1) Steal 10% of funds from yourself.
2) Declare the bankruptcy.
3) Steal the rest 90% of user coins.
4) Profit!
And if Cryptopia owners will not go to jail for that - this plan is totally legal...
Some part of earned profit may be spent for creating a new exchange and repeating this scheme...
1) = 14% of funds not 10%
This is the reason why crypto is having a bad name in the majority of new comers in the crypto world. Someone has to spend a jail time from cryptopia founders for this mess to set an example that scam exchange has no place on the crypto industry.
They lost a max of 9.4% which means they lost about 5% of the coins. They are now trying to legally keep the other 95% of the coins, which probably total 300 million usd.
The new zealand laws should protect the customer because it is clear those coins are held in trust and not the property of crypotpia to be disposed of for cents on the dollar.
This is a stain on new zealand to not have laws that are clearly defined that protect customers assets held by an exchange.
This means if you do business in new zealand don't expect any protection from the laws because they are a third world sewer that doesn't care about customers legal rights to their own property.
It would take a week to secure all the coins and allow customers to withdraw them from the site. The customers should have exactly one month to withdraw their coins and any left over after the month is over can be sold off and dispersed to other parties involved.
Most coins on the site are not stolen and are not apart of a 51% attack, they are small caps coins that have actual legitimate value and should be treated as being very valuable.
We demand those coins be returned immediately to the customers.