be 4.3%, which is not in the high end, but not at all bad for a building completely designed for its owner's pleasure.