Anyway, I'll split that time in different periods as you say and see what's going on, but I suspect the graph is showing profits before fees.
No. Its not. Graph shows actual profit paid out to investors after fees. There is one issue with graph that I am aware of... bankroll size isn't 100% precise on graph as we don't store it in database every day, but we show sum of all active investments on that day including todays profits (active investments change all the time...). Graph is more for informative purposes.
Well, the difference is quite big from what I actually made and coincidentally it's very near the profits I would have had without fees. I run the same exercise but every month, which should be more accurate than just assuming bankroll was constant since July 25 2018, and I get that returns following your graph would have been 10.19% (bigger than if bankroll had been constant since that date, as I previously thought), while I made only 7.43%:
Date Bankroll Profit Capital if bankroll is Constant during the month My investment
07/25/18 1523.63 1133.86 1.0000 1.0000
08/01/18 1549.17 1134.93 1.0007
09/01/18 1526.08 1146.17 1.0080
10/01/18 1527.49 1148.98 1.0098
11/01/18 1515.00 1203.59 1.0459
12/01/18 1447.85 1212.71 1.0522
01/01/19 1486.70 1226.54 1.0623
02/01/19 1496.46 1241.40 1.0729
03/01/19 1476.07 1246.89 1.0768
04/01/19 1440.69 1263.00 1.0886
05/01/19 1385.25 1272.56 1.0958
06/01/19 1382.68 1284.69 1.1054
07/01/19 1285.11 1280.17 1.1018
07/02/19 1285.84 1280.30 1.1019 1.0743
The formula to calculate capital is ((profit at that point in time-previous profit)/previous casino bankroll+1)*previous capital.
For example, for 8/1/18: ((1134.93-1133.86)/1523.63+1)*1