The main problem is that dash didn't adequately prepare for a decentralized launch. many months to years to slowly allow people to accumulate coins to assure the distribution was as fairly distributed as possible--add to that an emissions cut and dash (intentionally or not) made the worst case for a large distribution pool.
Not to detract from the countless answers you've already received on that point, prove it. C'mon, evidence, not conjecture. Prove to me that any individual has a sizeable percentage of all the Dash in existence and the point is yours, fail to prove it and that point I made on certain acts between yourself and icebreaker are just as accurate as any allegation you can make.
Cold, hard fact: No coin has a fair launch. Unless every individual on the planet is given an equal share it'll be unfair. From another direction, practically every coin is worthless at launch so everyone has an equal share, nothing. They gain value for many reasons including one you're intimately familiar with, FUD, but when it comes to another you seem to have a blind spot that causes you quite a lot of butthurt where Dash is concerned, merit.
Dashers FUD = Facts Uncovering Deception.
Unreasonable and misleading comparisons again trying to justify the scam.
What about animals? what about trees? What about aliens? What about creatures from other dimensions??? they all may want crypto currency?? - that's about how unreasonable your argument is? by your reasoning nothing can be distributed fairly ever by human means?? Dashers arguments grow more crazy by the day. They throw around these crazy questions and statements trying to divert from the facts that evans deliberately held out other miners from this board from mining. The adjusted minting so they had less chance of mining later too.
1. is it reasonable to delay coin launch until every person on earth has a mining rig and is available at launch? = no because most are not interested in crypto currency, how will you reach everyone to tell them, etc etc etc..
2 is it reasonable to advertise the launch of a crypto currency on a crypto currency related board and give everyone a fair chance to mine with a reasonable diff scaling and block reward ?= YES most launches do this and at the time xcoin/dark was released 99% of launches were following a fair launch protocol.
DARKCOIN/dashcoin deliberately went against all rules of the fair launch protocol which were in place to ensure fair chance at mining. = deliberate scam.
We've been through it all before. Dash is a scam, darkcoin is a scam, xcoins is a scam. People defending, promoting , enabling scams who know it is a scam = scammers.
If you are reading this and have been dashed.... I advise contacting your local authorities. There is ample evidence on this board to bring these people to justice.