I would recommend anyone who wants a RX470 to get it from Philipma. My friend purchased a bunch from him. He is very trusty worthy and I told my friend no escrow is needed, if it falls thru, I will EAT it. That's how good Phil's rep is on the board. The RX470 came and in great conditions. My friend is very happy. He would be more than happy to buy the rest from Philip if the Raffle deal fell thru. Less work and less hassle. If you need RX470, get it from Philip. Good Luck Phil!!
@Marvell - You're more experienced and are the "Exception" rather than the "Norm". Please don't steer Rookies toward a failure path. People who have made their money by starting earlier will have it easier than people who are starting now. If your power is 15 cents / kw, your margin for error is next to nothing. THEY WILL FAIL. SORRY! I am using generalized examples not for the 1% who are exceptional at squeezing out every single MH out of the ROM like you, etc. Simple ROI calculator would tell people, that at 15 cents / kw, you're asking for trouble especially since no one will EVER get the full ROI calculated income as it drops each day due to increase Diff and you pay Fees after fees. It's probably safe to assume with downtime and fees, you should be conservatively going 80% off that calculator. So the rules stands. The higher your rate is above 8 cents / kw, the lower your odds are for success. It doesn't mean you can't be successful, it just means you're betting against the odds.
Thanks I did a listing and sold 4 msi rx 470's
I am talking with a forum member about 4 more to sell.
My goal is to cut back to
3 biostar z170 rigs 2 msi rx 480's 8gb models
1 biostar z170 rig 2 msi 470's 8gb models
1 panda miner rig 8 480 8gb model
that would be 16 active gpus.
I would leave
2 biostar z170 empty and waiting for new model gpus
1 Aorus z270 empty and waiting for new model gpus
1 Gigabyte z270 empty and waiting for new model gpus
Lastly I would leave 2 biostar z170's sitting in boxes not used at all.
I would slowly expand back up to 30 gpus maybe 40. by the fall
All the mobo ram psus are paid off.
selling the rest of the rx 470's will have me pretty set to get now better quality gpus.
I am playing this different looking long term 2 or three years ahead.
better quality gpus? If you are waiting on vega the cost per hash will dissapoint you
those cards will be price at the same point as the 1070s and 1080s
use double the power of the 470.
the best card for muning right now is an asus 8gb 480 the strx line, ref 480 8gb
or the high end xfx 8gb 480.
I suspect this will hold true till fall, the only thing i could see you
gaining is a lower price on the rx current cards when VEGA
yes pretty much how I plan to shop. my power costs are different then most. say 9.5 cents for 7 months and say 19 cents for 5 months . I am approaching the high cost time.
So using less rigs from May to OCT is part of the plan.
this the gpu you like?
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/xfx-custom-backplate-xxx-oc-radeon-rx-480-8gb-ddr5-pci-express-3-0-graphics-card/5446220.p?skuId=5446220no i have one rig composed of those cards they are ok but they consume more power and are more flakey than the original Ref cards XFX made one of them burned out some risers
none of the orignal 4GB or 8GB ref cards ever did that. Also they dont seem to want to undervolt less than -87mv while all my orignal ref cards can do -100mv with ease at any speed.
if you look at the SKU these one are different from the first launched ref cards XFX made.
They also require different memory straps than the orginal REF cards , I could probbaly fine tune them to be as good but I stocked up on powercolor cards lately, nearly the same hash and cheaper.
they can do 29.5 eth and 380 DCR with the low power rom for 150 watts but they are somewhat unstable, bascially seems to crash once a week. Solo Eth they can do the same for 120 watts
in contrast the original REFs do the same speed at 133 watts dual and 100 watts solo due to the higher undervolt and are rock solid, of all the 4 six card rigs of 480 ref i bough ( a mix and match of 4GB and 8GB all flashed with the same roms) not one has gone
bad and I bought them a week after release, in contrast i have RMAED like 20 or so MSI , powercolor and Saphire 480 nitros, 470 ref nitros and red devils.
Nah my favorite cards are :
MSI 4GB 480, if its the same as the orginal sku , you can flash it with 8GB ref roms same performace.
https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814137082and the aboslute beast card is
https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150773its bigger than the other XFX cards, i have seen it undervolt to as low as -150 mv and keep on ticking , in GPU-Z it was showing only 70 watts steady lowest i have ever seen on a 480. I only have a few of these since they are expensive
if the price drops i will load up on them.
I hear good things about these cards too
https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA2F84WG9944the visiontek 470 ref cards are great too , although you have to up the power limit by 15 to hit 29.8 mhs eth and 350 dcr, i only have a few of them but they rose in price recently and they also comsume almost 30 more watts
personally stay away from elphida memory cards , they are fast but memory hungry due to leakage i think.
Going forward though i will stick to ASUS and MSI and VisionTek since they have the longer waranties , easier to resell so I am in the proccess of testing the best 480s of those brands
the MSI 480 4GB is too expensive , i think the price it like the 8GB since they know you can flash it to 8GB (4GB is disabled by bios)
next card i plan to test is this one :