Birds of a feather. Scammer feathers. Burn together.
Don't believe you lost 'a fucking shitload' money. Don't believe you never made $ from your connections and positions.
You have NO credibility.
When withdraws?
1 after police leave building
2 after we 'secure' your coin
3 after we 'download' all blockchains
4 after liquidators 'investigate' for years to come
https://support.cryptopia.co.nz/csm?id=kb_article&sys_id=20d84d54db69778084ed147a3a9619bcWhat hack?
1. active police investigation, so no show u TX
Who are the Cryptopia Mods that handle PR aka CommOfficers?
1. Free Volunteers
Why are you still running cover for yet another crytopia related scam.
Huh ?
I publish their details from company office records so people know who runs the business and correct incorrect information and suddenly I am part of the operation ?
I think I have traded once or twice on Tradesatoshi a few years back and have spoken to their chat moderator once.
I've made no secret of the fact that I was a volunteer chat moderator on Cryptopias trollbox and discord. I got that role for busting a bunch of scammers and writing articles warning people about phishing attacks. The main purpose was so I had easier access to their Admin staff and could warn them about different potential issues.
The reality is that I have never been paid by them for work and probably lost more $ to the fact that they have gone into liquidation than almost anyone on this forum.
Want to harass me for losing $ ? GFY
Same here for me as xtraelv has written !
We was working volunteer as Chat , Trollbox and Discord Moderators there and nobody got paid for doing that the whole years .
And also the whole write here in this Thread was done volunteer and we have done that in our free Time to post as much Information we got and keep all Users here updated.
I also lost a fucking shitload on " $ " there and i dont know what will be coming for the Liquidation .
We have to wait what the Liquidators Report on the 4th June will be bring and how they handel the whole thing .
Lets hope for all Users the Best .