a liquidation is happening to a LLC (limited liability company)
LIMITED LIABILITY = means cryptopia owners personal assets are out of the issue and safe.
when cryptos in their hands are worth more than the company these owners/crooks can "trim the fat" and declare bankruptcy..a legal way to steal your money.
where will the liquidators will get the money? the bills that wasn't paid by the owners? as if it will magically appear out of nowhere...-->look might as well sell some of these cryptos and pay ourselves.
they accumulated those bills and debts to save their $$ because they will run it to the ground
ever wondered that these cryptopia defenders here that claimed that are unofficial/volunteers and never been in the cryptopia's site are here still defending? hehe
since everything is already planned..these pricktopians will tell us,->hey just stick to the liquidation/process, it is legal...but they already know the outcome.
just a caution, nicehash might pull off the same stuff....family involve just like cryptopia...putting family in critical spots--you know trust issues hehe
https://www.reddit.com/r/NiceHash/comments/8plitx/what_is_hbit_doo_this_appears_next_to_the_green/H-Bit is the investor brought on after the Nicehash hack. It is owned by Martin Škorjanc, the father of Matjaž Škorjanc who is the CTO of Nicehash.