@Marvell - You're more experienced and are the "Exception" rather than the "Norm". Please don't steer Rookies toward a failure path. People who have made their money by starting earlier will have it easier than people who are starting now. If your power is 15 cents / kw, your margin for error is next to nothing. THEY WILL FAIL. SORRY! I am using generalized examples not for the 1% who are exceptional at squeezing out every single MH out of the ROM like you, etc. Simple ROI calculator would tell people, that at 15 cents / kw, you're asking for trouble especially since no one will EVER get the full ROI calculated income as it drops each day due to increase Diff and you pay Fees after fees. It's probably safe to assume with downtime and fees, you should be conservatively going 80% off that calculator. So the rules stands. The higher your rate is above 8 cents / kw, the lower your odds are for success. It doesn't mean you can't be successful, it just means you're betting against the odds.
I teach English here in France and I honestly hate it. I like being in class with students but I hate the lesson prep and all the other BS that goes with it. My wife and I have been talking about getting jobs that can be done freelance and online. I'm studying database design administration and she is studying web development. We've been discussing moving to Romania ad living well on part-time salaries. If I can do a large scale mining operation, I may even have a better place. Moldova is stable, non-Eu, electricity is around 0.08 cents euro per kWh. What beats that is you can get a 7 acre walled property with a house and stables just outside the capital for 12k euros! I'm sure it needs some work but it even has a damn pond!
I'm seriously thinking about doing a large scale mining operation there. I don't speak much Romanian but they speak a lot of English in Eastern Europe. Putting in large scale electrical infrastructure should be dirt cheap too and they have gigabyte internet throughout the country.