cross post from boolberry speculation thread because it cointains CryptoNote technical questions relating to privacy from jl777 (SuperNET). He mentions BBR and XMR specifically and has privacy concerns regarding transaction volume.
Is my memory correct that MRL thought about this at some point and made suggestions for how and when to mixin inputs to combat some of his data analysis concerns? I am referring to age in addition to # of mixins.
IMHO his concern is not the privacy of cryptonote. its just that its traceable if you buy and sell a huge amount immediately.
the same concerns are true for a bitcoin sidechain which uses cryptonote.
imagine someone buys XMR for 100BTC
and uses to pay a BTC address immediately.
with BTC blockchain analyses it is possible to link those transactions.
people who already own xmr (or bbr) beforehand are not affected as their transactions are to far away to link them.
so: monero users not affected
EDIT: he said he wants to use coinshuffle to beat this. not sure how that would work as this has exact the same problems - except if he plans to shuffle all coins always which would force some more volume.