Message to all p2pool Operators:To all those operating a DigiByte p2pool,
The p2pool network has gotten very fragmented with FOUR different types of P2Pools, i.e. P2Pools using dgb v1.0, dgb v2.0 with old sub_func, dgb 2.0 w/o updated, dgb 2.0 w/o dedicated SUB Func,... and what not.
It's time to fix this gunk up and get back in good shape!
Here's what we need to do...
ALL the following Updating can be done on the fly! Dont worry!I urge all p2pool operators to: 1. Update to DigiByte v2.0 and Compile the new 'DigiByted' with the latest conf file. (Do this, If you haven't done it!)
2. You should delete your downloaded chain and restart syncing from block 0 (Do this, if you haven't)
3. Start using a dedicated SUBSIDY FUNCTION for digibyte! (A Must!)
4. CHANGE TO NEW P2POOL Fork! (I have the new Values. I will give them to you once i see that your p2pool node is a healthy one!)
Proof: Check the '
last blocks' tab in your p2pool and then compare it to mine: 3 of my p2pools (pool2sg, pool2me, pool2eu) are on the healthy p2pool network
You'll find info on how to do all of the above steps here: get the p2pool network back in good shape!Let me know, And I'll give you the values for the new p2pool network