Good things happening . Can anyone help me test my p2pool ? I've gonne trough the setup as per HollowStorm guide (thanks by the way ! great work ) so far I can see the front page and it seems to be running , but can't connect my miner on it , even fowarded the port to see if it would work .
temp address :
I would like to know if the issue is with my miner config or the p2pool .
Thanks !
Are you getting HW errors?
Sending 1 of my miners there in a jiffy
No error , just stays red as in not working ...No shares or anything
Wait !!! is DNzGiaAFLaUryhvAS3yDoAeBFGn8PC5UQo that you ?
Yep, thats me! Meet my 7870
You're pools working fine man! Congrats!
Ask the Digibyte Devs to list it on and post your Node info once the p2pool is ready in the reddit tutorial so that i may add it to the list.
Also, Be ready for my HOW TO: on updating the Digibyte Code and p2pool files. Will be doing that before the BIG Digibyte Update!