Hi DigiByte,
Perhaps I can help you there. I have already forked insight for Bitmark and you can simply copy and adapt the commits.
You will need to fork three repos: bitcore, insight, and insight-api from bitpay
You can find the same respective repos under our github, just check the commits for each and follow the same changes for your own currency.
We also posted two informative issues which may help
1. Informative: Running insight as a service with forever
2. Informative: Ubuntu 14.04 installation
This of course is to help and perhaps save you some time, not to say you can't do it.
Warm Regards,
Tried it already for another coin, and got stuck at GenesisBlock definition. Don't know where to get those information from. I saw some similar "variables" in the source of that specific coin, but they are specified as uint256 and not as hex.
And I am not a coder myself ;-/