Another red flag about Xtra pool is even though it was the first, it was the only pool that did not claim the initial 500,000 DGB reward for setting up a pool. Which we would not pay at this point.
I did some log checking and found that the last login for the accounts that have been compromised was, most probably according to the date/time stamps of the first transactions and all the logs from my servers, from the following ip: ( This ip is from the same datacender where Xtrapool's server was. Coincidence???
Also appeared in our logs, maybe best to block all access from
This has nothing to do with the coin difficullity, this is VARDIFF
What exactly is VARDIFF?
Many users have inquired about what VARDIFF means. VARDIFF stands for Variable Difficulty. Simply put the pool monitors the power of your mining rig and adjusts the difficulty of work sent to it to optimize the work done. This reduces the times your client needs to get new work from the server reducing load and reducing the time it takes to get more work. This is also good for the pool as it reduces the amount of requests being done to the pool.
My difficulty jumps around, is this normal?
Yes, it is completely normal. The mining server monitors the work you are sending to the pool and if it feels you are sending work too fast or too slow it will "Retarget" your difficulty to best server your client at that time. This process is continual.
My share count has gone way up or down! Will I get paid less/more?
No! Every single share submitted is recorded on our system with the difficulty of that share. That share is then weighted for the difficulty done. When a block is found and the system pays out for that block, your shares are paid based on the difficulty of each one.
Hope that explains it well