This is actually a sign on why people should stay away from this site. You are asking people to apologize despite that you act arrogantly on the first hand and keep on saying your code has no flaw in it. In the end you acknowledge that it is a flaw and claimed you fixed them but actually you havent fix all of them and alot more problem arise (check dogedigital's post as well)
You claimed that you protect your investor but infact is that you are not and your investor suffer a lost because of this flaw. This site has been running for almost a year and you should check how much have the investor suffered lost because of this flaw and refund them. If you are not refunding your own investor, this means that you are scamming your own investor
P.S : With all this fuss , It wont be a sweet one year anniversary for your site
All investors can withdraw their investments anytime. Their total bankroll is less than 10%. The rest cover me and Kewl. And I am so sure in our code that, I won't withdraw a satoshi. What you think is not my problem.
This is my last warning about you posting this shit. Or I am gonna report you for spamming in our thread.