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Price Report: Bitcoin is Dominating Argentina
At first glance, this appears to be a meaningless rise. Just a few dollars, nothing to scream and shout about, but considering the circumstances surrounding the halving that has now officially taken place, the results are something to celebrate.
The price of bitcoin fell about 5 percent at midday on Saturday, slumping to the $620 range. This drop was only temporary, though, as just a few hours later the price rose by an additional $20, causing everyone to breathe a deep sigh of relief.
Following the first Bitcoin halving about four years ago in 2012, the price of a single coin dramatically increased. We’re likely to witness a similar spike in the coming weeks, granted these results repeat themselves.
“The impact of the halving isn’t based on size, it’s based on marginal profitability,” explains Erik Voorhees of
But some aren’t looking at the halving as an influence at all, believing action in countries like Argentina could lead the digital currency towards a particularly impressive jump. This is where a few unusual situations come in.
Bitcoin Saves the Day in Argentina
In Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina, growing “dial-a-ride” service Uber is facing opposition for allegedly operating without permits or tax-identification numbers. Lawsuits from taxi companies are popping up regularly, and credit card companies have blocked Uber payments. Even city officials are taking a stance.
So what’s Uber done? Wanting to stay in business, the ride-sharing service has turned to bitcoin company Xapo, where it has found security in a bitcoin-funded debit card that customers can use to purchase rides. The card is not used locally; rather, transactions occur out of Gibraltar, an area that doesn’t oversee or block Uber payments. Xapo head Anni Rautio says the process of obtaining a card is easy, and the company has already witnessed several customer requests:
“All they have to do is set up their Xapo and receive it at home, and it’s ready to use… This is a very specific situation with a very specific problem and a very specific solution… Since last week, all Uber users in Argentina have been able to use their Xapo bitcoin debit cards to pay for their Uber rides… This is a win for all local Uber users and drivers, and for Uber as a company, as they are able to continue operations in Argentina through Xapo’s debit card.” ich das nicht über den Yen, steht bei ca. 100 zu USD, wäre ein guter Zeitpunkt zu switschen, wer weiß was Kuranda noch so vor hat ins Sachen Währung und Abwertung, HeliGeld gerüchte laufen ja schon, Treffen mit Bernanke war auch geplant für Absprachen, vllt doch eine große Devisenmarktintervention
theoretisch müssen sie das viele unnütze Geld aus dem Finanzmarkt bekommen. Sonst droht Überhitzung und der Zusammenbruch
Pound vs Yen: The Battle Over Bitcoin Rages On
But while the forecast may look grim, the fact is that there are plenty of opportunities for bitcoin to rise back up. The British pound is continuing to fall into a deep, dark oblivion since the Brexit vote. The currency fell to a 31-year low as investment funds were halted and global bond yields were swallowed by a gaping, black hole.Foreign-exchange strategist Peter Dragicevich states:
“There is little to stop the pound’s slide in the near term… History shows that broad-based downward adjustments in the currency are pronounced and drawn out.”
In other words, we can expect the pound to continually slip for quite some time.
Indeed, this may be a less-than-stellar future for “fiat fans,” but for bitcoin and digital currency advocates, the game is just getting started. Following its exit from the EU, Britain was home to what can be labeled a “bull rush” of bitcoin trading as the pound began its unholy descent from glory.
Jesse Powell of Kraken commented that he witnessed bitcoin-to-euro trading reach its highest point within 24 hours of the Brexit vote, and further falls like this could potentially stimulate greater periods of trading and trust in bitcoin as a stable alternative to Britain’s native currency (the euro also allegedly fell about 0.2 percent).
Furthermore, Japan’s yen is experiencing a gradual rise in value, growing by about 0.6 percent. At the moment, bitcoin and other digital currencies are experiencing newfound love in Japan and other parts of Asia. Given the hike in the yen’s value, it’s quite likely that traders and
investors will feel stable enough to add to their financial portfolios with a couple of bitcoin purchases along the lines, and this could allegedly inspire another spike in bitcoin’s price.
This is a scenario where the monetary worlds of both east and west are unable to meet in the middle. One is plummeting, while the other seems to be thriving. Considering the circumstances, the situation could purportedly work for bitcoin, and a push towards the top is somewhat likely to occur in the coming weeks.
One source seems to agree, stating:
“Despite a quantitative easing program of historic proportions, the (central) Bank of Japan just cannot keep the yen down. The US dollar bucks and rears for a rally. If these trends continue, it will be the perfect set of circumstances for the bitcoin price to surge, and the block reward halving is the event that will catalyze market participants into buying.” schöne blumige Welt der Statistiken
Erklärungsnot im Kanzleramt
In Deutschland gab es im Juni 664.872 offene Stellen. Dem standen in der ersten Jahreshälfte durchschnittlich 2.780.000 gemeldete Arbeitslose gegenüber. - Im vergangenen Jahr kamen zwischen einer und zwei Millionen Zuwanderer hinzu.
Von Axel Retz
Nicht nur Lesen, auch Rechnen gefährdet die Dummheit: Die Risiken lauern heute an allen Ecken und Enden, sozusagen. scheint wahr zu werden, das Bail-In kommt
Deutsche Bank funkt SOS
10.07.2016Der Chefökonom der Deutschen Bank fordert ein milliardenschweres Rettungsprogramm für europäische Banken. Die Institute sollten nach US-Vorbild mit frischem Kapital ausgestattet werden, sagte David Folkerts-Landau der "Welt am Sonntag".
Damals war der Staat mit 475 Milliarden Dollar eingesprungen. "In Europa muss das Programm nicht so groß sein. Mit 150 Milliarden Euro lassen sich die europäischen Banken rekapitalisieren", so Folkerts-Landau.
Insbesondere Italien und der Zustand der dortigen Banken bereiten dem Experten große Sorgen. Der öffentlich kolportierte Kapitalbedarf von 40 Milliarden Euro dürfte noch konservativ kalkuliert sein, so Folkerts-Landau.
Die Bankenrettung hält er für derart dringlich, dass er dafür auch einen möglichen Bruch mit den Regeln der neuen Banken-Richtlinie in Kauf nimmt.
Diese verbietet staatliche Hilfen, wenn zuvor nicht auch private Gläubiger und Aktionäre ihren Teil zur Rettung geleistet haben. Ein solches Bail-In sei politisch nicht durchsetzbar, da dies in Italien viele private Sparer treffen würde und womöglich sogar auch anderswo einen Ansturm der Gläubiger und Kunden auf die Banken auslösen könnte.
"Sich streng an die Regeln zu halten würde größeren Schaden anrichten, als sie auszusetzen", sagte Folkerts-Landau. Der Kursrückgang bei Bankaktien sei nur das Symptom eines viel größeren Problems, nämlich einer fatalen Kombination aus schwachem Wachstum, hohen Staatsschulden und einer Nähe zur gefährlichen Deflation.
"Europa ist schwerkrank und muss die bestehenden Probleme extrem schnell angehen, sonst droht ein Unfall", so der Chefökonom. The Epic Collapse Of The World's Most Systemically Dangerous Bank
If the deaths of Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns were quick and painless, the coming demise of Deutsche Bank has been long, drawn out, and painful.
In recent times, Deutsche Bank’s investment banking division has been among the largest in the world, comparable in size to Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Citigroup. However, unlike those other names, Deutsche Bank has been walking wounded since the Financial Crisis, and the German bank has never been able to fully recover.
It’s ironic, because in 2009, the company’s CEO Josef Ackermann boldly proclaimed that Deutsche Bank had plenty of capital, and that it was weathering the crisis better than its competitors.
It turned out, however, that the bank was actually hiding $12 billion in losses to avoid a government bailout. Meanwhile, much of the money the bank did make during this turbulent time in the markets stemmed from the manipulation of Libor rates. Those “wins” were short-lived, since the eventual fine to end the Libor probe would be a record-setting $2.5 billion.
The bank finally had to admit that it actually needed more capital.
In 2013, it raised €3 billion with a rights issue, claiming that no additional funds would be needed. Then in 2014 the bank head-scratchingly proceeded to raise €1.5 billion, and after that, another €8 billion.
In recent years, Deutsche Bank has desperately been trying to reinvent itself.
Having gone through multiple CEOs since the Financial Crisis, the latest attempt at reinvention involves a massive overhaul of operations and staff announced by co-CEO John Cryan in October 2015. The bank is now in the process of cutting 9,000 employees and ceasing operations in 10 countries. This is where our timeline of Deutsche Bank’s most recent woes begins – and the last six months, in particular, have been fast and furious.
Deutsche Bank started the year by announcing a record-setting loss in 2015 of €6.8 billion.
Cryan went on an immediate PR binge, proclaiming that the bank was “rock solid”. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble even went out of his way to say he had “no concerns” about Deutsche Bank.
Translation: things are in full-on crisis mode.
In the following weeks, here’s what happened:
May 16, 2016: Berenberg Bank warns that DB’s woes may be “insurmountable”, noting that DB is more than 40x levered.
June 2, 2016: Two ex-DB employees are charged in ongoing U.S. Libor probe for rigging interest rates. Meanwhile, the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority says there are at least 29 DB employees involved in the scandal.
June 23, 2016: Brexit decision hits DB hard. The bank is the largest European bank in London and receives 19% of its revenues from the UK.
June 29, 2016: IMF issues statement that “DB appears to be the most important net contributor to systematic risks”.
June 30, 2016: Federal Reserve announces that DB fails Fed stress test in US, due to “poor risk management and financial planning”. passt auch, unter dem Deckmantel "Terror" oder Ausschreitungen? Schäuble lehnt Bail-Out für Italienische Banken ab
Bundeswehr bereitet sich auf Einsätze im Inneren vor
Die Bundeswehr bereitet sich gegenwärtig auf Übungen mit der Polizei für einen Einsatz im Innern vor. Entsprechende Planungen sollen bereits nach Veröffentlichung des neuen Weißbuches zur Sicherheitspolitik in der kommenden Woche beginnen, wie das Verteidigungsministerium auf Anfrage des "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" (Samstagsausgabe) bestätigte.
Damit setzen die Streitkräfte eine Einigung in der großen Koalition um, die den Weg frei machen soll, die Bundeswehr auch im Falle eines schweren Terroranschlages als Amtshilfe für die Polizei des Bundes und der Länder einzusetzen. Deppen werden noch mehr wenn es Deutschland schlimmer wird, zum Beispiel Deutsche Bank
Krawalle bei Demo von Linksautonomen in Berlin-Friedrichshain (Quelle: dpa/Maurizio Gambarini)
Anwohner der Rigaer Straße protestieren mit Bengalischen Feuern am 09.07.2016 in Berlin. (Quelle: dpa/Maurizio Gambarini)
Demonstranten ziehen am 09.07.2016 durch Berlin-Friedrichshain (Quelle: rbb/Melanie Manthey)
Die Polizei während der Krawalle in der Nacht zu Sonntag in Berlin-Friedrichshain (Quelle: imago/ZUMA Press)
Polizeiwagen stehen am 09.07.2016 entlang der Frankfurter Allee in Berlin-Friedrichshain (Quelle: rbb/Melanie Manthey)
Hunderte Menschen mit Transparenten versammeln sich am 09.07.2016 in Berlin-Friedrichshain (Quelle: rbb/Melanie Manthey)
Protestkundgebung gegn die Polizeieinsätze in der Rigaer Straße (Quelle: rbb/Robert Schneider)
Mindestens 1.500 Demonstranten
Der deutschlandweit veröffentlichte Solidaritätsaufruf hatte offenbar gewirkt. Laut Polizeiangaben beteiligten sich rund 1.500 Demonstranten an der Kundgebung, die Veranstalter selbst sprachen von bis zu 3.000 Teilnehmern. Ursprünglich war die Demo nur mit 200 erwarteten Teilnehmern angemeldet worden. Die Polizei hatte nach eigenen Angaben rund 1.800 Beamte im Einsatz. Unterstützung erhielt die Berliner Polizei aus Brandenburg, Niedersachsen, Sachsen, Thüringen, Sachsen-Anhalt und von der Bundespolizei.