If BCX does have the "coin-killer" exploit he claims, and assuming his goal is to protect the users (the point of the clean out the shitcoins thread he is involved with), then he would not reveal this to the developers because they would then have an advantage over the users of Monero (and other CN coins such as BBR) in dumping the coin first. Thus I believe he has decided the fairest option at his disposal is to warn everyone of what will eventually come (someone will find and exploit it because of the anger that feels Monero hijacked the intent of Cryptonote to be a standard amongst many competing coins{*}) and let the users make their own decisions.
The clearest indication or hint of BCX's intent is in the following quote:
* After conversing with rpietilla I do not think he hired any trolls or is a scammer per say. I do think he has gotten himself into something he didn't expect and is simply trying to build a coin.
Clearly BCX is seeing an unfortunate confluence that has trapped many innocent parties. And he is trying to be as fair as he can in terms of how this will all unwind.
I am trying to figure out the exploit, if I can quickly. I don't have much time to devote to this, so I may have to abandon my attempt.
I don't want to cause a stampede run on the price of CN coins. I don't have any knowledge that the exploit exists, other than BCX's allegation. I know what I would do if I owned any CN coins at this time, which would be to make sure my exposed risk was a small % of my net worth at least until more clarity is obtained. BCX has a strong reputation and seems to have upstanding motives. He wants to see real innovation in crypto-currency. He has no strong aversion against CN, but apparently thinks it is sufficiently flawed thus isn't investing.
Given the scams alleged against the original Bytecoin developers, perhaps they were aware of the exploit all along and was planted as a Trojan horse. Of course that is wild speculation on the order of tooth fairies except we have BCX's reputation at stake on this allegation.
Yep. Reverse trolling is the strategy now.
Yah the correct strategy is
* Go to every redditt thread that talks about anonymity and crap about Monero. Because you know Monero invented CryptoNote and is fair.
* Piss people off by calling them premine scam repeatdly when the whole world knew about the premine scam.
* Argue with everyone in their threads that Monero is superior.
* Impose BTC support on everyone and their brother for Monero.
* Start calling CryptoNote whitepaper as Monero whitepaper.
* Have a team of core faggots faggoting about Monero everywhere they could think of.
* Call the most competitive CN altcoin a scam and call its developer a botnet operator. Create a special thread to make sure that the one legit CN competition gets swished away with the other coin mill coins. If all else fails make sure that you invoke mining controversy because you know Monero doesnt have any mining blemishes.
* Don't even mention BBR anywhere because you know people might start looking at it as the superior technical implementation of CryptoNote probably from one of the original CN good guys who didn't want any part of anything controversial.
* Have a bunch of sock puppets trolling Poloniex 24x7 pimping monero.
* Make sure an angel investor is baptizing everyone into Monero as soon as he meets them and more importantly share it with everyone here to make sure they know of the schedule and meetings.
* Spam a lot of threads on Altcoin section because you know it is important to convert everyone into Monero.
If all else fails, play victim of FUD.
Bunch of Legendary fags. This is why I got out of Monero. Yah I am ok to miss the Millionaire boat. You fags can go fuck each other all day long.