Great conversation underway.
You guys are funny...did you check your nethash?
Try getting like a 100GH then worry about they can even be bothered to mine Digibyte...
Prioritize your resources and focus on getting more acceptance for DGB instead.
low hash is more of a reason to worry, not less. Imagine if supporters of other coins purchased a number of scrypt asics & went around attacking other coins with 51% attack with the purpose of killing them off. The threat is there if KnC gets anywhere near their estimated performance. My view might be seen as a bit tin foil hat material, but given the number of hacks/scams out there I think there are surely a few people who have the will & skill required to exploit such technology in order to kill off competition to the coins they personally hold.
Perhaps if they have nothing better to do with their hashrate...
My point is that DGB is realistically a very low value target...from Coinmarketcap.
66 DigiByte $ 208,648 $ 0.00025 831,609,970 DGB $ 3,307